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White Coat Summit II Held Over the Weekend in Washington D.C.

White Coat Summit II Held Over the Weekend in Washington D.C.

From their website... We exist to counter the massive disinformation campaign regarding the pandemic. We are diverse, exceedingly well-credentialed physicians with extensive front line experience treating COVID-19 and the risky health effects due to the lockdowns. There are many early treatment options! Most people do just fine! There is no reason to live in fear! If you would like to know the facts from doctors who ...
Twitter Removes Tweet from Top Trump Coronavirus Adviser Saying Masks Don’t Work

Twitter Removes Tweet from Top Trump Coronavirus Adviser Saying Masks Don’t Work

Twitter removed a tweet on Sunday from one of President Donald Trump’s top coronavirus advisers, which said that masks do not prevent coronavirus spread. The tweet was replaced with a notice which said, “This tweet is no longer available,” adding a link to Twitter’s rules and policies explaining why certain posts are removed. The now-deleted tweet, posted by Dr. Scott Atlas on Saturday, according to NBC News, read, “Masks work? NO: ...
Bags Full Of Stolen Ballots Found In Seattle Suburb

Bags Full Of Stolen Ballots Found In Seattle Suburb

Another example of “safe and secure vote-by-mail” is playing out in Sammamish, Washington, a few miles east of Seattle. Garbage bags full of stolen ballots have been discovered on opposite ends of the town. KOMO news reports: Sammamish Police are investigating potential mail theft after two garbage bags of mail, which included ballots, were found on the side of the road and several unopened ballots were ...
China Detains Reporter for ‘Making Trouble’ After Covering Hong Kong

China Detains Reporter for ‘Making Trouble’ After Covering Hong Kong

Chinese reporter Sophia Huang Xueqin was arrested in the city of Guangzhou on October 17 after returning from a summer of covering the Hong Kong protests and charged with “making trouble and picking quarrels,” the Chinese Communist Party’s all-purpose charge for incarcerating inconvenient people. A week after her arrest, Chinese officials remain vague about precisely what she did to warrant her arrest. Huang, 30, has reportedly ...
Lebanese Protest in the Streets: Thousands Demand 'Fall of the Regime' in Beirut

Lebanese Protest in the Streets: Thousands Demand ‘Fall of the Regime’ in Beirut

(Breitbart) In the largest protests Lebanon has experienced since the 2005 Cedar Revolution, hundreds of thousands of citizens flooded central Beirut as well as locations throughout the country demanding immediate government economic reform. The massive protest movement seems to cross sectarian divides, targeting parties across the political spectrum. Instead of party banners, protesters reportedly largely donned the country’s national flag instead. In a rare act of ...
Truther Jim Fetzer Fined over $500K in Libel Suit for Sandy Hook Claims

Truther Jim Fetzer Fined over $500K in Libel Suit for Sandy Hook Claims

By Kevin Barrett Stalinist show trials were conducted in front of rousing images. Jim Fetzer’s trial featured a tear-jerking backdrop image of Noah Pozner Tuesday was the final day of Jim Fetzer’ defense against Lenny Pozner’s libel lawsuit. I attended and wrote up a “just the facts” report that evening. At almost the same moment I published my report, the jury came back with a verdict awarding close ...
Drag Queen Flashes Crotch To Children During “Story Hour” Event

Drag Queen Flashes Crotch To Children During “Story Hour” Event

Over the course of the last few years, we’ve been hammered with the narrative that a “drag queen story hour” is a way to teach children tolerance and acceptance to young children about different ways of life. However, we’ve also seen what happens behind the scenes, and it’s not pretty. Drag queens have been on video putting on strip dances in front of children and cursing ...
Algeria shuts down 3 churches days after Christians hold sit-in protest

Algeria shuts down 3 churches days after Christians hold sit-in protest

Christians in north-central Algeria were kicked out of their churches Wednesday by police just days after many faithful protested the government’s crackdown on houses of worship. Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a U.K.-based nongovernmental organization that monitors persecution in 20 countries and has consultative status with the U.N., reports that three Algerian Christian churches have been shut down this month. Persecution of Christians is intensifying in Algeria, with ...
Mexico Reports 250% Spike in Africans Trying to Enter U.S. Through Border

Mexico Reports 250% Spike in Africans Trying to Enter U.S. Through Border

Mexico has seen an astounding 250% increase in Africans trying to enter the United States through the southern border, according to the latest figures released by the Mexican government’s immigration agency, known as Unidad de Política Migratoria. The stats include the first eight months of 2019 and reveal that, during the same period last year, 1,507 Africans were apprehended in the country compared to 5,286 this ...
The Military Commissions Act, HR-6166, Terminates the Fundamental Protections of Individual Liberty Under the Guise of Security from Terrorism

The Military Commissions Act, HR-6166, Terminates the Fundamental Protections of Individual Liberty Under the Guise of Security from Terrorism

The United States Military Commissions Act of 2006, also known as HR-6166, was an Act of Congress signed by President George W. Bush. The Act, in effect, terminated the fundamental protections of individual liberty, which are found in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. For all intents and purposes, the Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act eviscerated the 4th and 5th Amendments, and do serious injury to several ...
OPEC Enacted an Oil Embargo in Response to US Aid to Israel in the Yom Kippur War. Was it a Planned Crisis to Raise Oil Prices by Henry Kissinger?

OPEC Enacted an Oil Embargo in Response to US Aid to Israel in the Yom Kippur War. Was it a Planned Crisis to Raise Oil Prices by Henry Kissinger?

The fake US Oil Crisis?: The OPEC oil embargo was a response to American involvement in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Six days after Egypt and Syria launched a surprise military campaign against Israel to regain territories lost in the June 1967 Six-Day War, the US supplied Israel with arms. In response to this, OAPEC announced an oil embargo against Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the US. Kissinger, knowing at least 2 ...
Pedophile Roman Polanski Releases "Rosemary's Baby," an Occult Movie Involving Ritualistic Killings and MK Ultra

Pedophile Roman Polanski Releases “Rosemary’s Baby,” an Occult Movie Involving Ritualistic Killings and MK Ultra

The 1968 movie “Rosemary’s Baby” is one of Roman Polanski’s most chilling and acclaimed productions. The film describes the manipulation of a young woman by a high-society occult coven for ritualistic purposes. The movie’s unsettling quality does not rely on blood and gore but on its realistic premise, which forces the viewers to ponder on the likelihood of the existence of elite secret societies. Even more ...
The JP Morgan led Bank Panic of 1907: A Financial Coup to Trick the Government and People that a Central Bank was Necessary

The JP Morgan led Bank Panic of 1907: A Financial Coup to Trick the Government and People that a Central Bank was Necessary

The mother of all insider trades was pulled off in 1815, when London financier Nathan Rothschild led British investors to believe that the Duke of Wellington had lost to Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo. In a matter of hours, British government bond prices plummeted. Rothschild, who had advance information, then swiftly bought up the entire market in government bonds, acquiring a dominant holding in England’s ...
St. Thomas African Episcopal Church is Officially Accepted as the First Black Episcopal Parish in the United States by Former Slave, Absalom Jones

St. Thomas African Episcopal Church is Officially Accepted as the First Black Episcopal Parish in the United States by Former Slave, Absalom Jones

In 1762 at the tender age of sixteen, a slave named Absalom Jones witnessed his mother and six siblings sold away while he was brought by his owner to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from Sussex, Delaware. He was put to work in a shop as a clerk and handyman, but was allowed to work in the evenings and keep the earnings for himself. Understanding the value of an ...


Face Masks

Face Masks

Not a single randomized controlled trial with verified outcome has been able to detect a statistically significant advantage of wearing ...
Gates, Bill

Gates, Bill

Founder of Microsoft, which created Windows, and dominated the computer operating system market, making him the world's 2nd richest person, after Amazon's Jeff Bezos. He was reported ...


There is a Constitutional right to life in the United States. Amendment 5 of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights ...


A requirement for people to stay where they are, usually due to specific risks to themselves or to others if ...
Ideological Subversion

Ideological Subversion

USSR defector, Yuri Bezmenov, explained that it basically means "to change the perception of reality, of every American, to such ...


COVID is an acronym for both Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification and/or COronaVIrus Disease. Covid-19 (letter 1=A, 9=I or AI as ...
Milgram experiment

Milgram experiment

During the 1960s, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of obedience experiments that led to some surprising results. These results offer ...
Biden, Joe

Biden, Joe

A deep state NWO / China-puppet installed as the 46th POTUS after a fraudulently run 2020 election, and who represented ...
New Normal

New Normal

According to Wikipedia, it is "a state to which an economy, society, etc. settles following a crisis, when this differs ...
Culture of Fear

Culture of Fear

The concept that people and governments may incite fear in the general public to achieve political or globalist agendas through ...
Great Reset

Great Reset

A plan by the World Economic Forum, a globalist group of powerful Deep State elites that meets every year in ...
Covid Vaccine

Covid Vaccine

The COVID-19 fast-tracked jabs are not conventional vaccines. The FDA's Emergency Use Authorization was a crime—according to their own data, ...
Color Revolutions

Color Revolutions

The term used to describe a series of remarkably effective CIA-led regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND ...
2020 Election

2020 Election

Held November 3rd 2020, the 2020 Election was the most corrupt in American history. Incumbent President Donald Trump was re-elected ...
Polymerase Chain Reaction Test

Polymerase Chain Reaction Test

A method developed by Kary B. Mullis who won a Nobel Prize for its discovery. PCR was created to identify ...
Operation Lockstep

Operation Lockstep

An inital scenario of four narritives in a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report officially titled 'Scenarios for the Future of Technology ...
Social Distancing

Social Distancing

Part of the new normal where people are suggested, required, or demanded (depending on local & regional authorities) to not ...


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