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Pfizer Director Admits Vaccine was Never Tested on Preventing Transmission During EU Hearing Contrary to Previous Claims

Pfizer Director Admits Vaccine was Never Tested on Preventing Transmission During EU Hearing Contrary to Previous Claims

During a COVID-19 EU hearing, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised. Robert “Rob” Roos, a politician from the Netherlands who is also a member of the European Parliament, exposed the lie that people from all over the world had been led to believe. “If ...
Biden Attempted to Coerce Kingdom to Cut Oil Prices Until After Midterm Election; Assures Consequences after Defiance

Biden Attempted to Coerce Kingdom to Cut Oil Prices Until After Midterm Election; Assures Consequences after Defiance

On Tuesday Joe Biden threatened US ally Saudi Arabia during his CNN interview. Biden told Jake Tapper Saudi Arabia will face “consequences” for its oil production cuts announced this past week. BREAKING: Here is Joe Biden threatening Saudi Arabia if they do not ramp up oil production 1 month before Congressional elections where his party is expected to lose This is what Trump was impeached for in 2019 ...
PsyOp? Falconer Alleges Hard Evidence that Biden, Obama, Hillary Executed Seal Team 6

PsyOp? Falconer Alleges Hard Evidence that Biden, Obama, Hillary Executed Seal Team 6

A story, oddly, was allowed to go viral on Sunday promoting a Benghazi document drop in the coming week that "is the most explosive information that Americans and the world will ever hear..." according to Anna Khait. Alan Parrot, a devout Sikh for decades who grew up in Maine and became a Falconer in Iran for the Shah. He also worked for the royal families of ...
Bill Gates Says World Won’t Return to Normal Until “A Lot of People” Take a Second COVID Vaccine

Bill Gates Says World Won’t Return to Normal Until “A Lot of People” Take a Second COVID Vaccine

Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates says the world won’t return to normal until “a lot of people” take a second “super-effective” coronavirus vaccine that could be years away. Gates told NBC that the situation will not be reversed until we reach ‘Zero COVID’ – totally eliminating the virus worldwide, a goal that represents a higher bar than for any other disease in history. “The only way we’ll ...
ABC Plays Gun Range 'Night Shoot' Video and Claims it is Combat Footage from Syria

ABC Plays Gun Range ‘Night Shoot’ Video and Claims it is Combat Footage from Syria

ABC News played video the weekend of October 11th of Turkey bombing the Kurds in Syria. Wow! ABC News is trying to pass gun range videos as combat footage from Syria pic.twitter.com/zfTWtwwSfZ — Wojciech Pawelczyk ???? (@PolishPatriotTM) October 14, 2019 But the video is not from Syria. The video is from a Knob Creek Machine Gun shoot in America back in April 2016 and loaded in ...
Vanity Fair: Ex-NBC Producer Tells How Mossad Allegedly Tapped His Phones to Cover For Weinstein

Vanity Fair: Ex-NBC Producer Tells How Mossad Allegedly Tapped His Phones to Cover For Weinstein

One year ago, I resigned from NBC News because they ordered me to stop reporting on Harvey Weinstein, and I did not believe that they had been truthful with me or Ronan Farrow, the correspondent with whom I worked for almost a year on what would become one of the defining stories of our time. I felt a responsibility to speak up, and I thought that ...
AG Bill Barr Flames ‘Unremitting Assault’ On Religion, Traditional Values During Notre Dame Visit

AG Bill Barr Flames ‘Unremitting Assault’ On Religion, Traditional Values During Notre Dame Visit

U.S. Attorney General William Barr spoke at Notre Dame Law School on Friday evening, calling for a defense of Judeo-Christian values and religious freedom in response to growing secularism in America. The event was reserved for students, faculty and staff of the Notre Dame Law School and de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture, both of which hosted the lecture. It took place in the McCartan ...
CDC Report: Summary of the 2017-2018 Influenza Season

CDC Report: Summary of the 2017-2018 Influenza Season

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the 2017-2018 flu season was the deadliest flu season in the U.S. in four decades, hospitalizing 900,000 and killing 80,000, including 180 children. According to CNN, " … [F]lu-related deaths have ranged from a low of about 12,000 during the 2011-2012 season to a high of about 56,000 during the 2012-2013." While that sounds ominous, ...
Scientific Review:  LDL-C Does Not Cause Cardiovascular Disease

Scientific Review: LDL-C Does Not Cause Cardiovascular Disease

ABSTRACT Introduction: For half a century, a high level of total cholesterol (TC) or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) has been considered to be the major cause of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD), and statin treatment has been widely promoted for cardiovascular prevention. However, there is an increasing understanding that the mechanisms are more complicated and that statin treatment, in particular when used as primary prevention, is ...
Officials Caught Forcing State Scientist to Alter Findings to Cover Up Earthquake Fracking Link

Officials Caught Forcing State Scientist to Alter Findings to Cover Up Earthquake Fracking Link

Oklahoma’s former lead seismologist has testified he was pressured by officials at the University of Oklahoma to suppress findings linking earthquakes with fracking wastewater disposal. In a deposition taken on Oct. 11, Austin Holland alleges he was reprimanded for publishing a peer-reviewed journal article connecting the two and was pressured to alter his findings by Larry Grillot, former dean of OU’s Mewbourne College of Earth and ...
Congress passed Two Seminal Laws, the Economic Espionage Act and the False Statements Accountability Act.

Congress passed Two Seminal Laws, the Economic Espionage Act and the False Statements Accountability Act.

The Economic Espionage Act ("EEA") was drafted by James P. Chandler. EEA was heavily promoted by Clinton's C.I.A. Director John M. Deutch. William ("Bill") A. Fenwick of Fenwick & West LLP assisted Chandler. Chandler would bring Fenwick in on Aug. 20, 2001. The False Statements Accountability Act ("FSAA") was sponsored by a one-term freshman Senator William J. Martini (NJ) who later became a federal judge. It ...
Supreme Court Nominee Clarence Thomas and Sexual Harassment Accuser Anita Hill Begin Testimony Before the Senate Judiciary Committee

Supreme Court Nominee Clarence Thomas and Sexual Harassment Accuser Anita Hill Begin Testimony Before the Senate Judiciary Committee

After Justice William Brennan stepped down from the Supreme Court in July 1990, Thomas was one of five candidates on President Bush's shortlist for the position and Bush's favorite of the five. Ultimately, after consulting with his advisors, Bush decided to hold off on nominating Thomas, and nominated Judge David Souter of the First Circuit instead. Justice Thurgood Marshall announced his retirement, and on July 1, ...
Did Hillary Clinton Commit Fraud in Her First Cattle Futures Trade where She Turned $1000 Investment into a $100,000 Phenomenon in Under 10 Months?

Did Hillary Clinton Commit Fraud in Her First Cattle Futures Trade where She Turned $1000 Investment into a $100,000 Phenomenon in Under 10 Months?

On October 11, 1978, the future First Lady Hillary Clinton, a neophyte investor with an annual income of $25,000, opened a commodity-futures account with a deposit of $1,000. Her first trade was the short sale of ten live-cattle contracts at a price of 57.55 cents a pound: a commitment to deliver in December of that year 400,000 pounds of cattle with a market value of $230,200 ...
The Second Boer War

The Second Boer War

Rich and powerful elites have long dreamed of world control. The ambitious Romans, Attila the Hun, great Muslim leaders of Medieval Spain, the Mughals of India all exercised immense influence over different parts of the globe in set periods of recognized ascendancy. Sometimes tribal, sometimes national, sometimes religious, often dynastic, their success defined epochs, but was never effectively global until the twentieth century. At that point, ...
The Untimely Death of American Explorer Meriwether Lewis: Murder or Suicide?

The Untimely Death of American Explorer Meriwether Lewis: Murder or Suicide?

According to a lost letter from October 19, 1809, to Thomas Jefferson, Lewis stopped at an inn on the Natchez Trace called Grinder's Stand, about 70 miles (110 km) southwest of Nashville on October 10. After dinner, he retired to his one-room cabin. In the predawn hours of October 11, the innkeeper's wife (Priscilla Grinder) heard gunshots. Servants found Lewis badly injured from multiple gunshot wounds, one each to ...
John Adams: "We have no Government armed with Power capable of contending with human Passions unbridled by morality and Religion..."

John Adams: “We have no Government armed with Power capable of contending with human Passions unbridled by morality and Religion…”

Quincy   October 11, 1798 Gentlemen, I have received from Major General Hull and Brigadier General Walker your unanimous Address from Lexington, animated with a martial Spirit and expressed with a military Dignity, becoming your Characters and the memorable Plains, in which it was adopted. While our Country remains untainted with the Principles and manners, which are now producing desolation in so many Parts of the ...


Social Distancing

Social Distancing

Part of the new normal where people are suggested, required, or demanded (depending on local & regional authorities) to not ...


A requirement for people to stay where they are, usually due to specific risks to themselves or to others if ...
Operation Lockstep

Operation Lockstep

An inital scenario of four narritives in a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report officially titled 'Scenarios for the Future of Technology ...
New Normal

New Normal

According to Wikipedia, it is "a state to which an economy, society, etc. settles following a crisis, when this differs ...
Culture of Fear

Culture of Fear

The concept that people and governments may incite fear in the general public to achieve political or globalist agendas through ...
Face Masks

Face Masks

Not a single randomized controlled trial with verified outcome has been able to detect a statistically significant advantage of wearing ...
Covid Vaccine

Covid Vaccine

The COVID-19 fast-tracked jabs are not conventional vaccines. The FDA's Emergency Use Authorization was a crime—according to their own data, ...
Great Reset

Great Reset

A plan by the World Economic Forum, a globalist group of powerful Deep State elites that meets every year in ...
Ideological Subversion

Ideological Subversion

USSR defector, Yuri Bezmenov, explained that it basically means "to change the perception of reality, of every American, to such ...


There is a Constitutional right to life in the United States. Amendment 5 of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights ...


COVID is an acronym for both Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification and/or COronaVIrus Disease. Covid-19 (letter 1=A, 9=I or AI as ...
Milgram experiment

Milgram experiment

During the 1960s, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of obedience experiments that led to some surprising results. These results offer ...
Gates, Bill

Gates, Bill

Founder of Microsoft, which created Windows, and dominated the computer operating system market, making him the world's 2nd richest person, after Amazon's Jeff Bezos. He was reported ...
Color Revolutions

Color Revolutions

The term used to describe a series of remarkably effective CIA-led regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND ...
Polymerase Chain Reaction Test

Polymerase Chain Reaction Test

A method developed by Kary B. Mullis who won a Nobel Prize for its discovery. PCR was created to identify ...
Biden, Joe

Biden, Joe

A deep state NWO / China-puppet installed as the 46th POTUS after a fraudulently run 2020 election, and who represented ...
2020 Election

2020 Election

Held November 3rd 2020, the 2020 Election was the most corrupt in American history. Incumbent President Donald Trump was re-elected ...


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