The decade saw the rise of the First Industrial Revolution. Photography, rail transport, and the textile industry were among those that largely developed and grew prominent over the decade, as technology advanced significantly. European colonialism began gaining ground in Africa and Asia, and trade between the Qing Dynasty began to open up more towards foreign traders, particularly those from Europe. As European imperialism gained momentum, opposition from affected/exploited societies resulted, with wars such as the Java War and the Greek War of Independence. Resistance in the form of separatism and nationalism (particularly in the Spanish American wars of independence) led to the independence of many countries around the world, such as Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia.
1800-09 | 1810s | 1820s | 1830s | 1840s | 1850s | 1860s | 1870s | 1880s | 1890s
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Royal Assent to the Metropolitan Police Act was Given and the Metropolitan Police Service was Established in London as the First Modern and Professional Police Force in the World

The 1828 US Presidential Election

The Preface of Websters 1828 Dictionary States ‘the Christian Religion Must be the Basis of Any Government intended to Secure the Rights… of a Free People.’

According to Joseph Smith, the Angel Moroni Appears to Him and Gives him a Record of Gold Plates

Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely, “The Duty of Christian Freemen to Elect Christian Rulers,”

Sir Walter Scott Publishes ‘The Life of Napoleon’ & in Volume II He States that the French Revolution was planned by the Illuminati

William Morgan Disappears Shortly after Announcing He Will Print a Book Exposing the Secrets of Freemasonry

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams Die on the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence, Fulfilling Dr. Benjamin Rush’s Prophesy

John Quincy Adams Became President in a Bitterly Contested U.S. Election and Must be Resolved by the House of Representatives