The mysterious death of Vincent Van Gogh; Cecil Rhodes and William Thomas Stead Organized the ‘Circle of Initiates’ that Would Evolve to the Round Table Groups (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, RIIA, etc.); the U.S. pledge of allegiance is adopted; Nikola Tesla gave the first public demonstration of radio in St. Louis and Marconi attempted to steal his patent; French Officer Alfred Dreyfus is convicted of treason by a military court-martial and sentenced to life in prison; the gasoline automobile is patented!… not by Ford, but by George Seldon, a patent attorney; and the false flag explosion and sinking of the USS Maine leads to the Spanish-American War.
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The Boxer Rebellion: Britain Invades China Before the Emperor Could Destroy Opium Crops

The Second Boer War

A New York Medical Journal Article, ‘Vaccination in Italy’, Documents Stats of Higher Deaths Among Vaccinated & Has No Place in Medicine

Martial Law, a Frame-Up Attempt, Kidnapping, and Murder Result from an Idaho Mining Building Bombing

‘The Strenuous Life’ Speech by Theodore Roosevelt

Spain signed the Treaty of Paris, ending the Spanish-American War and Relinquishing Control of Cuba to the USA

Jean Jaurès “When a society… lives only by lies, truth is revolutionary.”

Yellow Journalism Cartoon by Leon Barritt, first published in “Vim”

The Spanish-American War Begins After the False Flag Bombing of the Battleship Maine