Taking Back Our Stolen History


The decade was defined by a global economic and political crisis that culminated in the Second World War. It saw the international financial system collapse, beginning with the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the largest stock market crash in American history, and an economic downfall called the Great Depression that had a traumatic effect worldwide, leading to widespread unemployment and poverty (except or the architects of it that all profited hansomly), especially in the United States, an economic superpower, and Germany, who had to deal with the reparations regarding World War I. The Dust Bowl (which gives the nickname the Dirty Thirties) in the United States further emphasised the scarcity of wealth. Herbert Hoover worsened the situation with his failed attempt to balance the budget by taxes. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected, as a response, in 1933, and introduced the New Deal. The founding of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the funding of numerous projects (e.g. the Hoover Dam) helped restore prosperity in the US.

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Hindenburg Disaster: The German Zeppelin Burst into Flames while Docking at Lakehurst, NJ. Was this a False Flag Intended to Provoke War?

Hindenburg Disaster: The German Zeppelin Burst into Flames while Docking at Lakehurst, NJ. Was this a False Flag Intended to Provoke War?

On May 6, 1937 the German zeppelin Hindenburg burst into flames while docking at Lakehurst, New Jersey.  The spectacular disaster brought an end to the airship era. In March 2013, major news outlets reported that the calamity’s “true” cause had been identified.  “The explosion that destroyed the Hindenburg was caused by static electricity,” said Reuters, based on a British documentary by TV host Jem Stansfield, who ...
FDR announces “court-packing” plan

FDR announces “court-packing” plan

On February 5, 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt announces a plan to expand the Supreme Court to as many as 15 judges, allegedly to make it more efficient. Critics immediately charged that Roosevelt was trying to “pack” the court and thus neutralize Supreme Court justices hostile to his New Deal. READ MORE: How FDR Tried to Pack the Supreme Court During the previous two years, the high court had struck down several key ...
FDR and Democrats Attempt to Pack the Supreme Court

FDR and Democrats Attempt to Pack the Supreme Court

On November 3, 1936, the 32nd president won a smashing reelection victory, defeating Republican challenger Alf Landon by more than 24 points in the popular vote, carrying 46 of 48 states; it was the biggest electoral landslide since 1820. In addition, FDR had long “coattails” to help down-ballot candidates; when the 75th Congress convened in January 1937, Democrats boasted a whopping 333 seats in the House and ...
Lundberg Publishes an Expose of 'America's 60 Families'. "This Defacto Government is... Invisible, Shadowy. It is the Government of Money in a Dollar Democracy."

Lundberg Publishes an Expose of ‘America’s 60 Families’. “This Defacto Government is… Invisible, Shadowy. It is the Government of Money in a Dollar Democracy.”

Dynasties listed below were included in America's 60 Families, Ferdinand Lundberg's 1937 expose on the super-rich. Ferdinand Lundberg used tax records to uncover the often impenetrable financial and political machinations of the 60 Families, effectively publishing a directory of names and occupations of family scions as well as estimates of their fortunes. "The United States is owned and dominated today by a hierarchy of its sixty ...
Did Hitler Really Snub Black Olympic Athelete, Jesse Owens, at the 1936 Olympics?

Did Hitler Really Snub Black Olympic Athelete, Jesse Owens, at the 1936 Olympics?

It has long been regarded as the greatest sporting snub in history - when Adolf Hitler stormed out of the Olympic Stadium in Berlin because Germany had been humiliated by a black man. The moment was 1936 and an incredible American athlete called Jesse Owens had just run his way to the first of four gold medals in the 100 metres. Hitler, who had shaken hands ...
Shiro Ishii was Given Command of Unit 731, A Human Experimentation Prison in Japanese Occupied Manchuria, China

Shiro Ishii was Given Command of Unit 731, A Human Experimentation Prison in Japanese Occupied Manchuria, China

Kept a secret for over 40 years, Unit 731 was exposed in 1984 when a graduate student at Keio Medical University in Tokyo found records of human experiments in a bookstore. The pages described the effects of massive dosages of tetanus vaccine. There were tables describing the length of time it took victims to die and recorded the muscle spasms in their bodies. After the Mancurian ...
Spanish Civil War Begins with an Uprising by General Franco against a Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy led by Freemasons and Communists

Spanish Civil War Begins with an Uprising by General Franco against a Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy led by Freemasons and Communists

Spanish generals Francisco Franco and Emilio Mola lead a right-wing uprising, starting the Spanish Civil War. The main elements of his rule are said to be national conservatism, authoritarianism, anti-freemasonry, anti-Communism, a strong promotion of Roman Catholicism and support of the family. Franco's forces fought the democratically elected Popular Front government – including Communists – government for three years before finally defeating them outside Madrid on ...
The Persistent Harry Hoxsey (Arrested Several Times for Curing Cancer with Herbs without a License) Opens a Cancer Treatment Clinic in Dallas, TX

The Persistent Harry Hoxsey (Arrested Several Times for Curing Cancer with Herbs without a License) Opens a Cancer Treatment Clinic in Dallas, TX

Harry Hoxsey had spent a dozen years prior to opening his clinic in Dallas battling the American Medical Association. The AMA had witnessed first-hand the curing of a 'stretcher-case' policeman whom Morris Fishbein himself as well as doctors thought had no chance after medical treatments had had no effect. The policeman was given 3 weeks to live by the medical profession. Harry Hoxsey cured him and ...
Smedley Butler, the Most Decorated Marine in U.S. History, Publishes 'War is a Racket'

Smedley Butler, the Most Decorated Marine in U.S. History, Publishes ‘War is a Racket’

Smedley Butler became widely known for his outspoken lectures against war profiteering, U.S. military adventurism, and what he viewed as nascent fascism in the United States. In December 1933, Butler toured the country with James E. Van Zandt to recruit members for the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). He described their effort as "trying to educate the soldiers out of the sucker class." In his speeches ...
The Banking Act of 1935 Signed by FDR Extends Federal Reserve Board Terms to 14 Yrs & Repeals Glass-Steagall Clause to Allow Stock Exchange Trade While Serving

The Banking Act of 1935 Signed by FDR Extends Federal Reserve Board Terms to 14 Yrs & Repeals Glass-Steagall Clause to Allow Stock Exchange Trade While Serving

The Banking Act of 1935, which greatly increased Roosevelt’s power over the nation’s finances, was an integral part of the legislation by which he proposed to extend his reign in the United States. It was not opposed by the people as was the National Recovery Act, because it was not so naked an infringement of their liberties. It was, however, an important measure. First of all, ...