World War II was already underway by the time the 1940s began, and it was definitely the big event of the first half of the decade. Shortly after World War II ended, the Cold War began between the West and the Soviet Union. The 1940s also witnessed the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi and the beginning of apartheid in South Africa.
Watch ‘Land of the Free’ (1940):
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At the Opening of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Peking, Mao Zedong Outlines the New Chinese Communist Government – Thanks to U.S. Assistance!
The September 1949 conference in Peking was both a celebration of the communist victory in the long civil war against Nationalist Chinese forces and the unveiling of the communist regime that would henceforth rule over China. Mao and his communist supporters had been fighting against what they claimed was a corrupt and decadent Nationalist government in China since the 1920s. In September, with cannons firing salutes ...

George Orwell Publishes ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’, a Dystopian Novel Written as a Warning about the Menaces of Totalitarianism
The novel is set in an imaginary future world that is dominated by three perpetually warring totalitarian police states. The book's hero, Winston Smith, is a minor party functionary in one of these states. His longing for truth and decency leads him to secretly rebel against the government. Smith has a love affair with a like-minded woman, but they are both arrested by the Thought Police ...

James Forrestal, an Opponent of the Creation of the State of Israel & Whistleblower on Communist Infiltration, Gets Suicided
The two highest-ranking government officials in the history of the American republic to have “committed suicide” are Deputy White House Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., on July 20, 1993, and Secretary of Defense, James V. Forrestal, on May 22, 1949. Actually, Forrestal was not a government official at the time of his death. He had been rather abruptly removed from office on March 28, and after ...

USSR Council of Ministers and All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Central Committee
The Great Plan for the Transformation of Nature was proposed by Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union in the second half of the 1940s, for land development, agricultural practices and water projects to improve agriculture in the nation. Its propaganda motto and catchphrase was “the great transformation of nature” (великое преобразование природы, velikoye preobrazovaniye prirody). Styled in the traditions of Stalin's cult of personality, it referred ...

Count Folke Bernadotte, UN Mediator on the Zionist Palestinian Divide, said it ‘Offended Basic Principles’ and He was Against the Idea. He Was Murdered the Next Day!
The UN- appointed mediator's, Count Folke Bernadotte, report on whether or not to divide Palestine for the displaced 'Holocaust victims' (U.N. Document A. 648) was filed. He said it offended "Basic principles to prevent these innocent victims of the conflict [Palestinians were not to blame for the Holocaust] from returning to their homes, while Jewish immigrants flood into Palestine and, what’s more, threatening to permanently replace ...

National Institute of Dental Research is Formed with Fluoridation Propagandist, Trendley Dean as Director
Following the implementation of a water fluoridation trial in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the National Institute of Dental Research (now the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research) was established by President Harry S. Truman on June 24, 1948. It's first director was Trendley Dean who had been the biggest cheerleader for water fluoridation for several years. The first grants and fellowships that supported dental research were ...

US Senator Wm. Lancer Petitions Congress to Investigate the Federal Injunction Imposed on Dr. Koch Following Success in Canada & South America in Cancer & Veterinary Treatments
Here is an excerpt from remarks read into the Congressional Record by US Senator William Lancer, on June 7, 1948. It not only reveals the scope of Koch’s work, it opens up a chapter of hidden history: “Fortunately for Canadian farmers in the Province of British Columbia, the Minister of the Department of Agriculture possessed an open mind. This fact is saving cattle raisers into the ...

The Zionist State of Israel is Created Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy? Or Was it an Elaborate Scam?
In the late 1800s a small, fanatic movement called “political Zionism” began in Europe. Its goal was to create a Jewish state somewhere in the world. Its leaders settled on the ancient and long-inhabited land of Palestine for the location of this state. Palestine's population at this time was approximately ninety-six percent non-Jewish (primarily Muslim and Christian). Over the coming decades Zionist leaders used various strategies ...

The Bogotáza PSYOP: New CIA Recruit Fidel Castro Helps Carry out Assassinations and Psyop in Colombia
In Bogota, Colombia, 22-year-old Havana University law-school student and new CIA recruit, Fidel Castro, actively helped carry out an assassination and a successful large-scale psychological warfare operation (PSYOP) by organizing riots, looting, murder, burning, and the takeover by communists of radio stations and government buildings following the Colombian leading Presidential candidate Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, leaving the capital city destroyed. In the Psyop, they tested new covert ...

‘Place the Material in the Wells’: Docs Point to Israeli Army’s 1948 Biological Warfare
On April 1, 1948, 600 years after the jews were accused of poisoning the wells of Christians throughout Europe in 1348 that caused 50 to 75 million deaths in the Black Death pandemic, David Ben-Gurion wrote in his journal about “the development of science and speeding up its application in warfare.” A month and a half later, he wrote about “biological materials” that were purchased for ...