The Magic Kingdom opened its doors in 1971 marking the beginning of an era for Disney, the theme park industry, and the state of Florida. Also, Henry Kissinger took a secret trip to China, Daniel Ellsburg releases the Pentagon Papers, the burglary of the Pennsylvania FBI office, and the Indian spy agency RAW conducted a false flag operation by making its operatives hijack a Fokker “Ganga” from India to Lahore.
This could well be the year that marked the start of the digital age when the Microprocessor was invented. We also saw the use of more and more of the transistor technology in use in things like hand held calculators which although are still very expensive over time will drop in price and increase in function to where we are today. It is also the first year North Sea Oil production begins in Norway. One other major change is the change to Decimalization in the UK on and Ireland on February 15th. The birth of Greenpeace signals a need to question how we manage the resources entrusted to us and a means of organized questioning of governments around the world.
1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979
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Weather Modification Act of 1972

The Walt Disney World Resort Opens in Orlando… Aided by the CIA in a Land Grab Coup

France Exercises their Option Under Bretton Woods to Exchange Paper Notes for Gold so the US Suspended the Gold Convertibility of the Federal Reserve Notes

US Congressman John Rarick: “Who Will Tell the People the Truth if those who Control ‘the Right to Know Machinery’ Also Control the Govt?”

Henry Kissenger Takes a Secret Trip to China

26th Amendment Ratified: Right to Vote at Age 18

The ‘Pentagon Papers’ by Daniel Ellsberg was a CIA Psyop to Divert Attention from the Phoenix Program and Probes into Their Drug Smuggling

President Richard Nixon: Homosexuality Destroyed the Greeks, Will Lead To The Destruction of US

The Burglary: Eight Ordinary People Break into Pennsylvania FBI Office to Discover Evidence of FBI Spying and Suppression of Activists