Tiananmen Square political protests and massacre in Beijing, China results in over 10,000 protesters murdered by the Communist Government; Following Massive protests against the Berlin Wall bringing about the collapse of The Berlin Wall and the East German Government both are dismantled which leads after many years to the reunification of East and West Germany; Rockefeller Foundation Reports Success of Anti-Fertility Vaccine Trials and Funding of Fertility Regulation in Numerous Countries; ’60 Minutes’ Australia Aired an Episode called ‘Satan’s Children’ – shedding Light on Satanic Ritual Abuse; The USS Iowa Cover Up; Kirk and Madsen, Two Intellectual Gay Activists, Publish “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s”; The Washington Times Reports on a Gay Prostitution Ring that had Intimate Connections with the White House all the way up to President George HW Bush; Operation Eagle II: FBI Memo Details the Criminal Enterprise from the 60’s; The Groundbreaking ‘Report of the Ritual Abuse Task Force’ by the Los Angeles County Commission for Women is Released; Dan Short, whose Bank had been involved in Laundering Money for Mena Airport Drug Smuggling, Taped to a Chair, Beaten, and Thrown in a Lake; The Keating Five: Five US Senators Accused of Corruption in the Savings & Loan Crisis; and the U.S. launched its invasion of Panama and Extracted Manuel Noriega to the U.S. Under the False Pretense of Dealing Drugs.
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
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DoD HAARP Steering Group Meets for the First Time at Office of Naval Research to Discuss Weather Control Plans

The U.S. launched its invasion of Panama and Extracted Manuel Noriega to the U.S. Under the False Pretense of Dealing Drugs

The Keating Five: Five US Senators Accused of Corruption in the Savings & Loan Crisis

Dan Short, whose Bank have Been involved in Laundering Money for Mena Airport Drug Smuggling, Taped to Chair, Beaten, and Thrown in Lake

The Groundbreaking ‘Report of the Ritual Abuse Task Force’ by the Los Angeles County Commission for Women is Released

47-Year Old Joseph Wesbecker Shot 20 Workers, Killing 8, in a Kentucky Factory After He was on Prozac for 1 Month

PETA Founder: “Animal liberationists do not separate out the human animal. . . . A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They are all mammals”

Former President of National Organization of Women (NOW): “I consider the Chinese government’s policy (1-child policy) among the most intelligent in the world.”

Operation Eagle II: FBI Memo Details the Criminal Enterprise from the 60’s