Major events of the 1990s: The Gulf War, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Waco Seige, OJ Simpson trial of the century verdict, OKC bombing; the Olympic Park bombing (1996); cloned sheep; Ruby Ridge; Rodney King riots; the Clinton body count stacks up; Don’t Ask Don’t Tell signed; FDA approves contriversial rGBH; 1993 WTC bombings; the first GMO food approved; NAFTA; the first cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep, born; gun bans in Australia and the United Kingdom; the Unabomber; the Clinton crime family takes power, forms Clinton Foundation pay-for-play; Princess Diana killed; pedophile rings Boys Town and Wonderland exposed; Columbine; MMR / Autism connection made by Dr. Wakefield; Drudge breaks Monika Lewinski scandal; JFK, Jr. plane crash.
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Chronological Events of the 1990’s
![The Commodity Futures Modernization Act Signed into Law by President Bill Clinton which Deregulated Derivatives & Caused the 2008 Crash](
The Commodity Futures Modernization Act Signed into Law by President Bill Clinton which Deregulated Derivatives & Caused the 2008 Crash
![According to Memphis Jury Verdict, Martin Luther King, Jr. was Assassinated by Government Conspiracy, Not by James Earl Ray](
According to Memphis Jury Verdict, Martin Luther King, Jr. was Assassinated by Government Conspiracy, Not by James Earl Ray
![Battle of Seattle (Nov 30-Dec 1): The 1999 WTO Protests Instigated by Police Agent Provocateurs as Documented by Alex Jones](
Battle of Seattle (Nov 30-Dec 1): The 1999 WTO Protests Instigated by Police Agent Provocateurs as Documented by Alex Jones
![Alltel VP, Charles Miller, who Helped Create the Government 'Big Brother' Database for the Clinton Administration Shoots Himself Twice and Submerges Weapon in Nearby Water](
Alltel VP, Charles Miller, who Helped Create the Government ‘Big Brother’ Database for the Clinton Administration Shoots Himself Twice and Submerges Weapon in Nearby Water
![Larry Sinclair, a Member of the United Trinity Church that Barrack Obama Attended for over 20 years, Had Gay Sex-and-Drug Encounters with the then-Illinois State Senator](
Larry Sinclair, a Member of the United Trinity Church that Barrack Obama Attended for over 20 years, Had Gay Sex-and-Drug Encounters with the then-Illinois State Senator
![The Dissappearance of Egypt Air Flight 990](
The Dissappearance of Egypt Air Flight 990
![FBI's Project Megiddo Released: It Targets Religious Extremists for the New Millinium](
FBI’s Project Megiddo Released: It Targets Religious Extremists for the New Millinium
![The Archaeoraptor Fraud of National Geographic Magazine (The Piltdown Chicken)](
The Archaeoraptor Fraud of National Geographic Magazine (The Piltdown Chicken)
![The Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) formed In-Q-Tel and hired its first CEO, Gilman Louie](
The Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) formed In-Q-Tel and hired its first CEO, Gilman Louie
!['The Guardian' Predicts that by 2020, “Spain will be ridden with malaria, ...there will be almost no snow in the Alps"](