The deep states effort to bury the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski affair is undone by a bombshell report from Matt Drudge; Dr. Andrew Wakefield Publishes a Medical Paper about Possible Correlation between MMR Vaccine and Autism; the Kosovo war begins; the second Congo war begins; the Wonderland international elite pedophile ring is raided at the low levels and covered up at the highest; the US and UK carpet bombing of Iraq under Operation Desert Fox; and 60 minutes interviews “guiltless” NAZI collaborator George Soros.
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1998 “60 Minutes Interview” of Evil “Guiltless” George Soros

Jerry Nadler Warned U.S. of Dangers of Partisan Impeachment (Would Later Lead Partisan Impeachment Attempt of President Trump)
Operation Desert Fox: US and UK Bomb Iraq / Saddam. Huma Abedin, Hillary’s former Closest Aid Claimed the Attack was to Deflect from the Monica Lewinsky Affair

The Murder and Myth of Matthew Shepard

On the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Clinton signed an EO that Monitors and Enforces UN Mandated Human Rights Regulations

Wei Dai Proposes b-money that Arguably laid the Groundwork for Cryptocurrencies

Wonderland Pedophile Rings Raided: The Ring was Covered Up by Elites

The Second Congo War: A CIA Coup to Overthrow their own Puppet (Put in Place 1 Yr. previous) who Reneged on Secret Deals to the Cabal

Study: 98% of All Preschoolers Test at “Genius” Level, But Education System Destroys Their Imagination