Columbine school shootings in Colorado resulting in media campaign for gun control measures; John F Kennedy, Jr., his Wife, and Sister-in-Law Die in Mysterious Plane Crash Near Martha’s Vineyard; Impeachment Proceedings are bought against President Bill Clinton who’s acquitted on purgery charges; Popular TV presenter Jill Dando Shot Dead in Fulham, London while investigating BBC Pedophile Ring; More bodies pile up in the Clinton body count; The worlds population exceeds Six Billion. Euro currency introduced on 1st January in 11 countries. The Wars in the Balkans continue to cause suffering in the region, but both sides do come to the table and a peace is agreed. The world prepares for the new millennium parties and computers around the world run testing for the millennium bug (Y2K) which could cause wide scale disruption to business and infrastructure if not fixed. The take up of the Internet and Mobile Phones around the world open up new opportunities for successful entrepreneurs. Al Gore claims to be th inventor of the internet nad the CIA forms In-Q-Tel to gain monetary control of the big tech sector without oversight from congress; Alex Jones creates Infowars.
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The Commodity Futures Modernization Act Signed into Law by President Bill Clinton which Deregulated Derivatives & Caused the 2008 Crash

According to Memphis Jury Verdict, Martin Luther King, Jr. was Assassinated by Government Conspiracy, Not by James Earl Ray

Battle of Seattle (Nov 30-Dec 1): The 1999 WTO Protests Instigated by Police Agent Provocateurs as Documented by Alex Jones

Alltel VP, Charles Miller, who Helped Create the Government ‘Big Brother’ Database for the Clinton Administration Shoots Himself Twice and Submerges Weapon in Nearby Water

Larry Sinclair, a Member of the United Trinity Church that Barrack Obama Attended for over 20 years, Had Gay Sex-and-Drug Encounters with the then-Illinois State Senator

The Dissappearance of Egypt Air Flight 990

FBI’s Project Megiddo Released: It Targets Religious Extremists for the New Millinium

The Archaeoraptor Fraud of National Geographic Magazine (The Piltdown Chicken)

The Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) formed In-Q-Tel and hired its first CEO, Gilman Louie