Taking Back Our Stolen History


The cover of Time magazine labeled the 2000s “the decade from hell.” Bookended by 9/11 at the start and a financial wipeout at the end, the first 10 years of this century will very likely go down as the most dispiriting and disillusioning decade Americans have lived through in the post–World War II era,” Andrew Serwer wrote.1 The decade was littered with recessions, stock market crashes, financial scandals, antitrust cases, and flat-out disasters all around. But the 2000s were also a decade of tremendous change for the IT industry, with disruptive technologies, market-altering mergers, and trailblazing products that transformed the economic landscape forever and drastically changed the way we live. From the Y2K bug and the HP-Compaq merger, to Apple’s rebound and an insider trading scandal, the decade saw a wealth of historic events.

2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009


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Christmas Underwear Bomber a False Flag? Full Body Scans in Airports Follow

Christmas Underwear Bomber a False Flag? Full Body Scans in Airports Follow

On May 7, AP headlined “US: CIA thwarts new al-Qaida underwear bomb plot,” saying: Agents foiled “an ambitious plot by al-Qaida’s affiliate in Yemen to destroy a US-bound airliner using a bomb with a sophisticated new design around the one-year anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden, The Associated Press has learned.” AP described an upgraded underwear bomb plot. Like the earlier one, it was “designed to be used in a passenger’s underwear, but this time” US officials called it “more refined.” On May 7, the FBI ...
Actress Brittany Murphy, Set to Testify on the DHS Harassment of Whistleblower Julia Davis, is Found Dead

Actress Brittany Murphy, Set to Testify on the DHS Harassment of Whistleblower Julia Davis, is Found Dead

Actress Brittany Murphy and Julia Davis were friends. Brittany Murphy was a witness in Julia Davis' litigation against the Department of Homeland Security in response to the DHS harassment and attempts to discredit Julia Davis. Brittany Murphy was very supportive of Davis and Brittany Murphy being a famous celebrity made this a big deal. After Brittany Murphy's support of Julia Davis became legal and public the DHS started targeting Brittany and her Husband. The couple claimed they too were subjected to wiretaps and visual surveillance. People wrote them ...
The Norway Spiral in the Sky Phenomenon

The Norway Spiral in the Sky Phenomenon

A mysterious phenomenon appeared on December 9, 2009, in the morning hours over northern Norway. It was a spectacular sight, with a blue beam of light and a greyish spiral emanating from one end of it. The spiral was visible from and photographed from northern Norway and Sweden. Major news stations “confirmed” the spiral to be caused by the exhaust coming from an out-of-control Bulava missile. Russian military and Norwegian astronomers also claimed the Norway spiral was caused by a failed Russian Bulava missile test. The Russian military confirmed ...
Whistleblower Dr. Rima Laibow Claims The U.N. Would Release A Virus To Trigger Depopulation Through Vaccines!

Whistleblower Dr. Rima Laibow Claims The U.N. Would Release A Virus To Trigger Depopulation Through Vaccines!

In 2009, the TruTV reality show, “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura,” featured leading medical doctor Dr. Rima Laibow, who treated multiple heads of state, discussing how she learned of a UN plan to release a virus as the trigger for depopulation through vaccines & more. In 2002 Dr. Rima Laibow, wife of US General Stubblebine, was informed by one of her patients, a head of state, of the Covid pandemic and poisoned vaccines. He told her: “It’s almost time for the great culling of the useless eaters…” She ...
Climategate: Leaked Emails Reveal Scientific Fraud & Data Manipulation for Global Warming

Climategate: Leaked Emails Reveal Scientific Fraud & Data Manipulation for Global Warming

The Climategate scandal erupted on November 19, 2009, when a collection of email messages, data files and data processing programs were leaked from the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit (CRU) located in the UK, revealing scientific fraud and data manipulation by scientists concerning the Global Warming Theory. The scandal that the suffix –gate implies is the state of climate science over the past decade, revealed by more than a thousand emails, documents, and computer code sets between various prominent scientists.[2] The released information is evidence of ...
Fort Hood Massacre False Flag

Fort Hood Massacre False Flag

In the wake (written 10 days after by Webster Tarpley) of the massacre at Fort Hood Texas, two principal theories have emerged to explain the conduct of the accused shooter, identified by the U.S. Army as Major Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist of Jordanian-Palestinian ancestry. One of these theories is embraced by left liberals and other supporters and acolytes of the Obama regime, and argues that Major Hasan is a sincere and devout Muslim who was the victim of a tragic contradiction between his religious faith and ...
Fast and Furious Begins: Secret Government Gun Smuggling Operation

Fast and Furious Begins: Secret Government Gun Smuggling Operation

It started during the George W. Bush administration. Back then it was termed “Operation Wide Receiver.” The program later became known as “Gunwalking” and ended up being labeled “Fast and Furious.” An ill-conceived scheme from its outset, it eventually cost the lives of an unknown number of Mexican citizens and one U.S. Border Patrol agent. Operation Fast and Furious began when a local gun store reported to the Phoenix ATF that four individuals had purchased multiple AK-47 style rifles. In November 2009, the Phoenix office's Group VII, which would ...
Last McDonald's Burger Sold in Iceland Goes on Display with Livestream to See if It Would Decompose. Check it Out Live!

Last McDonald’s Burger Sold in Iceland Goes on Display with Livestream to See if It Would Decompose. Check it Out Live!

In 2009, McDonald’s closed in Iceland and on October 31st that year, Hjörtur Smárason bought the last McDonald’s hamburger in the country. Smárason kept the burger, accompanied by fries, in a plastic bag for three years during which it remained unchanged. The hamburger, which still shows no signs of decomposition is now exhibited at Snotra House in Þykkvibær, South Iceland, but previously at Bus Hostel in Skógarhlíð in Reykjavík. “I had heard something about McDonald’s never decaying so I just wanted to find out for myself whether this ...
UN Whistleblower, Rasna Warah, Who Exposed a Culture of Corruption Only to be Retaliated and Attacked for Reporting the Wrongdoing

UN Whistleblower, Rasna Warah, Who Exposed a Culture of Corruption Only to be Retaliated and Attacked for Reporting the Wrongdoing

When she stumbled across massive corruption and made-up statistics in her job at the United Nations, Rasna Warah knew she needed to act. But when she tried to blow the whistle, she was viciously attacked, publicly humiliated, threatened, intimidated, and more. Unfortunately, though, as Warah explains in her new book UNsilenced: UNmasking the United Nations' Culture of Cover-ups, Corruption and Impunity, her case is far from unique. In fact, the corruption and lawlessness across the UN appears to be systemic. Some of the cases described in the book ...
Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency. Was the Swine Flu Pandemic Fact or Fiction?

Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency. Was the Swine Flu Pandemic Fact or Fiction?

On this day, American health officials declared a public health emergency as cases of swine flu were confirmed in the U.S. Health officials across the world claimed this could be the leading edge of a global pandemic emerging from Mexico, where seven people were confirmed dead as a result of the virus. On Wednesday April 29th, the World Health Organization (WHO) raised its pandemic alert level to five on its six-level threat scale,1 which means they determined that the virus is capable of human-to-human transmission. The initial outbreaks ...