The Iraq War Begins: A Pre-Planned (Before 9/11) Oil War Based on Lies and Propaganda; The staged Toppling of Saddam Statue in Firdos Square by the US Marines Psychological Operations Teams to garner support for the war in Iraq; US Gov’t Fabricates Jessical Lynch Rescue Story to Manufacture Support for the Iraq War; The CIA released a report of supposed mobile weapons labs in Iraq, justifying the invasion, however on June 15, 2003, it was revealed that the trailers discovered were for the production of hydrogen to fill weather balloons, as the Iraqis had insisted all along and confirmed by Dr. David Kelly, who had visited Iraq many times as a UN British biowarfare expert and key source for many of the newspaper articles doubting the Mobile weapons labs of Iraq. Dr. Kelly, is later found dead on Harrowdown Hill, near his home in Oxfordshire. Journalist Robert Novak Publicly ID’s Covert CIA Officer Valerie Plame. In a lengthy interview with Bill Moyers released today, Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates reveals the inspiration for his funding of pro-abortion population control measures: “When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various volunteer things. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood.“
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Indian Whistleblower, Satyendra Dubey, Murdered

UK Passes the Water Act of 2003 Giving Immunity to Water Companies for Fluoridation & Bypassing a Former Law that gave Water Companies Discretion

Mark Zuckerberg Hacks the Harvard House Sites

Was Sweden’s Next Prime Minister brutally Murdered by Mossad Because She Was Anti-Zionist and Against Israel’s Occupation of Palestine

NY Times Article “Double Lives On The Down Low” reported on an Underground Subculture in the Gay Black Community of Chicago

Local journalists uncovered sex cult Nxivm years before Hollywood paid attention

Dr. David Kelly, Outspoken UN Weapons Inspector Who Had Inspected Iraq Dozens of Times & Claimed No WMD’s, Found Dead

Dead Zone “Plague” Episode Foreshadows COVID-19

The Plamegate Affair: Journalist Robert Novak Publicly ID’s Covert CIA Officer Valerie Plame