In 2007 the Yucatan Gulfstream drug crash continued to add to the evidence of CIA Drug Trafficking, which continued to be avoided by the commercially-controlled media. They also more or less eschewed the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission which found variuos members of the US administration guilty of war crimes in relation to the unprovoked attack on Iraq. The Obama body count starts to mount; The Netherlands Ends Electronic Voting After Finding Machines Untrustworthy and Failed Security Requirements; Fort Dix False Flag Terror Plot; Harvard Study Concludes ‘The More Guns a Nation Has, the Less Criminal Activity’.
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2020s | 2010s | 2000-09 | 1990s | 1980s | 1970s | 1960s | 1950s | 1940s | 1930s | 1920s | 1910s | 1900-09 | 1800s | 1700s | 1600s | 1500s | 1400s | 1300s | 1200s | Full Timeline | Top 100 Conspiracies
![Another Former Obama Gay-Lover, Donald Young, Assassinated?](
Another Former Obama Gay-Lover, Donald Young, Assassinated?
![John Kiriakou Blows the Whistle on Illegal CIA Torture](
John Kiriakou Blows the Whistle on Illegal CIA Torture
![Robert Hawkins, a 19yr-old on Anti-Anxiety Drugs, Shot and Killed eight People and Wounded Five Before Committing Suicide in an Omaha Mall](
Robert Hawkins, a 19yr-old on Anti-Anxiety Drugs, Shot and Killed eight People and Wounded Five Before Committing Suicide in an Omaha Mall
![CNN/YouTube Hosted an Interactive Debate between the Republican Candidates Using a Loaded Question from an Undisclosed Hillary Clinton Campaigner](
CNN/YouTube Hosted an Interactive Debate between the Republican Candidates Using a Loaded Question from an Undisclosed Hillary Clinton Campaigner
![Larry Bland, one of 3 Openly Gay Men at Barrack Obama's Church with Trinity United Pastor Jeremiah Wright, was Murdered Execution Style](
Larry Bland, one of 3 Openly Gay Men at Barrack Obama’s Church with Trinity United Pastor Jeremiah Wright, was Murdered Execution Style
![18-year-old Pekka-Eric Auvinen had been Taking Antidepressants Before he Killed 8 people and wounded 12 more at Jokela High School in Finland](
18-year-old Pekka-Eric Auvinen had been Taking Antidepressants Before he Killed 8 people and wounded 12 more at Jokela High School in Finland
![Research Into How to Block Out the GOD Gene (The VMAT2 gene) Accepted for Publication](
Research Into How to Block Out the GOD Gene (The VMAT2 gene) Accepted for Publication
![IRS Whistleblower Sherry Jackson Temporarily Silenced by 3 Years Imprisonment Under Misdemeanor Charges](
IRS Whistleblower Sherry Jackson Temporarily Silenced by 3 Years Imprisonment Under Misdemeanor Charges
![14 Yr Old Asa Coon was on Antidepressants when He Shot 5, Including Himself, at His Cleveland, OH school](
14 Yr Old Asa Coon was on Antidepressants when He Shot 5, Including Himself, at His Cleveland, OH school
![The Netherlands Ends Electronic Voting After Finding Machines Untrustworthy and Failed Security Requirements](