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Taking Back Our Stolen History


Barack Obama becomes the first black president and Michelle (Big Mike) becomes the first trans first lady. A major financial collapse crashes the US and world economy. 2008 in UK saw the launch of a campaign to promote the “war on terror“. After criticisms that this was promoting paranoia and fear, it was shut down. An inquest into the death of Diana over a decade earlier that she had been “unlawfully killed”. In USA, the FBI quietly wrapped up its $100M cover-up operation of the 2001 Anthrax attacks, officially naming the just deceased Bruce Ivins as the “lone nut” perpetrator. In 2015 Richard Lambert, the chief FBI investigator in the case, launched legal action against the FBI, alleging legal malpractice.

Bruce Ivins was officially named as a “lone nut” who carried out the 2001 Anthrax attacks just after he was found dead. The FBI’s Amerithrax “investigation” reportedly cost $100,000,000. In 2015, its chief investigator, Richard Lambert, filed a lawsuit alleging malpractice, claiming amongst other things that the FBI suppressed evidence which would have definitely exonerated Ivins. Much more below…

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Operation Cast Lead (Gaza War/Massacre) begins: Israels 22-day Slaughter of Palestinians

Operation Cast Lead (Gaza War/Massacre) begins: Israels 22-day Slaughter of Palestinians

Operation Cast Lead began, which was just another in a long list of military actions undertaken during the course of Israel’s six-plus decade slaughter of the Palestinian Arabs, whom it has been harassing, torturing, displacing and murdering since the end of WW2 in an effort to confiscate their land to meet the needs of the growing Jewish state. The 22 day slaughter by the brutal Israel Defense Forces which began ...
Tech "guru" Michael Connell, Following a Deposition about His Knowledge of 2004 Presidential Election Fraud and Set to Testify, Dies in Plane Crash

Tech “guru” Michael Connell, Following a Deposition about His Knowledge of 2004 Presidential Election Fraud and Set to Testify, Dies in Plane Crash

Republican tech "guru" Michael Connell, technology consultant to Karl Rove, the Bush family and John McCain gave a devastatingly revealing deposition about his knowledge of alleged 2004 Presidential election voting fraud in a racketeering lawsuit brought against Republican political consultant Karl Rove in King Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood Assn., et al., vs. Ohio Secretary of State, et al., 06-cv-745-ALM (S.D. OH 2006)(Filed: 07/15/11). The lawsuit alleged that ...
Junk Scientist Al Gore Incorrectly Predicted North Pole Would Be ICE FREE in Five Years – And the Global Warming Craze Began

Junk Scientist Al Gore Incorrectly Predicted North Pole Would Be ICE FREE in Five Years – And the Global Warming Craze Began

On December 13, 2008, junk scientist Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice-free in five years. And the global warming hysteria began. Gore made the prediction to a German audience on December 13, 2008. Al warned them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”  The Gateway Pundit reported on this at the time. This wasn’t the only time Al Gore made his ice-free ...
The FISA Court Grants Near Dictatorial Powers to US Attorney General, Eric Holder and the Obama Administration to Spy on Americans

The FISA Court Grants Near Dictatorial Powers to US Attorney General, Eric Holder and the Obama Administration to Spy on Americans

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC, also called the FISA Court) granted almost dictatorial powers to the U.S. Attorney General to spy on Americans, signed by Judge Reggie B. Walton, a James P. Chandler, Eric H. Holder, Jr., David J. Kappos (IBM) colleague. This opinion was declared unconstitutional by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on May 07, 2015. However, it gave Eric Holder the excuse ...
Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Arrested on Federal Corruption Charges for Selling Obama's Vacant Senate Seat

Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Arrested on Federal Corruption Charges for Selling Obama’s Vacant Senate Seat

A massive scandal involving Rod Blagojevich and Barack Obama exploded in December 2008 after the Illinois Democratic governor was arrested, handcuffed and hauled off to jail for allegedly trying to "sell" the vacant U.S. Senate seat once occupied by the then President-elect, among numerous other corruption charges. The criminal complaint indicated that Obama and his team knew about Blagojevich’s efforts to sell Obama’s Senate seat. Not ...
The C.I.A. Internally Published NightSkies v1.2 User Guide for Exploiting Apple iPhone 3G v2.1 Granting Remote CIA Command and Control

The C.I.A. Internally Published NightSkies v1.2 User Guide for Exploiting Apple iPhone 3G v2.1 Granting Remote CIA Command and Control

Dec. 01, 2008, the C.I.A. internally published NightSkies v1.2 User Guide for exploiting Apple iPhone 3G v2.1. Whistleblower Source: WikiLeaks Vault 7 DARK MATTER. This program "Grants full remove command and control" ... "The tool operates in the background providing upload, download and execution capability ... will wait for user activity before beaconing. When user activity is detected, NS will attempt to beacon to a preconfigured ...
Mumbai Terror Attacks Kill 166 People, Wound 304, and were Enabled by Intelligence Operations of India, Pakistan and the United States

Mumbai Terror Attacks Kill 166 People, Wound 304, and were Enabled by Intelligence Operations of India, Pakistan and the United States

The November 26, 2008 Mumbai attack is yet another candid example of Indian False Flag operations, aimed at deflecting the attention of the world from the unabated genocide in Occupied Kashmir, create a stir to pressurise Pakistan. Hemant Karkare, the chief of the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorist Squad, was killed on the day of the Mumbai attacks. He had led the inquiry into the 2008 Malegaon terrorism and ...
Leader Technologies sues Facebook for Patent Infringement. How the Deep State Conspired to Steal their Social Networking Invention as a Tool for Rogue CIA Mind Control

Leader Technologies sues Facebook for Patent Infringement. How the Deep State Conspired to Steal their Social Networking Invention as a Tool for Rogue CIA Mind Control

Trillion Dollar Rip-Off: Social Networking is a Stolen Trade Secret One of the largest government sponsored industrial espionage thefts of copyrights, trade secrets, and patents in modern times was the theft of scalable social networking inventions. The technology and programming code that underlie Facebook, Gmail, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and most the other large-scale social networking companies runs on Leader Technologies' intellectual property. It was stolen by ...
Zbigniew Brzinski's Chatham House Speech: "Today It Is Infinitely Easier to Kill a Million People, Than to Control a Million People."

Zbigniew Brzinski’s Chatham House Speech: “Today It Is Infinitely Easier to Kill a Million People, Than to Control a Million People.”

(Zbigniew Brzinski - Audience applauses) Ladies and Gentlemen, Robin. Thank you very much for your as always elegant and eloquent introduction. I've heard him many times when he was running the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington and if anything his eloquent and elegant has increased ever since he's been rehabilitated in the society here. (Audience laughs; ah ah ah...) I am also delighted ...
The C.I.A. internally Published SeaPea v2.0 - User Guide for Exploiting Apple Mac OSX 10.4.X through 10.5.X

The C.I.A. internally Published SeaPea v2.0 – User Guide for Exploiting Apple Mac OSX 10.4.X through 10.5.X

On Nov. 6, 2008, the C.I.A. internally published SeaPea v2.0 - User Guide for exploiting Apple Mac OSX 10.4.X through 10.5.X. Whistleblower Source: WikiLeaks Vault 7 DARK MATTER Released in 2017. SeaPea hijacks Apple Macintosh computers undetectably, below the operating system, so that it continues to operate even when the infected target computer is rebooted. SeaPea even includes a stealth feature that deletes itself if it ...