In 2011, according to the official story, Osama Bin Laden was said to have died after a team of Navy Seals shot him dead during a raid on his safe house in Pakistan on May 1st 2011. This story has been propagandized heavily not just by the mainstream media in America but also in the Hollywood film production Zero Dark Thirty. It is a complete fabrication of reality … Also, 18 countries, including 14 NATO members, launched premeditated aggression against Libya. Seven months of NATO airstrikes were estimated to have killed 60,000 Libyan civilians in what was termed a “humanitarian intervention”. Pre-war propaganda included lies about “Viagra rapes” by Libyan forces of Muammar Gadaffi.
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Project Veritas Releases Shocking Never-Before-Heard Phone Call Between Julian Assange and Hillary Clinton’s State Department

Obama signs NDAA 2012 Legalizing Use of Propaganda and Indefinite Detainment of US Citizens

The DNR’s Invasive Species Order Passes allowing Big Ag to Gain Jurisdiction over Small Pig Farming Operations

Mikhail Gorbachev’s Shocking Blackmail Speech

NY Times Breaks that U.S. Agents Launder Mexican Profits of Drug Cartels

Use of Laptop Computers connected to Wi-Fi Decreases Human Sperm Motility & Increases Sperm DNA Fragmentation

George Bush, Tony Blair, Cheney, Rumsfeld and others Convicted of War Crimes by Malaysia Tribunal

Dr. Judy Mikovits, Arrested, Threatened After Scientific Paper Proves Vaccine Contaminants Were Causing Deaths, Diseases

A Document Originating from Halliburton subsidiary KBR Provides Details on a Push to Outfit FEMA and U.S. Army Camps around the United States.