The deep state and their controlled politicians (mostly democrats) used the January 6th protest at the Capital (a setup with paid provocateurs) to target their political opponents and label them as terrorists. This, of course, followed the 2020 Antifa riots where dozens were killed (including police officers) and dozens of businesses burned to the ground in Democrat-controlled cities while the democrat officials released these criminals and refused to call them domestic terrorists.
The Afghanistan 2021 withdrawal was agreed on 29 February 2020,[1] planned for the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and was completed before midnight on 30 August 2021, when Major-General Chris Donahue was the last American soldier to leave Kabul, and US–led NATO troops ended 20 years of occupation in Afghanistan.[2]
The Taliban took control by mid-August and its co-founder Abdul Ghani Baradar returned from exile in Qatar.[3] Joe Biden initiated the chaotic withdrawal. Read More at Wikispooks…
2021 Economy
While the elite used lockdowns and covid restrictions in 2020 to kill small business and wreck the economy, 2021 saw vaccine mandates and California’s version of the Green New Deal to further halt the economy. Vaccine mandates for individuals working government jobs in democrat and RINO controlled states and cities or working for many fortune 1000 companies forced thousands of workers out. According to a major article at The Conservative Treehouse, a major cause for the port pileup of container ships and containers (leaving store shelves partially empty) was the shortage of trucks to haul them to their destination. And for the major ports in California, that is due to the CA version of the Green New Deal and has nothing to do with Covid.
The California Air Resources Board issued new regulations stating that no semi-trucks could enter any of the ports at Los Angeles and Long Beach unless they were current with new California emissions standards.
This issue wipes out approximately half of the fleet trucks used to move containers in/out of the port. Operating the port 24/7 will not cure the issue, because all it does is pile up more containers that sit idle as they await a limited number of trucks to pick them up. This is the central issue.
But adding to the issue is the fact that the biggest shippers like, Amazon, Walmart, UPS, FedEx, Samsung, The Home Depot and Target all had taken actions months ago when they were given advanced notice. They began to shift their cargos to ports on the East Coast, like Savannah, which raised prices (having to go through the Panama Canal) and caused bottle necks on Eastern ports.
The entire supply chain from Asia to the United States was being modified from the closest port (California) to the ports where internal transportation would not be an issue. Ships from China and SE Asia being diverted from California into the Gulf of Mexico or East coast have to go through the Panama Canal. It takes twice as long and costs twice as much, if not more. Hence, massive shipping price increases.
It was not accidental that those companies showed up at the White House to discuss the issue, because there’s now a full court press to hide it.
Adding to the mess are the vaccine mandates on trucking companies with over 100 drivers forcing many of these drivers to quit and go independent. Now some haulage firms are offering $100K salaries and $15K bonus to lure 80K truckers to their companies. Then, there’s always the issue of lazy union workers (crane operators, etc.) taking their good old time to do the job, as Tori Richards reported on
A truck driver explained some of the above issues and more in the video below:
This was all laid out in the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report Operation Lockstep that had a pandemic forcing authoritarian top-down control followed by supply chain and food shortage issues. All planned and implemented as part of the great reset to enslave you!
Joel Skousen speaking at the Highland Group meeting in Utah gave a year-end analysis of 2021: