Taking Back Our Stolen History
3/11 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor Plant Disaster: A Man-Made Disaster by Israel
3/11 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor Plant Disaster: A Man-Made Disaster by Israel

3/11 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor Plant Disaster: A Man-Made Disaster by Israel

When reviewing the seismic data for the supposed 9.0, I knew there were instead 3 small simultaneous inland epicenters. This made me suspicious right from the start that the quake was artificially triggered and used as seismic cover for a tsunami bomb. But I needed a reason to believe an artificial quake could have been done. I suspected that either Japan was testing nukes and Israeli intelligence was onto it and used the tests as the “start of clock” for their operation, or Israel managed to smuggle nukes into lava tubes and tunnels far underground to trigger earthquakes and contain the blasts. So I was hunting for tunnels and lava tubes near each of the three epicenters, and wanted to find them before writing this into this report. As it turns out, I did not need to. A military briefing with Secretary of Defense William Cohen, dated all the way back to 1997 shows that even then, Cohen knew about EM weaponry that could trigger quakes and set off volcanoes.. I have ignored everything regarding this subject, I thought it was the realm of kooks. I thought EM weaponry would be effective in weather modification only, but I am not going to argue with the Secretary of Defense. There are obviously then, energy technologies which have never been publicized, such weaponry would need far more energy input than the electrical grid could provide. And the systems Cohen spoke of in 1997 would be outdated now.

Cohen stated:

“Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important. – William S. Cohen, Secretary of Defense, April 28, 1997.

Left unsaid by William Cohen is that such systems would be developed by Darpa and owned by America first!

I would expect with 14 years of advancement that these technologies could now trigger devastating earthquakes in non-seismic zones.

The following picture is the strongest reading for this quake on any seismogram anywhere in Japan. This was before the lie machine got running smoothly. Early on there were a few sputters and this REAL chart got out. As you can see on this chart, it was a 6.67 on the Richter scale, (not shindo scale, confirmed by PGA reference) This would fit in with NO structural damage in Sendai and the level of shaking in the video.

This quake was initially assessed a 6.8, and the seismic data will show anyone the epicenter was inland, not at sea. Please note – the date listed at the top is the date of compilation, Japan has thousands of seismic stations run by numerous organizations, and they take time to merge into one final report. That is the date listed at the top of this compilation (March 15), and there is a shill out there who can’t figure this out, a fact which should be obvious because the main seismograph in this report is dated and timed to the quake, and is a match for the lower resolution seismograms in this large compilation.; or should I instead say it should be obvious because not a single building fell! So it started a 6.8, then got upgraded to a 7.9, then got upgraded to an 8.4, then got upgraded to an 8.8, then got upgraded to a 9.0, and had the epicenter put out in the ocean. Now many are saying it was a 9.1 which would bump up MYG011’s number to 1200 from 1070, and it is all based on tsunami effects, not seismic data.

The following seismograms clearly show epicenters from 3 separate small quakes all occurring simultaneously. This is what would be expected of an attack, rather than a natural occurrence.

One problem with people grasping how big a 9.0 is, is exponential charts which will hide how much energy is really being released behind confusing gradient marking. To answer the need for clarity, I got out the calculator and produced a chart which shows you how big a 9.0 is on a linear scale.

Confusion over how GIANT a 9.0 really is has helped the elite scammers enormously in their lie. There is simply no way much of anything will remain standing, yet as the tsunami rolls in . . . . . .

And now, I will bite. This is what I did not want to publish, but I know it has to be true. Call this creative journalism, because I never called Netenyahu, but here is the most rational conclusion I can draw, based on all info gathered so far including the original not faked seismic data.

I honestly believe Japan is being held a nuclear hostage. It all makes sense.

  1. Japan offers to enrich uranium for Israel’s GREAT SATAN, Iran
    1. Updated information indicates that Japan was being held under threat to hand over trillions of yen to the World Bank, and refused. I now believe that this was the primary motivation behind why the quake was perpetrated and Fukushima was destroyed. The zionists wanted to prove to Japan just how dirty they would be if Japan did not pay a ransom so high it would effectively enslave the Japanese people, and shortly after the disaster Japan suddenly announced a huge payment to the World Bank to “end world poverty”. Out of the blue. Good people they are, those Japanese, to destroy their economic future with such a voluntary action.
  2. Immediately, Israel sets up front companies masquerading as security companies, and one of them succeeds in getting a security contract at a Japanese nuclear facility.
  3. 4 months later the Dimona Dozen shows up, and under the cover of a security contract gets unlimited access to the heart of Fukushima. They plant the virus, install real cameras outside the facility, and functional poorly disguised nuke cameras inside the facility. In addition to this, they install an unauthorized data connection to allow control of all the guts of the facility via the virus. (they admitted to this connection, as discussed later on this page)
  4. After installing Stuxnet and the nukes they scram
  5. Israel waits for one of the many natural quakes in Japan to provide cover for a tsunami bomb, and they already have it at the bottom of the Japan trench. VLF communications are established with the bomb to penetrate the water. David in Dimona gets seismic reading from Japan. 6.67 in progress, BOOM. (evidence shows the quake most likely was not natural) Tsunami comes in, swamps stuxnet infected power plant, direct video feed from legitimate cameras security company installed gets to David via totally unauthorized channel, and David knows just when to cut the generators off. Others on the team do all they can to counteract measures taken by the employees at fukushima, who are unaware an attack is taking place and do not understand why everything is going crazy
  6. Israeli Prime Minister calls Japan, and says TAKE THAT for offering help to Iran, and ya know, there are FIVE MORE NUKES in the ocean off the coast of Japan, and we are going to set those off and destroy your coastal cities if you do not forget that 6.67, and say it was a 9 to cover for tsunami effects. AND NOW we are going to make your people DEMAND you move away from nuclear power so you can NEVER threaten us like that again. We are BLOWING UP FUKUSHIMA DIIACHI and you are going to go along with whatever story we tell you to. SO THERE!!
  7. David and his pals close ALL valves to the reactors via the remote data link they admitted to installing, and put them full throttle, to melt them down while the virus keeps control room readouts displaying false info, like nothing is going on even though the place is coming apart. After enough mayhem ensues to provide plausibility, they set off planted nukes and blow the place sky high.

Though I have yet to work out the final details, I probably have enough to hang them because:

  1. I got the real seismic data that proves beyond a doubt the quake is not what we were told and was in fact an inland 6.8, (calculated higher than the seismogram due to the triangulated true epicenter being a little higher) which would get noticed but not feared in quake ridden Japan.
  2. Numerous referenced sources prove Stuxnet really was written by Israel
  3. Japan really did offer to enrich Uranium for Iran, and really did refuse to do a huge banker bailout. Israel has been documented to have attempted to destroy a reactor in Iran, and probably did. Japan contributing to Iran’s nuclear future would make them just as much an enemy to Israel as Iran, and not sucking up to a banker threat the way America did would cause the zionists to slate an economy the size of Japan’s for destruction. Israel would want them taken out. Now all the economic news coming out of Japan is over how bad their economy now is, when prior to the quake it was golden. No key manufacturing got destroyed by the quake, why suddenly POOF – economy down the toilet? It’s because of the enormous debt Japan now must pay the bankers to “end world poverty.” Why would a nation do that with their economy in the tank anyway?
  4. It is documented that a team from Israel, with a history consisting only of working in Israeli defense, got unlimited access to a Japanese nuclear facility, which then went boom
  5. Reactor 4 had been defueled and proven disassembled, and therefore no explosion there was possible. What should have happened at reactor 4, if anything at all? the fuel pools should have melted down and caught fire once the water boiled off from lack of recirculation AT Worst, and badly contaminated the containment structure, NOTHING ELSE. NO explosions, NOTHING ELSE. Reactor 4 is building 7, PERIOD. Why did an explosion there happen that was so severe it blew the outer containment walls (4 feet thick) and inner containment walls that were much thicker? Reactor 4 is reportedly now in danger of falling over. HOW?
  6. The Japanese government is going along with the story of a scientifically proven false 9.0. There is a reason, and my guess is that Israel has made threats to wipe out Japanese coastal cities with additional tsunamis if the government of Japan speaks a word of what went on, there should be no reason for Japan to go along with this other than a continued threat.

Is it not interesting this “quake” reportedly happened at the bottom of the Japan trench, which does not produce significant earthquakes and would be perfect for hiding an atomic bomb blast?

If detonated at the bottom of the Japan trench, a nuke could create an empty underwater dome of completely displaced water six kilometers tall and twelve kilometers across without ever breaching the surface. That would produce an epic tsunami all the while surface effects remained for the most part hidden. With absolutely no significant quake damage in Sendai, a very large (megaton range) sub sea nuclear detonation remains the best explanation for the tsunami.

Is the Department of Homeland Security trying to keep American industries (and nuclear facilities in the dark about Stuxnet? After Fukushima fell victim to unwary operators, I would think such a conference would be a TOP priority here! The genie is out of the bottle. It is a fact that the writers of Stuxnet intend to use it. So cancelling a well researched conference about the vulnerabilities of the Siemens SCADA system to Stuxnet in the name of “keeping hackers from getting info” seems to me like an effort to keep the threat alive. Ignore the fluff at the beginning, and read the “About TakeDownCon” summary near the bottom so you know what they actually cancelled rather than settle for the no-panic fluff at the beginning. This is SERIOUS.

I fear that by the time the Hacker Halted conference happens in October, the summer of disaster may have passed. And if it has not, I bet any discussion of Stuxnet at Hacker Halted will also be cancelled. Stuxnet is too good a toy for a very powerful group to let go of. Something is fishy here.

Other publications picked up this story now, and are poo pooing the issue into the ground. They are obviously attempting to morph responsibility for Stuxnet style attacks away from Israel so that they can regain cover and use the weapon as a false flag tool to destroy internet freedom. This is where they are going to go with this – count on it, and when the disasters happen there will be a cozy blanket of lies shielding Israel from all blame. Never forget, THIS IS THEIR BABY, NEVER FORGET. Prior to them doing this, WE NEVER HEARD OF IT.

About “prompt criticality” – As it turns out, Arnie Gundersen, mister “prompt criticality” with regard to the massive explosion at #3 is very poorly credentialed. His crowning achievement was playing with a 100 watt open water tank reactor in a classroom for a short period of time. The following quotes used to spice this section are from other nuclear engineers posting to Atomicinsights.com.

Fuel rods are only 20 percent fissionable, sometimes even less, and until you reach over 90 percent purity in U238 and about 70 percent purity in Plutonium NO “prompt criticality” is possible in ANY case no matter how much of it you have laying around. Furthermore, even with 100 percent pure material you need a precision trigger slamming or crushing material together to get a detonation. Even if 100 percent pure material is slammed together at high speed, if it is not done right you will get only a nuclear “sputter” that pushes the pieces apart, and no detonation.

Nukes are hard to do! Why have so many of us seemed to have forgotten that nuclear detonations are hard to accomplish? The “prompt criticality” in spent fuel story is something I would have expected to hear from an Ewok praying to a gold robot. I can’t believe even a scammer would have the guts to suggest it, let alone allow it to be spread around in his name.

For an explanation for the explosions, just look at the cameras the Dimona Dozen brought in. If someone is waving a degree as an anchor for this “prompt criticality” bull hockey, remember that there is such a thing as a paper trained idiot and if you look into Gundersen’s background you will discover he is barely that, with his ONLY hands on experience outside a classroom being an intern at a nuclear facility two years before he got his degree!

If the mainstream media wanted the facts, why did they pick this guy? Because he said what they wanted, truth be damned.

“We at Vermont Yankee are well acquainted with Arnie and his exaggerations. He plays to a public and a legislature that has zero knowledge of nuclear power or engineering and is willing to accept any negative claim as truth.” And since he gave an impossible “prompt criticality” explanation which diverted attention away from the only real explanation for the magnitude of the explosion at #3 – a nuke, they gave him a ton of air. Enough said.

Arnie Gundersen’s consulting firm, which has only him (no employees yet or ever, and therefore it’s easy to be “senior engineer”) was curiously founded within months of the release of the spider man villain “critical mass” who, as Spider man’s fourth grade classmate went by the name of ARNIE GUNDERSEN. Critical Mass had the ability to project explosions from his fingertips. Hmm, perhaps THAT gave birth to the “prompt criticality” in a 20% fuel pool when 90+ percent is needed for an explosion of any sort no matter what the circumstance? If you need 90 or more percent and you have only 20 percent, THE LAWS OF PHYSICS WILL BE OBEYED. Folks, In perfect form, the scamming media hunted out a fraud and rammed him down your throats. I firmly believe Arnie Gundersen has a phony company and was inspired in his fraud by a Spider Man comic. The date of the creation and publishing of the villian “Critical Mass” precedes the creation of Arnie’s company, Farewinds and associates by only two months. I don’t believe it is coincidence, and when it comes down to the “associates” part of his company name, THEY DO NOT EXIST.

No where has a classmate come forward claiming to have known him in college, and with his stupidity regarding “prompt criticality” in a fuel pool, I doubt he has a degree at all.

The article about the virus attack on Fukushima follows.

The following section covers the Fukushima disaster from a technical perspective

Published April 29,2011

Fukushima was impossible. The swamping of the generators by the tsunami was irrelevant, because the real emergency backup systems are driven by steam from the reactors themselves and require no electricity at all to function. No electricity is needed to operate three separate emergency systems at each reactor, each of which will keep a reactor safe even if only one works. Interesting it is then that all 9 non electrical backup systems across the three fueled reactors failed. This is technically impossible outside of willful intent, and was likely the result of a Stuxnet virus attack.

Stuxnet was designed specifically to target Siemens SCADA controllers and is most effective at tampering with fluid control systems of the type that Fukushima used for emergency safety. The centrifuges it attacked in Iran were ideal. So are the fluid control systems at a nuclear facility. Oil refineries are equally at risk, Stuxnet is most dangerous when affecting a system which needs to control the flow of any liquid, be it hydraulic, for cooling, or combining chemicals. Stuxnet is documented to have been produced by the,by the Israeli defense forces for the purpose of destroying any industrial system that can be destroyed by improper fluid flow. The articles (left & right) which document the creation of Stuxnet can be downloaded in full by typing the URL’s embedded in the screen captures.

Magna BSP, a Dimona based company with no history outside of IDF contracts prior to Fukushima has a suspiciously short domain history despite a 10 year claimed history. Magna BSP had a full time internet linked two way connection to the Fukushima reactor room(s) all the way through the disaster. They told TEPCO about that connection on March 15 (after everything blew sky high) via an article printed in the Jerusalem Post.

Why did Manga BSP wait until everything was blown sky high to tell Tepco the data link existed, and then did not tell them face to face? I find it hard to believe that TEPCO would not have been interested in viewing a reactor that was about to explode. It seems impossible that Tepco would not have wanted to view the reactor, and probably did not ask because the link was kept a secret. It is a simple fact that internet connections are never allowed inside a reactor’s containment. The connection was mentioned in the Jerusalem Post AFTER the destruction was finalized. And as another side note, if Fukushima really was without power as stated in the MSM, HOW did Magna BSP’s cameras and associated computer hardware keep running ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE DISASTER as this article states?

This article clearly shows I am not the only one suspecting Stuxnet at Fukushima.

Stuxnet has two modes, random and administrative. It can be administered to optimize the damage and can also transmit setup information and industrial system information to a remote computer. Once installed on the host system via a flash drive it causes that system to violate it’s normal security protocols and internet administration becomes possible if a connection exists. Tampering is not visible on the control room readouts, because Stuxnet learns what “normal” looks like and keeps the temperature, pressure, and other readouts within normal limits so that the operators are oblivious to the destruction happening in secret.

Stuxnet appeared in Japan in June of 2010, shortly after Magna BSP arrived. Remote administration mode can be adjusted on demand to suit any need. No doubt the people at Fukushima sat there in idle mode thinking all was well until something screamed or went boom and at that point it would be too late to do anything other than cry.

I did not catch this in the original report, but I now believe Stuxnet was first tested in America as evidenced by this article and others.

I am a lifer in the types of control systems Fukushima and it’s clone, TVA owned Browns Ferry have. BOTH have been upgraded to modern Siemens controllers running the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system Stuxnet was designed to attack; upgrades are the norm in any major facility. On many blogs people say the controls were old and therefore Stuxnet immune; they are out of touch or have no knowledge of industrial control systems. I actually ferreted it out.