41) CIA front companies were involved with facilitating aircraft flight training [actually, a cover by the government proxies, so as to divert attention from where the actually hijackers got real training. (none of the listed hijackers were those actually doing the hijacking)]
- “Britannia Aviation, a CIA front company surfaced recently in a dispute in Lynchburg, VA when a multi-million dollar contract for aircraft maintenance at Lynchburg Virginia Regional Airport was awarded to Britannia instead of a much larger local aircraft maintenance company, fully certified with many employees and already located at Lynchburg. Investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker discovered that Britannia has only one listed employee and assets totaling less than $1000. Britannia’s only address points to a small office sub-leased from Rudi Huffman Aviation owned by CIA Dutch asset Rudi Dekker trained two of the supposed jijackers (Marwan Al-Shehai and Mohammad Atta). [Mad Cow Morning News. com]
- Evergreen Air (CIA front company for chemtrail operations within the United States, weapons and arms dealing, drug running and rendition tortures) Read more
- Four former executives of General Reinsurance Corp. and a former American International Group Inc. (AIG=CIA front) executive were convicted of fraud charges for helping to deceive AIG investors through a sham transaction in 2000. Bloomberg 2/25 Read more. This may explain why the insurers for the $3.55 bln didn’t fight the insurance claim with all of the evidence to show the buildings were brought down by explosives and directed energy. Other reasons discussed here…(also see comments)
- A court filing from the Guantanamo Military Commission, the court considering the cases of defendants accused of carrying out the terrorist attacks in NY on 9/11, 2001, reveal that the CIA was closely monitoring two of the hijackers, and may have even recruited them before they allegedly flew planes into the WTC buildings.
42) Death Tolls – The death toll of the attack, though horrific, was much lower than it would have been if not for numerous aspects of target selection and timing.
- Flights
All four flights were unusually empty.- Flights 11, 175, 77, and 93 were only at 51%, 31%, 20%, and 16% occupancy, respectively.
- World Trade Center
The Towers were attacked before most people had arrived, and were hit high enough to allow most people to escape.- When Flight 11 hit the North Tower at 8:46 AM, the World Trade Center buildings were at less than half the occupancy of a typical mid-day.
- The first Tower to be attacked was hit just 15 stories below the top, and trapped people mostly between the 95th and 110th floors.
- The second Tower to be attacked was hit only 30 stories below the top, and the plane missed the core, allowing people to evacuate from above the impact zone. The 17 minutes that elapsed since the first hit allowed many people to escape the second Tower while the elevators were still working.
- Pentagon
125 people were killed in a building with 20,000 people.- The portion of the Pentagon that was attacked, the West Block, was in the process of being renovated, and so was at low occupancy.
- No high-level Pentagon officials were killed in the attack.
43) Key Witnesses Mysteriously Dying,,, all of whom contradict the official story:
44) Rules and Procedural changes would limit the ability of pilots and military commanders to respond to hijackings.
- Military orders stripped commanders in the field of autonomy in responding to hijackings.
- The FAA banned firearm possession by commercial pilots two months before the attack.
45) Mysterious September 11 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill – “The chairmen of the Joint Inquiry have dubious links to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) which is known to have actively supported Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Moreover, according to intelligence sources, including the FBI, Pakistan’s ISI played a role in financing the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The two Joint Inquiry chairmen Sen Bob Graham and Rep Porter Goss were fully cognizant of the “Pakistani ISI connection” and the role played by its former head, General Mahmoud Ahmad (the money man for the alleged hijackers).
Indeed, even after 9/11, the so-called spiritual leader of the very hijackers who allegedly slammed Flight 77 into the Pentagon, Anwar al-Awlaki, was himself invited to dine with Pentagon top brass mere months after the attack.
46) Historical Case Against BBC Cover Up 9/11 Evidence – Horsham, UK, 2013 – Tony Rooke, in an act of civil disobedience, refused to pay the mandatory £130 TV license fee claiming it violates Section 15 of the Terrorism Act. Rooke’s accusation was aimed at the BBC who reported the collapse of WTC 7 over 20 minutes before it actually fell, and the judge accepted Rooke’s argument. While it was not a public inquiry into 9/11, the recognition of the BBC’s actions on September 11th are considered a small victory, one that was never reported in the US.
Revealing video shows reporter Jane Standley talking about collapse of WTC 7 (aka the Saloman Brothers Bldg.) while it was still standing in background on a live feed. Google removed the clip. WTC Building 7 would fall at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11 – 20 minutes after the BBC reported it. Minutes before the actual collapse of the building is due, the feed to the reporter mysteriously dies.
Fox News 5 in DC also announced early.
47) Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9/11. These 5 Israelis were seen filming the WTC buildings beforehand and dancing and celebrating their collapse afterwards. Watch this Video. The police and FBI field agents became very suspicious when they found maps of the city with certain places highlighted, box cutters (the same items that the hijackers supposedly used), $4700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. Police also told the Bergen Record that bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled explosives. (Source) The Jerusalem Post reported on September 12, 2001:
American security services overnight stopped a car bomb on the George Washington Bridge. The van, packed with explosives, was stopped on an approach ramp to the bridge. Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York, Army Radio reported. (13)
“…two suspects are in FBI custody after a truckload of explosives was discovered around the George Washington Bridge … The FBI … says enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge.” – Tom Brokaw (CBS News)
The Israelis worked for a Weehawken moving company known as Urban Moving Systems. An American employee of Urban Moving Systems told the The Record of New Jersey that a majority of his co-workers were Israelis and they were joking about the attacks. Urban Moving Systems was also the owner of another van seen parked a few blocks away from the Towers on 9/11 with a mural painted on the side of a jetliner crashing and exploding into the twin towers. A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System’s Israeli owner, Dominick Suter, dropped his business and fled the country for Israel. He was in such a hurry to flee America that some of Urban Moving System’s customers were left with their furniture stranded in storage facilities.
The Jewish weekly The Forward reported that the FBI finally concluded that at least two of the detained Israelis were agents working for the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, and that Urban Moving Systems, the ostensible employer of the five Israelis, was a front operation. This was confirmed by two former CIA officers, and they noted that movers’ vans are a common intelligence cover. (23). The Israelis were held in custody for 71 days before being quietly released. This happened after Michael Chertoff, whose mother was an Israeli Mossad agent, was placed in charge of the investigation.
“There was no question but that [the order to close down the investigation] came from the White House. It was immediately assumed at CIA headquarters that this basically was going to be a cover-up so that the Israelis would not be implicated in any way in 9/11.” (25)
Several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show after their return home. Said one of the men, denying that they were laughing or happy on the morning of Sept. 11, “The fact of the matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event.”
How did they know there would be an event to document on 9/11? It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to connect the dots of the dancing Israeli Mossad agents.
48) Airport Security In Israeli Hands – The third crucial aspect of control to be established was that of security at all of the airports from which the hijacking flights would originate. Passenger screening needed to be handled by controlled operatives so as to allow certain people and items (i.e. weapons) onto the planes.
The company that ran airport security at all three airports where the alleged hijackings originated was Huntsleigh USA a wholly owned subsidiary of ICTS International and owned by Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon – both Israeli Jews.
The company was run by “experts” in the security and intelligence field – Israeli intelligence that is. Most employees were ex- Shin Bet agents. It is not credible that this company, which ran security at both Boston Logan and Newark airports, was so slipshod as to allow 19 Arabs to board 4 different planes with box-cutters, mace, and even a gun.
Menachem Atzmon, former Likud treasurer in the 80’s, together with Ehud Olmert and other Likudniks was involved in an Israeli political scandal. He was convicted of fraud, falsifying documents, and breaching Party Funding Law.
ICTS was also in charge of airport security when the shoe bomber, Richard Reid boarded a plane with, allegedly, a shoe bomb. If Reid were really a terrorist rather than a Mossad Patsy, then ICTS would not have allowed him board the plane.
Another point indicating ICTS’s complicity is that a few hours before the Patriot Act was voted onto the statute book, it was edited to make foreign companies in charge of security on 9/11, immune to lawsuits. This effectively prevents American courts from demanding that ICTS provide testimony or hand over surveillance videos from the airports. The government refused to allow the surveillance footage of passengers / hijackers boarding the planes to be released to the public, because none of the 19 patsies would have been shown boarding. You would have seen the real 9/11 pilots who actually knew how to fly big jetliners and who actually landed them after the radar exchange was made with the drones.
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (also referred to as “Underwear Bomber) is a Muslim Nigerian citizen and alleged terrorist who attempted to detonate plastic explosives hidden in his underwear on board of Northwest Airlines Flight 253, en route from Amsterdam to Detroit, Michigan, on Christmas Day December 25, 2009. Abdulmutallab boarded the US bound plane from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. Kurt Haskell, an attorney from Michigan, also boarded the same flight and he recalls seeing Abdulmutallab and another “sharp dressed” Indian looking man who helped Abdulmutallab board the flight. Haskell claims that Abdulmutallab boarded the flight without a passport. The security at the Schiphol Airport is also handled by the Israeli-owned ICTS International.
49) WTC Security In Zionist Hands – The second crucial aspect of control was that of security for the WTC complex. This was was required to provide unquestioned access to strategic areas of the buildings for the purposes of rigging explosives in the period prior to the attacks.
The contract to run security at the WTC was awarded to Kroll Associates after the 1993 WTC bombing. Kroll is otherwise known as “Wallstreet’s CIA”. The contract was awarded by The Port Authority of New York and $2.5 million was paid to them to revamp security at the complex. The owners of Kroll were two Zionist Jews named Jules & Jeremy Kroll.

The managing director of Kroll at the time was Jerome M. Hauer. Hauer was also the person chosen to run Mayor Rudy Giuliani‘s office of emergency management (OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He is the key individual that pushed for this office to be placed in Silverstein’s WTC Building 7 (ie the third tall building to collapse on 9/11).
Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer’s mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and support of the State of Israel.
50) Rabbi Dov Zakheim and Systems Planning Corporation – Many researchers believe that the planes which struck the twin towers were precision guided by remote control. Although science fiction-sounding at first blush, remote control technology of airplanes has been around for decades. SPC Corporation provided the flight termination system and command transmitter system, the technology that allows planes to be remote controlled should the pilots be incapacitated or the plane hijacked.

Rabbi Dov Zakheim was the appointed Undersecretary of Defense (Comptroller) from 2001 to 2004 under the George W. Bush administration. Zakheim deserves a question or two about why Donald Rumsfeld announced on Monday 10th September, 2001, that “we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions”.[17] Mondays are seldom considered good days for burying bad news, but of course the story was buried under 9/11’s rubble. Not only the story – the part of the West wing of the Pentagon that was destroyed on 9-11 buried many accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts who might have been able to account for where that money went.[18]
In May 2001, when Zakheim served at the Pentagon, it was an SPS (his firm’s) subsidiary, the Tridata Corporation, that oversaw the investigation of the first “terrorist” attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. This would have given them intimate knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprints of the buildings complex.
According to the SPC website, a recent customer at that time was Eglin AFB, located in Florida. Eglin is very near another Air Force base in Florida-MacDill AFB, where Dov Zakheim contracted to send at least 32 Boeing 767 aircraft, as part of the Boeing /Pentagon tanker lease agreement.
Considering his access to Boeing 767 tankers, remote control flight systems, and his published views in the PNAC document, it seems likely he is in fact a key figure in the 9/11 terrorist attacks

51) Gomel Chesed Cemetery – In October 2000, approximately 11 months before 9/11, a retired Israeli Defense Forces(IDF) officer, and veteran of the Yom Kippur War (1973), was collecting English Ivy Cuttings at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery located at McClellan and 245 Mount Olive Avenue, which is near the city lines of Elizabeth and Newark, New Jersey. The Gomel Chesed Cemetery is a Jewish cemetery.
The man overheard a conversation spoken in Hebrew, which drew his attention. He hid behind an 8-foot tall retaining wall and listened in to their conversation as they stood below. Shortly after a Lincoln town car approached the two people and the man in the backseat got out to greet them. After normal niceties were exchanged the third man said:
“The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.”
One of the men that had been leaning against the retaining wall expressed concerns that the upcoming presidential election (November 2000) might impact the plans. The man that arrived in the Town Car quelled the doubts by saying:
“Don’t worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets elected, they will take care of everything.”
The observer who overheard this conversation related it to the FBI on numerous occasions only to be ignored each time. Nothing was done about it, and no investigation into the incident has ever taken place.
52) Israeli Citizens Get Tipped Off – Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impeding attack 2 hours prior to the first plane hitting. This warning was NOT passed on to the authorities.
- Odigo had a feature on its service that allowed the passing on of messages through a search feature based on nationality. Knowing these two particular Israelis were forewarned, it is possible – even likely – that they passed the message on to other Israelis. This is especially so considering that, out of the 4000 Israelis believed to have worked in and around the WTC and the Pentagon only FIVE died. 5/4000 Israelis. Statistically, with no forewarning about 10% (ie 400 of 4000) would have died; a toll as low as 200-300/4000 would not convincingly indicate foreknowledge. But only FIVE Israelis died and two of the five were aboard the allegedly hijacked flights; thus only three Israelis died in the WTC itself on 9/11 – An astonishing statistic!. NB – this applies to Israeli nationals, NOT American Jews. Many Jews died in the WTC on 9/11.
- Odigo has offices in New York, and in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya also happens to be the home of the Mossad Headquarters.
- Odigo was later acquired by another Israeli company called Comverse. The CEO of Comverse was Kobi Alexander, “dual” Israeli-US citizen, with connections to Mossad. He has been charged on several counts of fraud.
53) Other forewarnings
- On Sep 10, 2001, the Tokyo branch of Goldman Sachs warned its American employees to steer clear of American buildings.
- ZIM, an Israeli company, vacated its office (10,000 square feet) in the North WTC tower a week before 9/11, breaking its lease. 49% of this company is owned by the Israeli government. The lease ran till the end of 2001, and it cost the company $50,000 to break it early. Later, FBI agent Michael Dick, who was investigating Israeli spying before and after 9/11 and looking into the suspicious move, was removed from his duties by the then head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, Michael Chertoff, another Jew and staunch supporter of Zionism.
- FEMA Arrived to New York the Evening of September 10th and “deployed Tuesday morning (9/11)
- Jewish American businessman Larry Silverstein, who had just purchased the WTC buildings 6 weeks earlier, had breakfast in “Windows on the World” restaurant (located in North Tower 107th Floor) every morning. [5] but broke this routine on the morning of 11 September 2001. Silverstein’s two children, who also worked in the WTC, were also absent from work that day.
- Frank Lowy, a Czechoslovakia born Jew, was the owner of Westfield America, one of the biggest shopping mall conglomerates in the world. Lowy leased the shopping concourse area called the Mall at the World Trade Center, made up of approximately 427,000 square feet of retail floor space. Frank Lowy has an interesting history. He was a member of the Golani Brigade, and fought in the Israeli war of independence. Before this he was a member of Hagganah, a Jewish terrorist organization. He spends three months of the year at his home in Israel and has been described by the Sydney Morning Herald as “a self-made man with a strong interest in the Holocaust and Israeli politics.” He funded and launched the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy, which will “operate within the framework of Tel Aviv University” in Israel. He is also close friends with many top Israeli officials such as Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, Bibi Netanyahu, and Ehud Barak. He was implicated in an Israeli Bank Scandal with Olmert. [8] Frank Lowy was not at the WTC on 9/11.
54) U.S. Army Study: On Mossad – In 2001, an elite US Army study center devised a plan for enforcing a major Israeli-Palestinian peace accord that would require about 20,000 well-armed troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created Palestinian state. The report attempts to predict events in the first year of a peace-enforcement operation, and sees possible dangers for U.S. troops from both sides. Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the US army officers say: “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”
The amazing thing about this is that this story was reported in the Washington Post on September 10, 2001. [15]
55) Israeli espionage around 9/11 – Shortly before 9/11, over 140 Israelis had been arrested for suspected espionage. Some of them were posing as Art students (who were actually camping inside the WTC building on the 91st floor prior to 9/11). These suspects targeted or penetrated Military bases, DEA, FBI, Secret Service, ATF, U.S. Customs, IRS, INS, EPA, Interior Dept., U.S. Marshal’s Service, various US Attorneys Offices, Secret government offices Unlisted private homes of law enforcement/intelligence officers. Most of the suspects served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units.
Dozens of Israelis were arrested in American malls kiosks selling toys, acting as a front for a spying operation.
60 detained suspects worked for the Israeli company AMDOCS which provides most directory assistance calls and most call records and billings services for the U.S. by virtue of its contracts with the 25 largest telephone companies in the U.S.
All alleged 9/11 hijackers had fake IDs. During a joint FBI-CIA operation against the alleged lead hijacker Mohammad Atta in Fort Lee, NJ in 2001, the operation was photographed by Israeli agents and thereby compromised. These Jews were arguably providing cover for the future patsy hijacker teams.
- Video – Israel spies on the USA part 1
- Video – Israel spies on the USA part 2
- Video – Israel spies on the USA part 3
- Video – Israel spies on the USA part 4
Much more on the Israeli spies posing as ‘art students’ HERE
56) After 9/11 – More detentions of Israelis – Following 9/11, over 60 Israelis were detained either under the Patriot anti-Terrorism Act or for immigration violations. Some of them were active Israeli military personnel. A number of them failed polygraph examinations when questioned for surveillance activities against the US Some of them were found to have been spying on Arabs.
57) 20th Hijacker – Zacharais Moussaoaui – Another high-level, critical intelligence breakdown occurred in the case of Zacharais Moussaoaui, the so-called 20th hijacker. Moussaoaui was arrested in August 2001. A full month before the 9/11 attacks. When arrested, he had in his possession a laptop computer filled with information and details regarding 9/11. Enough information to easily thwart the impending attacks. But when the FBI agents in charge of his arrest requested a search warrant to investigate his computer, top-level officials within the government denied the warrant. Why would government officials deny the search of a computer of a suspected terrorist? FBI agents Coleen Rowley and Harry Samit together sent more than 100 requests to their superiors attempting to search Moussaoaui’s computer and ring the alarm bells about his terrorist connections. Each time they were denied. And the results are now well-known history. “In the hours after September 11th, FBI agents in Minneapolis (Samit and Rowley included) shared a macabre joke. For weeks prior, they had tried to interest FBI headquarters in Washington in Zacarias Moussaoui, now known as the 20th hijacker. They had begged FBI Headquarters to give them permission to seek a search warrant of Moussaoui’s computer. They were denied. In their frustration, they joked that headquarters back in Washington must be infiltrated by agents of Osama Bin Laden. Why else would their work have been thwarted?” A fundamental question that Time Magazine logically asks, then bizarrely refuses to pursue or answer.
58) Were shoulder-fired missiles launched from the Woolworth building on 9/11?
Credible reports from Port Authority police officers and archived footage of the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center reveal that something far more sinister may have taken place on that dreadful day in which 2,977 people were killed along with 19 highjackers as the official report states. In fact, according to several eyewitness reports, at least one, possibly two, portable missiles may have been fired at the towers from the rooftop of the Woolworth building in addition to the plane strikes.
Shockingly, footage captured on an MSNBC live feed during the attack shows what appears to be a portable shoulder-fired missile (possibly two) being launched from the rooftop terrace of the Woolworth building toward the World Trade Center complex as the north tower collapsed and was reduced to a pile of smoldering rubble.
Documented New York Port Authority police radio chatter backs up the ominous video footage that has been hidden from the general public’s viewing for nearly two decades.
Additionally, on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, at 9:08 am Detective Sgt. Zika with the Port Authority Police reported a possible missile launch off the Woolworth building, according to a memo dated November 12, 2001, regarding the Chronological Report of WTC Radio Transmissions on 09/11/01.
The following is a transcript of several police radio transmissions that occurred during the attack:
Port Authority police officer: “Can you send somebody over to the Woolworth Building to check the roof? … There’s a possible … they said it was … we just had a second explosion, possibly a missile from the roof of the Woolworth Building.”
Police Dispatch: “The Woolworth Building?”
Port Authority police officer: “Yeah, on … on Broadway.”
Initial news reports that were later buried and/or erased:
“Someone had fired missiles at the World Trade Center’s north tower from atop the nearby Woolworth Building.” — WNBC News
“…we just had a second explosion, possibly a missile from the roof of the Woolworth Building.” — Port Authority Police Officer — WNBC News
“They’re shooting at the Trade Center from the Woolworth Building.”
Radio Dispatch — NY Daily News“The first one they think was a guy shooting the missiles off the Woolworth Building.”
WTC Police Channel 07 — Mercury News“Woolworth Building! They’re firing missiles from Woolworth Building!”
Police Channel — Portland Inymedia“…there was a missile launch at the Woolworth building.”
Police Officer, 09:18 AM — Mailgate News“…the police had a report that a missile had been fired at the World Trade Center from the Woolworth building.” — Alan Reiss, WTC Police Desk — 9-11 Commission Hearing
“[About 50 yards from the Tower] There was a ‘swooshing’ sound, then an explosion, and it sounded really low. It was if someone, one or two floors above me, had launched a shoulder-fired missile.” — Lance Cpl. Alan Reifenberg — Marine Corps News
As we pulled ‘round the corner, we stopped the rig, and a cop walked over to us and said, `I saw them shoot a missile launcher off that [Woolworth] building, you guys better be careful up there.’ — NYC Fireman — Mr.Bellers Neighborhood
Dick Cheney-affiliated company was once a tenant in the Woolworth building
According to official archives, the Kellex Corporation was a subsidiary of KBR, Inc. which was formerly a subsidiary of Halliburton the company U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney was V.P. of back in 2001 during the attacks so it’s no surprise the Kellex Corporation also was a tenant in the Woolworth building at one point in time.
“The newly formed Kellex company was headquartered in the Woolworth Building in Lower Manhattan, co-located with the New York Area Engineers Office, which oversaw the contract and the nearly one hundred Special Engineer Detachment personnel which had been assigned to the firm headquarters,” according to Wikipedia. Could there be a connection?
Source: Intellihub
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