A usually concerted effort to keep an illegal or unethical act or situation from being made public by a stratagem to masking or conceal the act. We see the deep state continually covering their tracks from assassinations, false flags, coups, psyops and hoaxes, mass shootings, massacres, genocides, and other heinous crimes against humanity constantly. Those who help cover up these crimes are rewarded and heralded by the controlled mainstream media while whistleblowers, brave journalists, and others who investigate and have or may expose their crimes find themselves victims of smear campaigns, ‘suicided‘ or ‘accidented’ in mysterious car, plane, or boating accidents, or sudden victims of cancer, heart attack, or other weaponized poisons, cancers, etc.
Assassinations / Mysterious Deaths Coup d’état False Flags Psyops Mass Shootings Massacres Trafficking War on Terror