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Taking Back Our Stolen History
Journalist Andrew Breitbart Dies in Strange Circumstances the Day Before He was to Release Damaging Info about Obama
Journalist Andrew Breitbart Dies in Strange Circumstances the Day Before He was to Release Damaging Info about Obama

Journalist Andrew Breitbart Dies in Strange Circumstances the Day Before He was to Release Damaging Info about Obama

Untimely Death

In a stunning coincidence, It appears Andrew Breitbart suffered his untimely death just hours before he was set to release damning video footage that could have sunk Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.

Around three weeks ago on February 9 during the ‘Blog Bash’ event in Washington DC, Breitbart made a prophetic comment that takes on a somewhat chilling nature given the fact that he died in the early hours of March 1st. Speaking to Lawrence Sinclair of Sinclair News, Breitbart stated, “Wait til they see what happens March 1st.”

On the early morning hours of March 1, 2012, conservative media firebrand Andrew Breitbart collapsed on a street near his home in Brentwood, CA. Breitbart had been in conversation with a Los Angeles marketing executive at the Brentwood Restaurant where he had drank a glass of wine before leaving the restaurant to cross the street. He was only 43 years old.

A man who witnessed the death of Andrew Breitbart said the conservative media icon collapsed like a “sack of bricks” and died with bright red skin and a “thick white band” on his forehead.

The testimony comes from Christopher Lasseter, 26, who was walking his dog near the Brentwood Restaurant the evening of March 1 and saw Breitbart leave the eatery, cross the street and fall to the ground on the opposite side of the street.

A video about Derrick Bell airs

At CPAC Feb. 10, Breitbart told the influential audience of grass-roots supporters that he planned to do the vetting on Barack Obama that the mainstream media failed to do in 2008. He promised to begin releasing videos within a few weeks.

The videos are going to come out; the narrative is going to come out that Barack Obama met a bunch of silver ponytails back in the 1980s like Bill (Ayers) and Bernardine Dohrn, equally radical, who said one day we’re going to have the presidency.”

Breitbart told WND at CPAC that the not-yet released videos included footage of Ayers and Obama openly discussing revolution while Obama was a student at Harvard Law School.

The video released by after Breitbart’s death, however, showed law student Obama embracing Prof. Derrick Bell, a radical academic with ties to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s radical pastor for 20 years in Chicago.

“The video did not seem as earthshattering as Breitbart initially claimed it to be, just weeks before the 43-year-old unexpectedly passed away at his home last Thursday,the New York Daily News observed.

Bannon insisted to WND that the video released by after Breitbart’s death was the film Breitbart referred to when speaking in February to CPAC.

There is no other footage,” Bannon insisted. “We were working on the Derrick Bell video when Breitbart died, and we released to the public the video we have.”

However, in a contentious March 8 interview with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, Editor in Chief Joel Pollack said the Bell video was just “one of the materials Andrew Breitbart was talking about.”

It was “not his final bombshell,” Pollack said.

“This is the beginning of a vetting process that begins with Andrew Breitbart’s probe into Barack Obama’s time in Chicago and will continue,” he explained.

On Feb. 5, Breitbart had dinner cooked by Ayers at the home of Ayers and Dohrn after Daily Caller publisher Tucker Carlson won a “Super Bowl Dinner” auctioned off by Ayers for $2,500.

Former CIA agent claims Breitbart murdered, as was Tom Clancy

On Oct. 6, 2013, on the Now the End Begins Internet radio program, Dr. Jim Garrow made a bmbshell of an announcement.

Garrow claims that up to a week ago he was a covert CIA agent, but was fired by none other than Obama himself because Garrow told the world (on Alex Jones’ radio, Glenn Beck, and several conservative internet mediums) that Obama’s U.S. military was purging top brass using a “litmus test” of sorts. High-ranking military officials were being asked “Would you fire on an American citizen?” Garrow claims that if one answered no, you would be fired.

But that’s not the bombshell.

Garrow says that he knows Obama had ordered the hits that killed Tom Clancy and Andrew Breitbart!

About a year before his death and long before the Pizzagate scandal broke and was quickly covered up, Andrew Breitbart tweeted that John Podesta headed up an elite pedophile ring:

Coroner Dies Same Day of Final Autopsy Report?

On April 21, 2012, the L.A. Coroners Office released its final autopsy report on Breitbart — that he had died from “heart failure.” That same day, a forensics technician or criminalist at the L.A. Coroner’s Office, Michael Cormier, died suddenly from suspected arsenic poisoning after complaining about pain and vomiting.

Last Monday, the coroner’s office released its findings on Cormier’s official cause of death: he was indeed killed by “extremely high amounts of arsenic in his system,” said Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter. “He had a history of heart problems, but it was the arsenic that killed him.”

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Known for his network of conservative websites that draws millions of readers everyday, Andrew Breitbart has one main goal: to make sure the “liberally biased” major news outlets in this country cover all aspects of a story fairly. Breitbart is convinced that too many national stories are slanted by the news media in an unfair way.

Breitbart burst on to the national media scene thanks to his coverage of the ACORN controversy, where a local ACORN community group leader was videotaped giving business advice to a “gentleman” who ran a prostitution ring. When the major news media at first tried to bury the story, Breitbart used his extraordinary marketing savvy to make sure the story got full national attention.

More recently, Congressman Anthony Weiner took on Breitbart, claiming that scurrilous photos of Weiner were being sent on the internet by the conservative right. In a new chapter in RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION, Breitbart details how “Weinergate” was entirely the personal fault of Congressman Weiner this, and how Weiner derailed his own promising career by trying to implicate Breitbart and conservative journalists.

In short, RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION, Breitbart talks about the key issues that Americans face, how he has aligned himself with the Tea Party, and how one needs to deal with the liberal news world head on. Along the way, he details his early years, working with Matt Drudge, the Huffington Post, and so on, and how Breitbart developed his unique style of launching key websites to help get the word out to conservatives all over.