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Former Penn State Football Player Sues College over Sexual Hazing: ‘I’m Going to Sandusky You’
Former Penn State Football Player Sues College over Sexual Hazing: ‘I’m Going to Sandusky You’

Former Penn State Football Player Sues College over Sexual Hazing: ‘I’m Going to Sandusky You’

A former Penn State football player has filed a lawsuit against the college claiming that star players violently hazed other players and made sexual threats in the name of convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky.

Former defensive back Isaiah Humphries had a full scholarship to the school in 2018 but says that his time at Penn State was a hell of hazing and abuse. Humphries the school, James Franklin, and Damion Barber for negligence and inflicting emotional distress.

Humphries accused players such as Defensive MVP of 2019 Micah Parsons, All-Big 10 defensive end 2018 and ’19 Yetur Gross-Matos, Damion Barber, and Jesse Luketa of leading a campaign of hazing younger players.

The player also alleges that he was told the locker room was “a prison,” that he was called “their bitch,” and that newer players were threatened and told things such as, “I am going to f*ck you” and “I am going to Sandusky you … This is Jerry.”

The lawsuit also claims that Humphries and his father told head coach James Franklin and the school of the hazing, but nothing was ever done.

The lawsuit also charges that upperclassmen placed the genitals on the faces of lower classmen, that lower classmen had their genitals fondled, and other acts of abuse.

Humphries adds that an investigation of the Penn State Univ. Office of Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response found that Damion Barber violated school rules by hazing players and was handed a one-game suspension last year.

Ultimately, Humphries transferred out of the school.

For its part, the school claims that it did its duty and investigated the allegations.

“In accordance with our processes, the Office of Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response and the Office of Student Conduct carried out investigations of the plaintiff’s claims independent from Intercollegiate Athletics,” Penn State said.

The school added that they related its investigation to the local district attorney, but that office did not file charges.

The DA reviewed the case and decided that no charges would be pursued,” the school concluded.

Source: Breitbart

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