Taking Back Our Stolen History


A non-violent gathering of citizens meeting together and expressing themselves in a legitimate show of self-government. Protesting is mentioned in the Constitution (1st Amendment) as “the right of the people peaceably to assemble“, and as such, protesting is a constitutional responsibility driven by moral imperatives. The Founding Fathers recognized the importance of protesting and promoted and participated in the practice often, most notably at “Tea Party” events such as the Boston Tea Party. Protests were also frequent around Boston’s famous Liberty Tree.[1]

The media typically blur the distinctions between a protest and a mob riot.

Protest movements have had a long history in the United States. When a group of people feels they are being marginalized, sometimes they will gather in a show of numbers. Parades, rallies, and speeches are the usual forum, but sometimes protests transform into violent riots and hooliganism. One of the earliest and most famous protests in American history was the Boston Tea Party, a protest against British-imposed tax laws known as the Townshend Acts. After the colonists learned of Parliament’s plan to impose a tea tax, signers of the Declaration of Independence Samuel Adams and Benjamin Rush promoted the gathering of like-minded citizens in protest against the landing of the tea. Rush wrote:

By the last accounts from Britain we are informed that vessels were freighted to bring over a quantity of tea taxed with a duty to raise a revenue from America. Should it be landed, it is to be feared it will find its way amongst us. Then farewell American Liberty! We are undone forever. All the images we can borrow from everything terrible in nature are too faint to describe the horror of our situation. But I rely too much upon that virtue which has hitherto distinguished my countrymen to cherish a thought that this will be the case. Let us with one heart and hand oppose the landing of it.[2]

Rush would then say that the tea represented something worse than death, “the seeds of Slavery”. After the American Revolution, protesting became enshrined in 1789 as one of five protections enumerated in the First Amendment. The full text is as follows:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

After the conclusion of the American Revolution, protests did not cease to be distinctly American. Protesting wasn’t just an act against the king. After the passage of the highly unpopular Alien and Sedition Acts, protests occurred across the country,[4] with some of the largest being seen in Kentucky, where the crowds were so large they filled the streets and the entire town square.[5]

In more recent American and world history, protests have become a favorite tactic of liberals and revolutionaries, which are usually riots and not protests. A frequent pattern is to announce a “peaceful” protest and then provoke the authorities into using a degree of force which appears excessive. This tactic worked well at Kent State, where after student rioting and an alleged sniper attack, members of the Ohio National Guard opened fire on unarmed students, killing four and wounding nine others. In several cases, liberals and revolutionaries often used the term “protest” to refer to what would be better described as riots, and during at least the 1960s also mistook that for “free speech” and a demonstration of unpopularity for something, to the extent that several anti-war protestors assumed that North Vietnam having no protests meant that the North Vietnamese government was actually “popular” among the people of North Vietnam (when in reality, if the people attempted to speak out against the North Vietnam Communist regime, they would have been killed).

For decades, peaceful Pro-life activists have gathered to protest unfair policies with great success. In 1979, when the odds seemed inevitable and ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment looked to only be a matter of time, Phyllis Schlafly organized a movement that worked very hard at the grassroots level to overcome and ultimately stop the ERA. At one point, over 30 states ratified and 2/3ds of the Senate had already approved the amendment. Schlafly didn’t have the help of the Republican Party, she didn’t have a conservative media that could be relied on, and she had a majority around her that preferred to be silent than be involved. And yet even with all of these odds stacked against victory, she still won anyways.

Additionally, activists have gathered every year at the National Mall to protest the unconstitutional “passage” of the “abortion law” Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court, which is not a legislature. Every year the March for Life grows bigger.

In the early years of the Presidency of Barack Obama, conservative activists showed up in huge numbers to shut down D.C. for protests during the Tea Party Movement

Protesting offers conservatives a simple and effective way to engage with culture. Far too often, Big tech organizations engage in censorship, Big Journalism omits stories that conservatives are interested in, and Republican legislators sometimes get squishy at the effective use of media push polling. To combat this, an issue can be highlighted by the arrival and blockade of several city blocks by peaceful conservatives seeking a redress for grievances, while at the same time this unplanned exposure to an issue challenges the media’s ability to drive a narrative. Examples of this include the protest in Virginia for Second Amendment rights in January, 2020, and the Tea Party Protests from 2009-2012.

Source: Conservapedia

Chronological History of Protests

Fiery Riots Erupt in France After Macron Uses Special Power to Raises Retirement Age without Vote

Fiery Riots Erupt in France After Macron Uses Special Power to Raises Retirement Age without Vote

French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday used a special power to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 without a vote. Macron shunned Parliament and invoked a constitutional power to impose a bill that has sparked protests across France. Fiery riots erupted in Paris on Thursday. Garbage cans are on fire near the Champs-Élysées. WATCH: Les poubelles continuent d'être incendiées dans les rues près des Champs-Élysées #ReformesDesRetraites ...
Brazil 12/12 Protest is J6 2.0 Attempt as Provocateurs Infiltrate and create Chaos to Blame Protestors of Stolen Election

Brazil 12/12 Protest is J6 2.0 Attempt as Provocateurs Infiltrate and create Chaos to Blame Protestors of Stolen Election

BUSTED: Video has emerged showing presumed infiltrators among protestors in Brasilía Monday night, when five busses and six cars were torched, for which Bolsonaro supporters were blamed. “Conservatives don’t torch cars”, said businessman Otávio Fakhoury. Following the brutal arrest of indigenous leader José Acácio Serere Xavante by Federal Police in front of his wife and children Monday for the crime of protesting, violence broke out in the Brazilian ...
Over 3 million Brazilians Fill Streets on Republic Day to Protest the Stolen Election

Over 3 million Brazilians Fill Streets on Republic Day to Protest the Stolen Election

This is how it’s done: Over 3 million Brazilians filled the streets on Republic Day yesterday, Nov. 15, to protest the stolen elections. The party of President Jair Bolsonaro presented its report and announced it will apply to have the election annulled since the results could not be validated. Since the massive fraud during the runoff election on October 30th in Brazil, millions of Brazilians have been protesting ...
87-year-old concentration camp survivor is one of 11 pro-lifers Arrested by FBI

87-year-old concentration camp survivor is one of 11 pro-lifers Arrested by FBI

Pro-life activist Eva Edl was one of four pro-lifers charged with violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) in relation to a March 2021 abortion facility rescue at Carafem in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. The event was aimed at reaching abortion-minded women in hopes of helping them to choose life for their babies with confidence. Edl is 87 years old and is a German survivor of a ...
OVER 100,000 Citizens Protest Globalism in Prague, Czech Republic Under the Motto “Czechia First.”

OVER 100,000 Citizens Protest Globalism in Prague, Czech Republic Under the Motto “Czechia First.”

OVER 100,000 citizens protested in Prague, Czech Republic on Wednesday Sept 28, 2022 under the motto “Czechia First.” It was the LARGEST RALLY in Prague since the fall of the Communist regime over 30 years ago. And, just like in America, the far-left media in the Czech Republic completely ignored the massive demonstration. The protesters rallied against NATO and the EU elites destroying their way of ...
Patriot Front group of FBI provocateurs Arrested Ahead of False Flag Protest

Patriot Front group of FBI provocateurs Arrested Ahead of False Flag Protest

31 members of the Patriot Front group, an alleged white supremacist group, were arrested in Idaho on the way to a gay pride event with shields in the back of a Uhaul in order to create a false flag event to further the narrative that whites are intolerant, violent, and homophobic. Following the arrests, a local police officer admitted that they knew about the planned protests ...
Hundreds of Thousands Demonstrate For Freedom from Tyrannical Government Outside Parliament House in Canberra, Australia

Hundreds of Thousands Demonstrate For Freedom from Tyrannical Government Outside Parliament House in Canberra, Australia

Demonstrators, who have been in Canberra over a week, want an immediate end to Covid restrictions. Protesters gathered at Parliament House in the Australian capital, Canberra on Saturday, demanding an end to coronavirus measures. The demonstrators, who arrived by truck, car, and bus over the last week, had camped at a nearby festival ground. Video footage of the demonstration showed crowds of people streaming into the city and ...
AG Garland Directs FBI To Target Parents For ‘Harassment, Intimidation’

AG Garland Directs FBI To Target Parents For ‘Harassment, Intimidation’

Attorney General Merrick Garland called on the FBI to “use its authority” against parents who threaten or use violence against public school officials in a Monday memorandum. Garland said there has been a “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.” He said he is directing the FBI to work with each U.S. attorney and leaders “in each federal ...
Thousands Of Australians Protest Tyrannical Lockdown, Hundreds Arrested

Thousands Of Australians Protest Tyrannical Lockdown, Hundreds Arrested

Sydney’s state of New South Wales posted 825 infections — a record for the entire country — a day after authorities extended the city’s lockdown until at least September to try to head off the Delta variant. “No matter how hard we work, no matter if 99 per cent of people are doing the right thing, there’s an element of Delta that nobody can control,” NSW ...
Italians Hit the Streets to Protest Mandatory Vaccine Passports

Italians Hit the Streets to Protest Mandatory Vaccine Passports

After the Italian government followed other European countries in announcing mandatory vaccine passports, Italians hit the streets to protest the measure, with demonstrators in Turin shouting, “No dictatorship!” After France and the United Kingdom announced that proof of vaccination would be required to enter some venues, Italy followed suit. From August 6, Italian authorities will mandate their citizens be enrolled in a “green certification” program which ...