Taking Back Our Stolen History


Today the term propaganda is associated with information that is manipulative, biased, or misleading in nature, but propaganda historically was a neutral descriptive term. Propaganda is often associated with the psychological mechanisms of influencing and altering the attitude of a population toward a specific cause, position or political agenda in an effort to form a consensus to a standard set of belief patterns.

Mass media is the most powerful tool used by the ruling class to manipulate the masses. It shapes and molds opinions and attitudes and defines what is normal and acceptable. Mass media include television, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, records, video games and the internet. Many studies have been conducted in the past century to measure the effects of mass media on the population in order to discover the best techniques to influence it. From those studies emerged the science of Communications, which is used in marketing, public relations and politics.

The Luciferian cult that has used every means imaginable to gain power over governments, media, and other powerful organizations and uses propaganda and brainwashing techniques to manipulate our minds and slowly corrupt and desensitize our minds and spirits from subliminal messaging from cartoons to commercials, movies, and printed materials. Sex, drugs, violence, war and many other evils are carefully crafted into the majority of the mass media controlled by this evil cabal.

Chronological History of Propaganda

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