Judicial Watch: Documents Show State Department Links to George Soros’ Open Society Foundation – Romania
Judicial Watch released 49 pages of new State Department documents showing top Soros representatives in Romania collaborating with the State Department in a program jointly funded by, among others, Soros’s Open Society Foundations – Romania and USAID, called the “Open Government Partnership.” The documents were obtained thanks to a March 2018 Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the U.S. Department of State and USAID after it failed to substantively ...

Kosovo War Propaganda: NPR Airs the First of Several NPR / CNN Fake News Stories of Adona, the Anne Frank with a Laptop
In January, 1999, as the US and NATO were preparing to launch a pre-planned massive bombing campaign against Yugoslavia, National Public Radio (NPR)and the Cable News Network (CNN) began featuring news stories--- meant to buttress and to support the US government propaganda war effort ---about an Albanian girl in Kosovo, using the pseudonym of Adona, who began sending e mail messages to a radio station in ...

Kosovo War: A Globalist, UN, EU, rogue C.I.A., and NATO -backed Land Grab in Support of Muslim Albanian Terrorist War vs. Serbian Christians
Between Mar. 5, 1998 and Jul. 11, 1999, The Kosovo War was fought between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (largely Serbia Orthodox Christians) and the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The KLA was supported by Islamist foreign volunteers from Albania, Turkey, North Africa, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Egypt. The KLA was funded by Islamist organizations and drug smuggling. In January, 1999, as the US and ...

Map for a New World Order on 1941 Communist World Planning – The North American Union
In October of 1941, before Pearl Harbor, Philadelphia clock-maker Maurice Gomberg completed a communist world map of future regional unions, including a continental North American Union. The name Canada is not on that map. However, the former provinces are depicted as states, re-federated into a vast "United States of America" stretching to Greenland. Maurice Gomberg sympathized with the Communist Party of America (CPA). Interestingly, Canada's recent ...