Taking Back Our Stolen History
Apollo Moon Landing: One Small Step For Man, One Giant Lie for Mankind?
Apollo Moon Landing: One Small Step For Man, One Giant Lie for Mankind?

Apollo Moon Landing: One Small Step For Man, One Giant Lie for Mankind?

The findings of the AULUS study regarding the discovery of anomalies and inconsistencies in the Apollo record strongly indicate that the manner in which the 1969-72 program actually played out is most certainly not a conspiracy theory – but rather it was strategy authorized by the United States. As a government agency NASA acts in the interest of the national security of the United States, and when viewed through the lens of ‘National Security’ any action always contains a military component. The US manned space program, up to and including Apollo, was a weapon of choice in the ‘technological cold war’ the United States government was pursuing with the USSR. Consequently the historical record of these programs, as supplied by NASA itself, was a component of this ‘war’ and US government policy.

When it comes to the subject of the moon landings, people tend to fall into two belief groups. The first group, by far the bigger of the two groups, accepts the fact that NASA successfully landed on the moon six times and that 12 human beings have actually walked on the surface of the moon. The second group, though far smaller, is more vocal about their beliefs. This group says that we never went to the moon and that the entire thing was faked.

Research evidence revealed during this investigation suggests that the famous named astronauts conceivably never left low-Earth orbit, remaining in the safe zones below the Van Allen radiation belts. By so doing they would have avoided exposure to the hazardous radiation which (in the present state of development) awaits all those who venture into deep space. Notwithstanding that the psychological behaviours of the astronauts in the intervening years since Apollo would be evidence enough for our claims; the numerous inconsistencies and anomalies visible in the Apollo photographic and TV record are irrefutable. The intentional ‘mistakes’ and lack of continuity between still images and the TV coverage is so very apparent that even former NASA supporter Richard Hoagland has found problems,

“Noticing the difference between the astronaut’s reports and the photographic record, we began to question everything … especially the validity of the TV recordings and immediately released NASA prints.

It was soon clear that the orbital photography and the ground-based images simply didn’t match.”

Richard C Hoagland and Mike Bara, Dark Mission


What NASA clearly failed to comprehend was the degree of scientific advancement in the realm of photo and video analysis that would take place from 1969 through 2019. The technical analysis of both mediums is light years ahead of the 1960s and therefore the case of obvious fraud was a cinch for the forensic film investigators to break. Apollo manned missions to the Moon did not transport any lighting equipment since the additional weight and space requirements would have been too prohibitive.

Marcus Allen gives an analysis of the photos from the moon landing below followed by 2 additional videos with analysis of the lunar photography:

Artificial lighting was used in the Apollo photographs – yet none was taken to the Moon. This book demonstrates that the Apollo photographs and the 1969 TV coverage were faked.

This investigation by AULIS is published in a book, Dark Moon: Apollo and the Whistleblowers, and highlights the key challenges of getting human beings safely to the Moon and back. Recent NASA documents reveal startling evidence that the space agency is still unable to send a manned mission to the Moon and that lunar gravity is now a major setback. It is as if Apollo never happened.

“Departure from the Moon’s surface, which wasn’t a problem during the Apollo era, is now a problem due to the perceived difficulties in getting out of the so-called deep gravity well. Furthermore, NASA admits that the agency doesn’t have sufficient understanding of radiation beyond LEO. If just one crucial link in a Moon visitation project is missing, the whole program becomes impossible.” – Phil Kouts, PhD.


Radiation plays a big part in space travel. Solar flares could have affected the astronauts at any time. The Apollo leaving Earth would travel through 2 specific areas of very high radiation called the Van Allen Belt. The first field is 272 miles out from Earth. The amount of radiation in the belts actually varies from year to year, but every 11 years its at its worst when the sunspot cycle is at its highest. And guess what? 1969 to 1970 was one of the worst times to go, as this was the time where the radiation was at its peak. I have had numerous internet chats with sceptics who say that the radiation would not play a part in the missions because Man would have not been in the radiation belt for too long. My answer to that is, when Dentists or Doctors take X ray pictures they either leave the room or stand behind a sheet of thick lead to shelter from the radiation. Why did NASA only use a small sheet of aluminium to protect the astronauts when they knew that the radiation levels in Space and on the Moon’s surface would be many hundreds of times more deadly? And why would they risk their astronauts to such conditions? In 1959 Bill Kaysing was privy to a study made by the Russians. The Russians discovered that the radiation on the moon would require astronauts to be clothed in four feet of lead to avoid being killed. Why didn’t NASA heed their warnings?

Did you know that the US Government tried to blast a hole in the belt 248 miles above Earth in 1962? During Operation Starfish Prime a Megaton Nuclear Bomb was used to try and force an unnatural corridor through the Van Allen Belt…  Unfortunately, the radiation levels actually got worse, not better.  What they created was a third belt that was 100 times more intense than the natural belts, and as estimated by Mary Bennett in ‘Dark Moon – Apollo and the Whistle-Blowers, by 2002 this artificial zone will still have 25 times more radiation than the other 2 belts. There is no agreement to how wide these radiation belts actually are. Dr James Van Allen, the discoverer of the belts estimated that they were at least 64,000 miles deep, but NASA say they are only 24,000 miles deep. Each Apollo craft would have spent approximately 4 hours within the belts.

So to what lengths did NASA take to shield the astronauts against the radiation? Its accepted that a minimum of 10 cm width of aluminum would be needed at the very least to keep out radiation. However the walls of the Apollo craft and capsule were made as thin and as light as possible and as a result the craft initially could not carry enough air inside to withstand the equivalent to sea level air pressure. NASA had to reduce air pressure inside the cabin to cope. Here are the official stats from a NASA website: (http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/frame.html)

‘At sea level, the Earth’s atmosphere is a mixture of gases – primarily of nitrogen (78% by volume), oxygen (21%), water vapour (varying amounts depending on temperature and humidity), and traces of carbon dioxide and other gases. Oxygen is, by far, the most important component of what we breathe and, indeed, the Apollo astronauts breathed almost pure oxygen laced with controlled amounts of water vapour. With the nitrogen eliminated, the cabin pressure could be considerably less than sea-level pressure on Earth – about 4.8 psi (pounds per square inch) versus 14.7 psi – and, consequently, the cabin walls could be relatively thin and, therefore, light in weight.’

“Radiation surely must be the showstopper preventing mankind’s exploration of the Universe.” – Professor Clive Dyer, 1997

Lack of knowledge about the biological effects of and responses to space radiation is the single most important factor limiting the prediction of radiation risk associated with human space exploration. – The Augustine Commission, 2009


Dark Moon demonstrates that the Saturn V launcher was underpowered and may not have been able to leave low-Earth orbit.

“New research indicates that the F-1 rocket engines could only lift off the pad a modified version of the Saturn V – just 2000 tons instead of the stated 2,800 tons.” Gennady Ivchenkov, PhD

1960’s Equipment

Laser Reflectors:

It is not necessary to have a laser retro-reflector on the Moon in order to receive a return laser signal from the Moon – this was demonstrated back in 1962.

Dark Moon details the development of human space travel, including all the trials and tribulations to date, shows how the US and the USSR cooperated on many fronts in those pioneering days and discusses the reasons why the Soviets said nothing about Apollo, despite their political differences.

Leaving the moon:

From the broadcast recording AULIS first reconstructed the elevation of the ascending LM Ascent Stage (AS) from the vantage point of the TV camera. As a part of that reconstruction we ascertain how NASA camera operator Ed Fendell operated the camera to be able to track the LM AS.

We consider two types of vessels to reproduce the scene and find that:

  • For the rocket with the same propulsion as Apollo, its Reactive Control System (RCS) has to be much quicker than that of Apollo, and the resulting Orbit Insertion trajectory cannot be performed with Apollo’s guidance logic.
  • A roller coaster, comprising a jet-propelled cart sliding along tracks, pitched so that they mimic the ascent trajectory, can be constructed that reproduces the broadcast perfectly.

The roller coaster also explains certain details of the trajectory that are inconsistent with the rocket propulsion (vessel acceleration increases with pitch, distance between the vessel and the camera later in the broadcast).

In conclusion, we find that the television broadcast most likely comprised a staged, scaled-down ascent, and not an actual LM ascent from the lunar surface.

Moon Rocks Proven to be Petrified Wood

A moon rock given to the Dutch prime minister by Apollo 11 astronauts in 1969 turned out to be a fake. Curators at Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum, where the rock has attracted tens of thousands of visitors each year, discovered that the “lunar rock”, valued at £308,000, was in fact petrified wood. The rock was given to Willem Drees, a former Dutch leader, during a global tour by Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin following their moon mission 50 years ago.

Researchers Amsterdam’s Free University were able to tell at a glance that the rock was unlikely to be from the moon, a conclusion that was borne out by tests. “It’s a nondescript, pretty-much-worthless stone,” said Frank Beunk, a geologist involved in the investigation. NASA gave moon rocks to more than 100 countries following lunar missions in 1969 and the 1970s. (Source: The Telegraph)

Arkansas’ gifted rock went missing for 30 years, and turned up in Bill Clinton’s files.

Australians, the only Country to View Live, Undelayed Coverage see Coke Bottle on the Moon

In western Australia during the live broadcast of the Apollo 11 moon landing, several people saw a very unusual occurrence. One viewer, Una Ronald watched the telecast and was astonished with what she saw.

The residents of Honeysuckle Creek, Australia, actually saw a different broadcast than the rest of the World. Just shortly before Armstrong stepped onto the Moons surface, a change could be seen where the picture goes from a stark black to a brighter picture. Honeysuckle Creek stayed with the picture and although the voice transmissions were broadcast from Goldstone, the actual film footage was broadcast from Australia. As Una watched Armstrong walking on the surface of the Moon she spotted a Coke bottle that was kicked in the right hand side of the picture. This was in the early hours of the morning and she phoned her friends to see if they had seen the same thing, unfortunately they had missed it but were going to watch the rebroadcast the next day. Needless to say, the footage had been edited and the offending Coke bottle had been cut out of the film. But several other viewers had seen the bottle and many articles appeared in The West Australian newspaper.

Western Australia received their coverage in a different way to the rest of the World. They were the only Country where there wasn’t a delay to the ‘live’ transmission.  Bill Kaysing says ‘NASA and other connected agencies couldn’t get to the Moon and back and so went to ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) in Massachusetts and asked them how they could simulate the actual landing and space walks. We have to remember that all communications with Apollo were run and monitored by NASA, and therefore journalists who thought they were hearing men on the Moon could have easily been misled. All NASA footage was actually filmed off TV screens at Houston Mission Control for the TV coverage… No one in the media were given the raw footage.’

Bill Wood is a highly qualified scientist and has degrees in mathematics, physics and chemistry, and a space rocket and propulsion engineer.  He has been granted high security clearance for a number of top secret projects and has worked with Macdonald Douglas and engineers who worked on the Saturn 5 rocket (the Apollo launch vehicle). He worked at Goldstone as a Communications Engineer during the Apollo missions. Goldstone in California, USA, were responsible for receiving and distributing the pictures sent from the Apollo to Houston. He says early video machines were used to record the NASA footage here on Earth by the TV networks. They received the FM carrier signal on Earth, ran it through an FM demodulator and processed it in an RCA scan converter that took the slow scan signal and converted it to the US standard black and white TV signal. The film was then sent onto Houston. When they were converting from slow scan to fast scan, RCA used disc and scan recorders as a memory and it played back the same video several times until it got an updated picture. In other words the signal was recorded onto video one then converted to video two.  Movie film runs at 30 frames per second, whereas video film runs at 60 frames per second. So in other words the footage that most people saw that they thought was ‘live’ wasn’t, and was actually 50% slower than the original footage!!!

Lost  Tapes of Moon Landing

On July 16th, 2009, NASA admitted that they taped over the original moon landing video. How is it that the most important video in their possession and in the history of NASA got erased? Perhaps the original would show a full speed video as the original and the gravity hoax exposed. In the videos below, the moon videos are doubled in speed and then look completely normal.

Technology Destroyed

According to NASA astronaut Don Pettit, the American space agency don’t have the resources to rebuild the painfully time-consuming technology it would require to send astronauts back up to the moon.

“I’d go to the moon in a nanosecond. The problem is we don’t have the technology to do that anymore. We used to but we destroyed that technology and it’s a painful process to build it back again.”

“Going to Mars should be one of the next series of steps humans do. But the first step should be going back to the moon for a number of technological and exploration reasons. Then after that Mars and then maybe high orbit in Venus atmosphere, maybe to Europa.”

“The only limit to human future is in our own imaginations,” he said. “And our willingness to do something about it.”

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