Taking Back Our Stolen History


Being the biggest continent in the world, Asia includes 50 independent countries and occupies the eastern part of the single Eurasian landmass. Surrounded by the Arctic Ocean from the north, by the Pacific Ocean from the east and by the Indian Ocean from the south, it is separated from Africa by Suez Canal. The Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea separate Asia from Europe, farther the overland border runs through the Caucasus Mountains, the Caspian Sea, the Ural River and Ural Mountains. This boundary crosses through the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, so these states are in both continents.

Armenia and Cyprus geographically are in Asia, but politically and culturally they also are considered as a part of Europe.

The largest of the Asian countries by area is Russia, which occupies about 30% of the total territory of the continent. The smallest one of the independent states is the Maldives, it is an archipelago of islands famous for its beach resorts.

The most visited by tourists country in this region is China as a huge cultural center, followed by no less popular destinations like India, Thailand, Malaysia, Turkey. (Source)

Countries in Asia listed below. Click on the country to see related events:

Chronological History of Events Related to Asia

Soviet Firearm Confiscation

Soviet Firearm Confiscation

The Council of People's Commissars (the government) ordered the surrender of all firearms, ammunition, and sabres. As has been the case in almost every nation where firearms registration has been introduced (see April 1, 1918), registration proved a prelude to confiscation. Exempt from the confiscation order, however, were members of the Communist Party. A 1920 decree imposed a mandatory minimum penalty of six months in prison ...
Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his Family are Murdered by Bolshevik Secret Police

Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his Family are Murdered by Bolshevik Secret Police

In the early morning of 17 July 1918 at around 1am, a squad of Bolshevik secret police murdered Russia's last emperor, Tsar Nicholas II, along with his wife, Tsaritsa Alexandra, their 14-year-old son, Tsarevich Alexis, and their four daughters. They were cut down in a hail of gunfire in a half-cellar room of the house in Ekaterinburg, a city in the Ural mountain region, where they ...
Firearm Registration Introduced in Soviet Union

Firearm Registration Introduced in Soviet Union

The first Soviet gun controls were imposed during the Russian Civil War, as Czarists, Western troops, and national independence movements battled the central Red regime. In October 1918, (the government) ordered the surrender of all firearms, ammunition, and sabers… Stalin’s determination to destroy the “kulaks” led his regime to equally reinforce disarmament laws with the intent of eventually exterminating defenseless segments of the population. “Stalin apparently found little need to ...
Federal Reserve Director: "It is Not in Russia Alone That the Old Order is Passing. There is a Lot of the Old Order in America, and That is Going, too.... I’m Glad It Is So."

Federal Reserve Director: “It is Not in Russia Alone That the Old Order is Passing. There is a Lot of the Old Order in America, and That is Going, too…. I’m Glad It Is So.”

In the JANUARY 13, 1918 issue of NEW YORK WORLD William Boyce Thompson, Federal Reserve Bank director and founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations, stated that: "Russia is pointing the way to great and sweeping world changes. It is not in Russia alone that the old order is passing. There is a lot of the old order in America, and that is going, too ...
Mortality Rates of Smallpox Increased Drastically Following Mass Vaccinations in the Philippines

Mortality Rates of Smallpox Increased Drastically Following Mass Vaccinations in the Philippines

Possibly as early as December 1917, but certainly by the first of 1918, the US Army began the forced vaccination of 3,285,376 natives in the Philippines when no epidemic was brewing, only the sporadic cases of the usual mild nature. Of the vaccinated persons, 47,369 came down with small-pox, and of these 16,477 died. In 1919 the experiment was doubled. 7,670,252 natives were vaccinated. Of these ...
The Balfour Declaration: Britain's Great War Pledge To Lord Rothschild - an Israeli State in Exchange for US Entrance into the Great War

The Balfour Declaration: Britain’s Great War Pledge To Lord Rothschild – an Israeli State in Exchange for US Entrance into the Great War

Britain’s government pledged to Lord Walter Rothschild and the Zionist Federation to establish a “national home” for the Jews in Palestine. This was a big step in the Rothschild Zionist movement to steal a mineral rich land in Palestine after Rothschild funded con artist Cyrus Scofield revised the bible to fit the agenda and then the Zionist sold Christians propaganda that they were rightful heirs. Read more ...
The Sykes-Picot Agreement is Ratified: The Secret Agreement that divided the Oil-Rich Spoils of the Ottoman Empire following WWI

The Sykes-Picot Agreement is Ratified: The Secret Agreement that divided the Oil-Rich Spoils of the Ottoman Empire following WWI

Officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, the Sykes-Picot Agreement was a secret 1916 agreement between the United Kingdom and France, to which the Russian Empire assented. The agreement defined their mutually agreed spoils of war and control in Southwestern Asia. In 1919, the British and French implemented the 1916 agreement and divided the Arab world into nation states. The Sykes-Picot Treaty divided the Ottoman Empire ...
Armenian Genocide: Ottoman Empire Kills 1.5 Million During Deportation of Christian Armenians

Armenian Genocide: Ottoman Empire Kills 1.5 Million During Deportation of Christian Armenians

On the 24th April 1915, The Ottoman Empire announced that Christian Armenians (now Modern Turkey (99.8% Muslim according to CIA's World Fact Book) would be deported to the interior. Nearly 1.5 million Armenian deaths occurred during the forced marches. Although the marches were ostensibly for the purpose of protecting the Armenians through relocation, the actual purpose was to make the marches so difficult (for example, by ...
The Christmas Truce of 1914

The Christmas Truce of 1914

On Christmas day 1914, something happened near the beginning of the “War to End All Wars” that put a tiny little blip of hope in the historical timeline of the organized mass slaughter that is war. On December 24, 1914, the exhausted troops settled down to their meager Christmas meal with, for the lucky ones, gifts from home, special food, special liquor, special chocolate bars and the ...
Xinhai Revolution (China): The Wuchang Uprising in China's Battle for Freedom led by Huang Xing

Xinhai Revolution (China): The Wuchang Uprising in China’s Battle for Freedom led by Huang Xing

The Chinese Revolution of 1911, also called Xinhai Revolution (辛亥革命) after the year of the Chinese calendar in which it occurred, was an uprising that led to the fall of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and to the foundation of the Republic of China (中華民國, ROC). The revolt began on October 9th when the accidental explosion of a bomb drew the attention of the local police to a ...