In John Wilkes Booth’s trunk coded messages were found and the key to that code was found among the possessions of Judah Benjamin. Benjamin had fled to England, where he died. It was always known that Lincoln’s death was the result of a massive conspiracy. However, nobody realized how deep and far reaching it was. In 1974, researchers found among the papers of Edwin M. Stanton, Lincoln’s Secretary of War, letters describing the conspiracy cover-up that were written to Stanton or intercepted by him. They also found the 18 pages that were removed from Booth’s diary which revealed the names of 70 people (some in code) who were directly or indirectly involved in Booth’s original plan to kidnap Lincoln. Besides Stanton’s involvement in the conspiracy, Charles A. Dana, Assistant Secretary of War (and member of the Illuminati), and Major Thomas Eckert, Chief of the War Department’s Telegraph Office, were also involved.
Journals and coded papers by Colonel Lafayette C. Baker, Chief of the National Detective Police, detailed Lincoln ‘s kidnap and assassination conspiracy and subsequent cover-up. The plot included a group of Maryland farmers; a group of Confederates including Jefferson Davis (President of the Confederacy) and Judah Benjamin (the Confederate Secretary of War and Secretary of State); a group of Northern Banking and Industrial interests, including Jay Cooke (Philadelphia financier), Henry Cooke (Washington, D.C. banker), and Thurlow Weed (New York newspaper publisher); and a group of Radical Republicans who didn’t want the south reunited with the North as states but wanted to control them as military territories and included Sen. Benjamin Wade of Ohio, Sen. Zechariah Chandler of Michigan, and Sen. John Conness of California.
All of these groups pooled their efforts and used actor John Wilkes Booth a Confederate patriot. The original plan called for the kidnapping of Lincoln, Vice-President Andrew Johnson, and Secretary of State Seward. The National Detective Police discovered their plans and informed Stanton. Planned for January 18, 1865, the kidnap attempt failed.
Captain James William Boyd, a secret agent for the Confederacy and a prisoner of war in the Old Capitol Prison, was used by the National Detective Police to report on the activities of the prisoners and to inform on crooked guards. He looked similar to Booth, and ironically had the same initials. Stanton had him released and Boyd took over the Northern end of the conspiracy which had been joined by the Police and the War Department. The [Northern group] wanted to kill Lincoln while Booth wanted to kidnap him and use him as leverage to get Confederate prisoners of war released.
Booth failed twice in March and then ended up shooting Lincoln at Ford’s Theater [in April]. Boyd, warned that he could be implicated, planned to flee to Maryland. He was blamed for attacking Seward which he didn’t. Boyd was the one who was shot at Garrett’s farm, and identified as Booth. The Police and Stanton discovered that it was really Boyd, after it was announced to the nation that it was Booth. The only picture taken of Boyd’s dead body was found in Stanton’s collection. The body was taken by Col. Lafayette Baker to the old Arsenal Penitentiary where it was buried in an unknown place under the concrete floor.
Baker and detectives Luther and Andrew Potter knew the case wasn’t closed and had to find Booth to keep him from talking. They followed his trail to New York, and later to Canada, England and India. He allegedly faked his death and returned to the United States where in Enid, Oklahoma he revealed his true identity on his deathbed. The mortician who was summoned instead of burying the corpse had it preserved and it is still in existence today.
Baker broke off relations with Stanton who was discharged from the Army and as head of the Secret Service in 1866. In 1867, in his book The History of the U.S. Secret Service, Baker admitted delivering Booth’s diary to Stanton, and on another occasion testified that the diary was intact when it was in his possession. This means that Stanton did remove the pages to facilitate a cover-up because the pages were found in his collection. Col. Lafayette Baker who threatened to reveal the conspiracy was slowly poisoned till he died in 1868.
Andrew Johnson who became President [after Lincoln’s death] issued the Amnesty Proclamation on May 29, 1865 to reunite the country. It stipulated that the South would not be responsible for the debt incurred, that all secession laws were to end, and that slavery was to be abolished. Needless to say, the Rothschilds who [had] heavily funded the South lost a lot of money. In addition, the cost of the support of the Russian fleet cost the country about $7.2 million. Johnson didn’t have the constitutional authority to give money to a foreign government, so arrangements were made to purchase Alaska from the Russians in April, 1867. It was labeled as “Seward’s Folly” because it appeared that Seward purchased what was then a worthless piece of land, when in fact it was compensation for the Russian Navy.
In August, 1867 Andrew Johnson failed in an attempt to remove Stanton from office, and impeachment proceedings were begun against him in February, 1868 by Stanton and the Radical Republicans. Johnson was charged with attempting to fire Stanton without Senate approval, for treason against Congress, and public language “indecent and unbecoming” as the nation’s leader. Sen. Benjamin F. Wade, President pro tempore of the Senate and next in the line of Presidential succession, was so sure that Johnson would be impeached that he already had his Cabinet picked. Stanton was to be his Secretary of Treasury. The May 26th vote was 35-19, one short of the necessary two-thirds needed to impeach Johnson.
President James A. Garfield, our 20th President, also realized the danger posed by the bankers and said: “Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation.” He was assassinated in 1881, during the first year of his Presidency.
Mimi L. Eustis, the daughter of Samuel Todd Churchill, a high level member of the secret New Orleans Mardi Gras Society called “The Mystick Crewe of Comus” recorded her fathers secret knowledge in his deathbed confessions. This Society, which reorganized the Mardi Gras festivities in 1857, was a chapter of the Skull and Bones that began as a front for the activities of Masons Albert Pike, Judah Benjamin, and John Slidell who became leaders of the Confederacy.
The document describes the Illuminati role in the murders of Abraham Lincoln and Senator Huey Long and also claim that Illuminati agents poisoned and killed Presidents William Henry Harrison (1773-1841) and Zachary Taylor (1784-1850). They also poisoned President James Buchanan in 1857 but he survived. All three were obstructing Illuminati- House of Rothschild plans for the US Civil War (1860-1865). We know they also killed Presidents Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy and probably Warren Harding and possibly FDR.
The Illuminati ringleader was Caleb Cushing (1800-1879), the partner of William Russell, the opium smuggler who founded the Yale Skull and Bones Society in 1832. In order to rise in this society, one had to participate in a “killing of the king” rite of passage. According to Eustis, the Skull and Bones (or Brotherhood of Death) is “nothing more than a political assassination hit team against those United States politicians who do not fall in line with the House of Rothschild’s plans for a blood elitist domination and control over the world’s economy.
Both Albert Pike and Judah P. Benjamin were secret Kings of the Mystic Krewe of Comus, and both participated directly in the killing of the United States President Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln became a threat to the House of Rothschild when he, Abraham Lincoln, began having the United States government print its own greenback currency. It should be noted that Albert Pike after the Civil War was indicted and sent to prison for treason by the United States government. After Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, Andrew Johnson Vice President became the United States President and pardoned Albert Pike. Albert Pike awarded Andrew Johnson for this pardon the thirty-third degree rite of passage.
Abraham Lincoln…
During the Civil War (from 1861-1865), President Lincoln needed money to finance the War from the North. The Bankers were going to charge him 24% to 36% interest. Lincoln was horrified and went away greatly distressed, for he was a man of principle and would not think of plunging his beloved country into a debt that the country would find impossible to pay back.
Eventually President Lincoln was advised to get Congress to pass a law authorizing the printing of full legal tender Treasury notes to pay for the War effort. Lincoln recognized the great benefits of this issue. At one point, he wrote: “… (we) gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they ever had – their own paper money to pay their debts…”
The Treasury notes were printed with green ink on the back, so people called them “Greenbacks”
Lincoln printed 449.3 million dollars worth of Greenbacks (the exact amount being $449,338,902), money that he delegated to be created, a debt-free and interest-free money to finance the War. It served as legal tender for all debts, public and private .He printed it, paid it to the soldiers, to the U.S. Civil Service employees, and bought supplies for the War.
Shortly after that happened, “The London Times” printed the following:
“if that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will payoff debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent and then history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
In retaliation Albert Pike and Judah Benjamin assassinated Abraham Lincoln…
Judah P. Benjamin as an agent of the House of Rothschild and Albert Pike and John Slidell as Illuminati 33rd degree and Chapter 322 members of the Brotherhood of Death obviously understood. They realized that a threat to their plans to establish a new world order solidified by the international banking cartel was the power of sovereign governments printing interest-free and debt-free paper money. They knew it would break the power of the international bankers. Therefore Judah Benjamin, Albert Pike and John Slidell created the secret Mardi Gras society the Mystick Krewe of Comus and the Pickwick Club in order to open up a secret place and mode to communicate and operate their 322 Chapter of Skull and Bones to assassinate United States President Abraham Lincoln.
Before the assassination of President Lincoln, the Booth family was the most prominent acting family in America. Booth’s older brother, Edwin Booth, and his father, Junius Brutus Booth, are commonly known as some of the best Shakespearean actors in history.
John Wilkes Booth’s older brother, Edwin Booth, once saved the life of Robert Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln’s son. According to John S. Goff, the author of Robert Todd Lincoln: A Man in His Own Right, near the end of the Civil War, Robert Lincoln boarding a train in Jersey City, New Jersey. He recalled being in a very crowded train platform with a narrow space between the train and the platform like most train stations have today. As the train started moving, Lincoln was at the edge of the platform and he started falling into the open narrow space. In short, Robert Lincoln was very close to getting killed by a train. However, a man seized his coat collar and pulled him to secure footing on the platform. The man who saved him was Edwin Booth, who didn’t know who he was saving at the time but simply relied on his human instinct.
John Wilkes Booth was a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle founded by Albert Pike. John Wilkes Booth was In New Orleans during the winter of 1863-64. John Wilkes Booth was an actor in the play “Marble Hearts.” John Wilkes Booth also opened on March 14, 1864 at the Saint Charles Theater and acted in the plays Richard III and Merchant of Venice. It is during this time in New Orleans John Wilkes Booth met with Albert Pike, Judah Benjamin and John Slidell, utilizing the secrecy of the Krewe of Comus and the Pickwick Club to formulate plans to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. Since John Wilkes Booth was to participate in the secret rite “Killing of the King”. John Wilkes Booth would be elevated to Code Level 33. Therefore, John Wilkes Booth became the secret King of the Mystic Krewe of Comus.
It was also during this time in New Orleans that John Wilkes Booth met with Admiral G.W. Baird (a Freemason), who later identifies the body of Captain James William Boyd as the body of John Wilkes Booth, taken onboard the ship Montauk. This was not the real body of John Wilkes Booth. The man killed in Garrett’s barn after the Lincoln assassination was a Confederate secret service agent and not John Wilkes Booth. The man killed in Garrett’s barn was Captain James William Boyd, a former Confederate agent working originally under Judah P. Benjamin. At the time that Captain James William Boyd was killed in Garrett’s barn he- Captain James William Boyd- was employed by the War Department. Captain James William Boyd bore a striking resemblance to John Wilkes Booth.
The corpse that was taken for Booth at the Garrett’s barn capture had a smaller nose and ears, more like James W. Boyd.

The official inquiry into Booth’s death states that the detectives did not believe it was him because the corpse’s reddish hair and mustache didn’t match Booth. Even the medical examiner expressed grave doubts that it was Booth. Boyd, a look alike double agent pulled out of the Andersonville prison. More on this was revealed in the book, Jesse James Was One of his Names, Schrader. James William Boyd was supposed to be hanged for spying, but, miraculously, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton spared his life! The reason was because he was planning to use him as John Wilkes Booth’s double!!
Judah Benjamin, Albert Pike, and Admiral G.W. Baird made these secret plans in New Orleans during the winter of 1863-64. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865. For his participation in the secret rite “Killing of the King”, Admiral G.W. Baird was promoted to Code Level 33 and made the secret King of the Mystick Krewe of Comus. It was also during this time that the motto of the Mystick Krewe of Comus was established sic volvo, sic iubeo- “as I wish, thus I command”.
Therefore, Judah Benjamin, Albert Pike, John Wilkes Booth and Admiral G.W. Baird hatched and conspired to perform of the “Killing of the King” ritual on Abraham Lincoln. Admiral G.W. Baird was set-up to identify the body of Captain James William Boyd as the body of John Wilkes Booth. After Captain James William Boyd was killed in Garrett’s barn his-Captain James William Boyd’s body was taken aboard the Montauk at the naval yard in Washington next to the Saugus. Lieut. W. Crowinshield called Admiral G. W. Baird on board the Montauk to falsify the identity of the body of Capt. James William Boyd as the body of John Wilkes Booth.
After a farcical-fictitious inquest aboard the Montauk to falsify identification of Captain James William Boyd’s body as that of John Wilkes Booth, Colonel Lafayette Baker and paid off deputies, dumped Captain James William Boyd’s body into an Arsenal Prison sinkhole used to dump dead horses.
My father Samuel Todd Churchill stated that in all of the U.S. political assassinations done by the Illuminati-Skull and Bones-there was always doctors in the background ready to complete the death command of the “Killing of the King”. Doctors were an intimate and essential part of the Illuminati-Skull and Bones plan to kill U.S. political leaders when these leaders interfered or hindered the take over of the U.S. Republic by the New World Order international banking elitist. The Illuminati doctors supervising their potential recovery eventually did in both U.S. President William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor. These Illuminati doctors also played a death role in the shooting assassinations of U.S. Presidents Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865 (died April 15, 1865).
The manhunt lasted 11 days, but the ongoing investigation lead to 2000 arrests, nine people went to the gallows, one of them a woman, tavern owner Marie Surratt. John Wilkes Booth is said to have assumed a new identity under the name of John St. Helen, pictured below. Another alias attributed to the reincarnated Booth by Albert Pike was that Booth was using the name, David E. George while in Texas in 1882. Yet another alias was James St. George in Grandbury, Texas.
The 4 people who were hanged were convicted by a Military Tribunal and were not allowed a jury of their peers.

His own granddaughter Izola Forrester affirmed in her 1937 book ‘This One Mad Act’ that Booth had been aided and abetted in his escape from Washington by the KGC. It was common knowledge in the Booth family that he never died in the barn.

Circa 1875 – Age 40
James Boyd, a former confederate agent working for the War Department was the man shot and killed in Garrett’s barn. He bore a passing resemblance to Booth aside from his red hair and mustache. Booth’s hair was jet black and he had shaved off his mustache at the home of Dr. Samuel Mudd shortly after escaping from Washington.
Not a single friend of Booth was called to the inquest to identify the body. A Washington doctor named John May had removed a tumor from Booth’s neck several months prior to the Lincoln assassination and was summoned to view the corpse. When the blanket covering the body was removed May stated, ‘There is no resemblance in that corpse to Booth, nor can I believe it to be him.’ May later changed his statement to conform with the official proclamation that Booth had been captured and killed.
National Detective Police agents Andrew & Luther Potter had been on the trail of Booth from the beginning. They were called in to identify the corpse. When the blanket was removed, they commented, ‘He sure grew a mustache in a hurry. Red, too.’
Each of the 26 detectives that worked on the case received several thousand dollars apiece after signing quitclaims, stating that they had no further interest in the case. This was a big payday 150 years ago.
In 1922, two Civil War veterans swore an affidavit stating that the body removed from the Garrett farm was not Booth. Joseph Zeigen and Wilson Kenzie said that they had served with the cavalry troop which had surrounded the barn. The man dragged from the barn wore a Confederate uniform and on his feet were yellow brogans, the service foot gear of Johnny Reb. The two veterans were sworn to secrecy.
There are other testimonies that can be recited, each refuting government lies.
In reality, John Wilkes Booth was taken to Texas immediately after the assassination where he lived and worked for many years under the alias of John St. Helen.
In 1872 St. Helen was operating a distillery in Glen Rose, Texas where he ran afoul of revenue agents over whiskey taxes. He hired attorney Finis Bates to represent him. Bates, the grandfather of Hollywood actress Kathy Bates (Fried Green Tomatoes, Misery etc.) , would later write a book about his friendship with St. Helen.
After contracting a virulent flu, St. Helen was sure he was going to die and called Bates to his bedside wherein he confessed that he was not John St. Helen at all, but rather John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln. Bates was highly skeptical until St. Helen gave him a photograph of himself for future identification purposes. After making a full recovery from his ailments St. Helen begged Bates to hold his confession in strict confidence.
Bates would later remark in his book how St. Helen could recite long passages of Shakespeare from memory and how he was such a remarkable and gifted raconteur.
After several years the two drifted apart with Bates relocating to Memphis and St. Helen later surfacing in Enid Oklahoma under the alias David George.
Following 1903, there were rumors that the outlaw Jesse James killed the actor John Wilkes Booth at the Grand Avenue Hotel in Enid, Oklahoma in 1903 after Booth repeatedly reneged on his oath to never talk about his secret membership in the Masonic-oriented Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) and his role in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The story goes that Jesse James faked his own death in 1882 to get the law and bounty hunters off of his trail.
However, the story that Booth was alive and well in 1903, to die of poison in Enid Oklahoma came from a 1907 best selling book by Finis Langdon Bates; ‘The Escape and Suicide of John Wilkes Booth’. This version said Booth had settled in Granbury Texas under the name “John St. Helen”. During an illness in 1903 Booth made a delirious ‘deathbed confession’, but recovered. He fled to Enid, where Bates said he committed suicide. Bate’s book caused a national sensation. And Bates did indeed own the lucrative mummy of the alleged Booth.
The corpse of the real John Wilkes Booth was lost from history. Somehow, decades later it came into the possession of the former Tennessee Attorney General, Finis L. Bates. He claimed to have invested $100,000.00 attempting to validate the remains.
Now here’s the rest of the story. When news of ‘resurrection’ of John Wilkes Boothe reach Baltimore mayor William M. Pegram in 1913, he published the affidavit that he’d been one of the people who knew Booth that had officially identified the body when it was exhumed in 1869. That’s when the body was returned to Booth family by Federal authorities, who had buried it in a prison in 1865.
The controversy sold a lot of newspapers for years and in 1919 Dearborn Independent owner Henry Ford weighed in on the case hoping to justify his “history is bunk” quip. So Ford hoped his researchers could prove that history was wrong about Booth. However by 1923 Ford’s researchers advised him that Bate’s book was a hoax.
And Jesse James? By 1882 the James had split up, and Jesse assumed the name “Tom Howard” as husband and father in a rented house in Kearney, Missouri. He was, however, still running a robbery sideline with the Ford brothers. Bob Ford ate breakfast with Jesse and his wife on April 3rd. Soon as he was alone with Jesse in the parlor, Ford shot him in the back of the head for the $5,000 reward, and a promise of amnesty from the governor.
My grandfather (b. 1891) taught me a popular song of his boyhood, “And the dirty little coward, shot Mister Howard, and laid Jesse James in his grave”.
Well, partner, if Jesse James was laid in that grave in 1882, he couldn’t of poisoned John Wilkes Booth in 1903. I remember the controversy raged until 1995, when mitochondrial DNA typing made it possible to sort these things out once and for all. Armed with DNA samples from Jesse’s living descendants, the body buried in Kearney, Missouri was exhumed, and the DNA matched.
Did Booth fake his death in 1865 and live out his life under an assumed identity? As an actor he certainly had the skills to play out his role as John St. Helen. While he may have been able to live the incognito life, he missed the attention and fame of his prior life. What are the implications if Booth pulled it off with the help and lifelong support of the KGC. As usual, there is much more to the story than what is stated in traditional history.
Dr. Charles Leale was the first physician on the scene after the assassination. He entered the darkened box and saw Mary holding the President’s head erect. Dr. Leale was an experienced army surgeon and very familiar with gunshot wounds:
When I entered the box, Mr. Lincoln was sitting in a high backed armchair with his head leaning towards his right-side and which was supported by Mrs. Lincoln who was weeping bitterly. Miss Harris was at her left-side behind the President, Major Rathbone was at the door of the box. (Good, We Saw Lincoln Shot, p. 60).
On December 23, 1883, Rathbone allegedly attacked his children in a fit of madness. Rathbone fatally shot and stabbed his wife, who was attempting to protect the children. Rathbone then allegedly stabbed himself five times in the chest in an attempted suicide. He was charged with murder but was declared insane by doctors after blaming the murder on an intruder. He was convicted and committed to the Asylum for the Criminal Insane in Hildesheim, Germany. The couple’s children were sent to live with their uncle, William Harris, in the United States. Was this an attempt to silence him for what he knew in an assassination meant to look like a murder-suicide?
Mary Lincoln was also certified insane by a 12-man jury of her peers and committed by her own son. When she was released 4 months later, she went to live out the remainder of her life, embittered to her son Robert, with her sister Elizabeth. During the early 1880s, Mary was confined to the Springfield, Illinois, residence of her sister Elizabeth Edwards. On July 16, 1882, she collapsed at her sister’s home, lapsed into a coma, and died that same day at age 63. She was interred in the Lincoln Tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield alongside her husband.
Mary did not tell him where she had shot her husband, so he searched frantically for the fatal wound:
With the assistance of two gentlemen I immediately placed him in a recumbent position while doing this and holding his head and shoulders my hand came in contact with blood on his left-shoulder, the thought of the dagger then recurred to me, and supposed that he might have been stabbed in the subelavical artery or some of its branches. I asked a gentleman near by to cut his coat and shirt off that shoulder to enable me if possible to check the supposed hemorrhage, as soon as his arm was bared to a distance below the shoulder, and I saw that there was no wound there, I lifted his eyelids and examined his eyes, the pupil of which was dilated. I then examined his head and soon discovered a large firm clot of blood situated about one inch below the superior curved line and an inch and a half to the left of the median line of the occipital bone. (Good, We Saw Lincoln Shot, p. 60).
Dr. Leale said that the President would have died in 5 minutes if he had not laid him down on the floor:
I believe that he would not have lived five minutes longer if the pressure on the brain had not been relieved and if he had been left that much longer in the sitting posture. (Good, We Saw Lincoln Shot, p. 61).
Dr. Leale was so horrified at what he saw that he refused to talk about it for the rest of his long life. In 1909–the centenary of Lincoln’s birth–he gave a speech about the events of that fateful night, which was published in Harper’s Weekly. The speech was entitled Lincoln’s Last Hours:
I supposed the President had been stabbed, and while kneeling on the floor over his head, with my eyes continuously watching the President’s face, I asked a gentleman to cut the coat and shirt open from the neck to the elbow to enable me, if possible, to check the hemorrhage that I thought might take place from the subclavian artery or some other blood vessel. This was done with a dirk knife, but no wound was found there. I lifted his eyelids and saw evidence of a brain injury. I quickly passed the separated fingers of both hands through his blood matted hair to examine his head, and I discovered his mortal wound. The President had been shot in the back part of the head, behind the left ear. I easily removed the obstructing clot of blood from the wound, and this relieved the pressure on the brain. (Leale, Lincoln’s Last Hours, p. 5).
Dr. Charles Leale moved the President’s body out of the theater to a house across the street from Ford’s Theatre. There the President went to his eternal reward at 7:22 a.m., on Saturday, April 15, 1865. President Lincoln’s body was viewed in the East Room of the White House and then moved to the Capitol Rotunda. That was the exact pattern followed by the Kennedy funeral. Millions mourned the death of the President and he was finally laid to rest in Springfield, Illinois. President Kennedy is buried in Arlington National Cemetery, the former home of arch rebel Robert E. Lee.
The autopsy of the President was performed by army surgeons J. Janvier Woodward and Edward Curtis:
Dr. Woodward, who did the autopsy, and Dr. Curtis, who assisted, stated that the ball traversed the open space in the left side of the brain and came to rest over the left eye. However, Dr. Barnes, the Surgeon General, and Dr. Taft, who was the second doctor to reach Lincoln (having been boosted upward from the stage over the edge of the box), both stated positively at the trial of the conspirators, and later, that it ended up over the right eye. Moreover, there were conflicting statements, by two different observers, as to which pupil was large and which pupil was small. (Lattimer, Kennedy and Lincoln: Medical and Ballistic Comparisons of their Assassinations, p. 39).
Dr. Taft, who was the second doctor on the scene after Dr. Leale, observed the autopsy. He stated emphatically that the ball traversed his brain from left to right:
The calvaria was removed, the brain exposed, and sliced down to the track of the ball which was plainly indicated by a line of coagulated blood, extending from the external wound in the occipital bone, obliquely across from the left to right through the brain to the anterior lobe of the cerebrum, immediately behind the right orbit. The surface of the right hemisphere was covered with coagulated blood. After removing the brain from the cranium, the ball dropped from its lodgment in the anterior lobe. A small piece of the ball evidently cut off in its passage through the occipital bone, was previously taken out of the track of the ball, about four inches from the external wound. The hold made through the occipital bone was as cleanly cut as if done with a punch. (Dr. Taft, Philadelphia Medical Reporter, April 22, 1865).
Surgeon general Joseph K. Barnes, was also present at the autopsy, and he testified at the military tribunal trial that the ball lodged behind the President’s right eye.
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The assassination of Abraham Lincoln is a central drama of the American experience. Its impact is felt to this day, and the basic story is known to all. Anthony Pitch’s thrilling account of the Lincoln conspiracy and its aftermath transcends the mere facts of that awful night during which dashing actor John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in the head and would-be assassin Lewis Payne butchered Secretary of State William Seward in the bed of his own home. “They Have Killed Papa Dead!” transports the reader to one of the most breathtaking moments in history, and reveals much that is new about the stories, passions, and times of those who shaped this great tragedy.
Virtually every word of Anthony Pitch’s account is based on primary source material: new quotes from previously unpublished diaries, letters and journals – authentic contemporary voices writing with freshness and clarity as eyewitnesses or intimate participants – new images, a new vision and understanding of one of America’s defining moments. With an unwavering fidelity to historical accuracy, Pitch provides new confirmation of threats against the president-elect’s life as he traveled to Washington by train for his first inauguration, and a vivid personal account of John Wilkes Booth being physically restrained from approaching Lincoln at his second inauguration. Perhaps most chillingly, new details come to light about conditions in the special prison where the civilian conspirators accused of participating in the Lincoln assassination endured tortuous conditions in extreme isolation and deprivation, hooded and shackled, before and even during their military trial. Pitch masterfully synthesizes the findings of his prodigious research into a tight, gripping narrative that adds important new insights to our national story.
Who Killed Abraham Lincoln?: An Investigation of North America’s Most Famous Ex-Priest’s Assertion That the Roman Catholic Church Was Behind the As Paperback – February 1, 2011
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Reveals how the Rothschild Banking Dynasty fomented war and assassination attempts on 4 presidents in order to create the Federal Reserve Bank
- Explains how the Rothschild family began the War of 1812 because Congress failed to renew a 20-year charter for their Central Bank as well as how the ensuing debt of the war forced Congress to renew the charter
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In this startling investigation into the suppressed history of America in the 1800s, Xaviant Haze reveals how the powerful Rothschild banking family and the Central Banking System, now known as the Federal Reserve Bank, provide a continuous thread of connection between the War of 1812, the Civil War, the financial crises of the 1800s, and assassination attempts on Presidents Jackson and Lincoln.
The author reveals how the War of 1812 began after Congress failed to renew a 20-year charter for the Central Bank. After the war, the ensuing debt forced Congress to grant the central banking scheme another 20-year charter. The author explains how this spurred General Andrew Jackson–fed up with the central bank system and Nathan Rothschild’s control of Congress–to enter politics and become president in 1828. Citing the financial crises engineered by the banks, Jackson spent his first term weeding out Rothschild agents from the government. After being re-elected to a 2nd term with the slogan “Jackson and No Bank,” he became the only president to ever pay off the national debt. When the Central Bank’s charter came up for renewal in 1836, he successfully rallied Congress to vote against it.
The author explains how, after failing to regain their power politically, the Rothschilds plunged the country into Civil War. He shows how Lincoln created a system allowing the U.S. to furnish its own money, without need for a Central Bank, and how this led to his assassination by a Rothschild agent. With Lincoln out of the picture, the Rothschilds were able to wipe out his prosperous monetary system, which plunged the country into high unemployment and recession and laid the foundation for the later formation of the Federal Reserve Bank–a banking scheme still in place in America today.