Austria Demotes Some 3.8 Million Double-Jabbed To ‘Unvaccinated’
The Austrian government announced on January 7th that the validity of the “Green Passport” has been reduced to six months. This also means that everyone who had their “full vaccination” for the last six months will be relegated to an inferior civil status and be classed as “unvaccinated”. Even the obedient have become second class people, excluded from social life thanks to the country’s “lockdown for the ...

German Doctor Dies 3 Days After Discovering Graphene in Covid Jab is Razor-like Graphene Hydroxide
According to reports – Dr. Andreas Noack died in Carinthia Austria on 26th November 2021 – Aged 57. The doctor had created a video about Graphene Hydroxide that was published on 23 November (only 3 days prior to his mysterious death). The video has gained much attention from viewers. Watch below: Dr. Andreas Noack, a German specialist in activated carbon and an industry expert, is speaking ...

Austrian Court Rules PCR Unsuited For COVID, Lockdowns Unlawful
Following the Portuguese, German and Dutch rulings, now the Austrian court has ruled that PCR tests are not suitable for COVID-19 diagnosis and that lockdowns has no legal or scientific basis. The Vienna Administrative Court granted a complaint by the FPÖ against the prohibition of its meeting registered for January 31 in Vienna. “The prohibition was wrong,” the court said says in the ruling (read judgement below). The ...

Worldwide Rally for Freedom: Anti-Lockdown Protests take Place in Different Countries All Around the World
Tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable science – which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking. Protesters in London, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Japan, Vienna and elsewhere came out for the Worldwide Rally for Freedom ...

Pedophile priest Convicted by German Court of 108 Cases of Child Abuse
A German priest has been sent to a psychiatric institution after pleading guilty to a string of child abuse offenses. He was previously defrocked by the Catholic Church but kept abusing with the help of false documents. The 53 year old Thomas Maria B., who was born in Wuppertal, is guilty of having sexually abused five German boys under the age of 14 at least a total of ...

Austrian Officials: Half of Refugees claiming to be Children in Austria are Adults… and Many even Arrive with ‘Grey Hair and Beards’
Half of all migrants claiming to be children are lying, according to Austrian officials who say the 'juveniles' are sometimes in their 30s and have grey hair and beards. The unnamed official told Austrian journalists: 'It is completely absurd. We have men turning up here with full beards and grey hair claiming to be children.' Austrian officials said that of 2,200 asylum seekers claiming to be children, ...

Science Journalist Jane Bürgermeister Filed Criminal Complaints with the FBI against the UN, WHO, FDA, & Baxter for Attempted Genocide, Mass Murder, High Treason, etc.
Austrian investigative journalist Jane Burgermeister has filed criminal charges against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials, charging them with bioterrorism and attempts to commit genocide. In April, she filed charges against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing and releasing live bird flu virus’, alleging it was a deliberate ...

UK Passes the Water Act of 2003 Giving Immunity to Water Companies for Fluoridation & Bypassing a Former Law that gave Water Companies Discretion
The UK Water Act passes which has made it impossible for water companies to undergo civil or criminal hearings as a result of adding fluoride to public water supplies (same as impossibility to sue vaccine makers). This came on the heals of an August 2003 EPA request for the National Research Council, the research arm of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to re-evaluate water fluoride ...

‘The Guardian’ Predicts that by 2020, “Spain will be ridden with malaria, …there will be almost no snow in the Alps”
The Guardian newspaper famously predicted back in 1999 that by the year 2020, “Spain will be ridden with malaria, the eastern Mediterranean will be as hot as the Sahara desert, flash floods will swamp parts of the American coastline and there will be almost no snow in the Alps.” While there is no way to definitively debunk current predictions of a coming climate apocalypse, fortunately we do possess ...

Wonderland Pedophile Rings Raided: The Ring was Covered Up by Elites
In September 1998, another ring was raided - what the BBC described as "a larger and more sinister paedophile network called Wonderland." The network was so named in honor of Lewis Carroll's revered children's book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. NOTE: Lewis Carroll, author of the children's book, was widely known to have a predilection for underage girls and boys, and is now something of a patron ...