(also referred to by some critics as the Biden regime) seized power on November 4, 2020 in a nationwide rigged election by the Democratic Party, disenfranchising the will of the voters and the American people. The junta began receiving federal taxpayer money on November 24 after the head of the General Services Administration received death threats against her, her family, staff, and pets. The junta‘s first actions were borrowed right out of the Nazi playbook; like the Reichstag fire, a false flag attack on the U.S. Capitol building was staged as a pretext to curb human rights and free speech.
Junta leader Joseph R. Biden appointed Maoist Anita Dunn as Presidential Advisor. Dunn had been fired by the Obama White House in June 2009 after publicly expressing admiration for Maoist genocide. Dunn was behind the cover-up of former Biden aide Tara Reade‘s rape and sexual assault allegations. The appointment appeared to be a payoff. Due to Biden’s debilitated mental state, four weeks into the junta members sought to relieve the junta leader of sole responsibility to launch a nuclear strike.
Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Glenn Greewald foretold the agenda of the Biden junta:
“Democrats are very good at creating a brand that is radically different than the reality, but essentially the Democratic party serves militarism, imperialism, and corporatism…That’s who funds them, that’s what they believe in…It’s why you see neocons migrating so comfortably back to the Democratic Party, why you see Bush and Cheney operatives cheering for Joe Biden, why Wall Street celebrated when he picked Kamala Harris….the American middle class will continue to be destroyed while companies that have no allegiance to the US will continue to outsource jobs….Communities will continue to be ravaged with unemployment crises, drug addiction, suicide, depression, all the things that are dominating small American towns”.
After ascending power on 1/20/2021, the Junta De Facto began rule by diktat, issuing executive orders that unconstitutionally enter the United States into international agreements without congressional approval and overturning travel bans in a pandemic for the sake of a swift political victory. The Junta issued over 40 decrees in the first 10 days in power.
Chinese collusion
On November 28, 2020 Prof. Di Dongsheng, vice dean of the School of International Relations at Renmin University, told students in Beijing how the People’s Republic of China was able to settle disputes with prior American administrations because they have people at the top of America, specifically on Wall Street. But when President Trump was elected, all that Chinese influence went away. “Wall Street can’t fix Trump,” the professor told the students.
The professor noted that President Trump complained about Hunter Biden having a ‘global foundation’ and confirmed once again that the Biden family was in bed with Chinese Communists. Hunter Biden in fact holds a 10% equity stake in the Chinese private equity firm Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) in partnership with the Bank of China through his company, Skaneateles LLC, according to business records from China’s National Credit Information Publicity System. BHR was set up as a tool for the CCPs global ambitions, using the Biden name to market Chinese imperialism. The Bank of China is owned by the Chinese government and closely connected with the Chinese military and intelligence services. Biden, former Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson Christopher Heinz, and convicted felon Devon Archer through BHR transferred and sold duel use technology to the Chinese military which was used to create the Chinese drone program and replicate the Chinese version of the F-15 fighter.
But because of the lack of influence the Chinese Communists had over the Trump administration, the professor stated that they have people at the “top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence” who went to work to get Biden “elected”.
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) sued the Biden junta to obtain information about House Democrat Intelligence Committee member Eric Swalwell’s relationship with a Chinese spy. Lawsuits were filed against the National Security Agency, the office of the director of national intelligence (ODNI), the State Department and the FBI.
Electoral certification
On an evening just prior to the Electoral College certification of the 2020 stolen presidential election, Antifa thugs terrorized the home of Sen. Josh Hawley, where Sen. Hawley’s wife and newborn infant daughter were home alone. Sen. Hawley had pledged to contest the results of the stolen election.
During the January 6, 2021 Joint Session of Congress to certify the Electoral College ballots, while tens of thousands of peaceful protesters rallied in support of President Trump outside the capitol, chartered vans of the terrorist/hate group Antifa were escorted by state police in black, unmarked SUVs into the midst of the crowd. Capitol Police then removed barriers and waved the crowd in to the Capitol steps. Antifa rioters proceeded to break windows (also here & here) on the U.S. Capitol building and storm the premises. Facial recognition technology identified Antifa members,who had used disguises to infiltrate a pro-Trump protest group, as storming the building. Twitter, in a flimsy attempt to cover for the Antifa punks, falsely claimed that a side-by-side photo comparison of one of the infiltrators (showing him at the Capitol in one photo, and at a BLM rally in June 2019 in the other photo, both of which show him with the same visually distinct tattoos) was “manipulated media” but gave no reason for their false claim.
The proceedings inside the House and Senate chambers were halted, and Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter who followed the crowd into the Capitol building without realizing who they really were, was summarily executed by Capitol Police.
Following the violence, several Senators withdrew their support of objections to fraudulent electors. One protester posted in social media a statement that he had been paid to disrupt the Trump rally and Congressional proceedings.
At the close of the day’s events and Joint Session, the House Chaplain offered a prayer to “bless Antifa”.
In November 2020 Peter Neffenger was chairman of the corrupt ballot-stuffing and election-rigging SmartMatic corporation and was kindly rewarded by being appointed to Biden’s Presidential transition team.
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Chronological History of Events Realted to the Biden Administration / Junta

IRS Whistleblowers Expose 2020 Election Interference By The IRS, FBI, DOJ and Biden-Harris White House

WHISTLEBLOWER: CIA Collaborated With China To Release COVID-19

US Forest Service Begins Shooting “Unauthorized” Cattle From Helicopters In New Mexico

US House of Representatives Forms the ‘Weaponization of Government’ Select Committee Headed by Patriot Jim Jordan

Biden Forced to Fires Kinky They/Them Transgender Official after Luggage Stealing Arrest

The Fauci Deposition: AG from MO and LA Depose Dr. Fauci, Prove He Was Not Honest with the American Public

Nord Stream Pipelines Sabotaged by US & Poland

Biden’s DOJ Opens Investigation Into President Trump

‘Ministry of Truth’ 2.0: Kamala Harris to Lead New Task Force Targeting “Online Harassment, Abuse, and Disinformation Campaigns”