Business Description
There is a large and quickly growing segment of the population that understand that truth is being suppressed, agendas are being pushed, and large scale fraud and corruption exists throughout the world in every industry and throughout our culture. Fraud and corruption in education, politics, intelligence agencies, media, health, science, wars, etc. have awakened many to the reality that conspiracies do exist and that fake news and propaganda from the bought media are the norm, not the exception. People are being red pilled daily and those that can have an open mind to truth and overcome their cognitive dissonance will discover a high level of deception wrought upon the populous by conspiring secret societies.
There is an urgent and significant need for a solution like The Patriot Connection. America’s freedoms and unalienable rights have been slowly eroding such that the constitution itself is in jeopardy. Christianity and Christian values are under attack. Good is often condemned as evil (racist, intolerant, or some phobia) and evil is often hailed as good (the murder of babies, the right to bear arms, the right to free speech, etc.). My own desire to discover the source of this cultural and moral decay led me, as many others, to discover that it is not entirely an organic societal decay and corruption. There are secret societies that are dedicated to building a new world order and they fund, promote, and implement political and religious ideologies and agendas that are meant to destroy the Christian culture and moral values in society.
According to top researchers and defecting insiders from these conspiring ‘elite’, in order for this small but powerful and highly influential group of individuals to accomplish their goal of ruling the world, all governments and religions must be abolished. The cunning plan required mass deception, thus education (public schooling, universities, and mystery schools such as Masonry), reading societies, publishing companies, historical societies, and eventually the entertainment industry (primarily Hollywood, the music industry, and video game industry) would be infiltrated and controlled to become the tools of brainwashing and enslavement.
Education: Dumbing Down and Revisionist History
A well informed and educated population is the last thing the globalist want as they prepare to bring the people through the greatest period of change in human history. The most obvious example of how Americans have been dumbed down is through this nation’s failed public education system. An insidious federal agenda has been implemented to condition and brainwash a population of mindless, robotic citizenry that simply does what it’s told and is taught WHAT to think, not HOW to think, and of course the brainwashing commences early in America’s schools.
While parents, schools, provinces and states across North America bicker about the democratic process of running public schools, forces have long been manipulating education from behind the scenes – sexualizing, dumbing down, and indoctrinating children as early as they can. Major international players are reshaping public education to suit their own self-serving agendas, without regard for the wants of parents and the welfare of their children. Compared to 34 other modernized countries, the United States (formerly ranked #1 in all) currently ranks 20th in literacy, 30th in math, 23rd in science out of 34 industrialized nations according to the recent report put out by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). (Source)
The United States has fallen to rank 49th in life expectancy of 120 countries while maintaining the dubious rank of being number one in incarcerations, military spending, childhood obesity, hours of television watched, student debt and the highest national debt any country has ever incurred in history. These continual poor performance rankings persist despite spending more on education than any other country with the exception of Switzerland, who ranks in the top five in education.
Students in the United States fare considerably worse than many of their counterparts across the globe in terms of knowledge gained from education. According to data from the Program for International Student Assessment, 15-year-olds in the U.S. ranked 31st on OECD standardized mathematics tests, and their test scores were far below average in reading and science. The United States was one of only five countries in the OECD to cut education funding in the years prior to the OECD study. The OECD report for 2017 found that education spending in the U.S. decreased 3% between 2010 and 2014 while spending in other nations was up 5%.
At the post-secondary level, the United States spent more than the average (1.5%) for OECD countries on total government and private expenditures at 2.6%. Only three other countries spent 2% or more of GDP on post-secondary education. Those countries were Canada at 2.4%, Australia at 2%, and Chile at 2%. The result: Only 64% of students who begin college actually graduate within six years. Those who do graduate have collectively amassed over one trillion dollars in long term student debt. Over 72% of students who have finished college in the past three years have moved back in with their parents. Additionally, young adults between the ages of 18-26 also have the highest unemployment rate in this country putting further strain on middle class families.
For years, liberals have imposed their revisionist history on our nation’s public school students, expunging important facts and historic figures while loading the textbooks with liberal propaganda, distortions and clichés. It’s easy to get a quick lesson in the virulent leftwing bias by checking the index and noting how textbooks unfairly describe President Ronald Reagan and Senator Joseph McCarthy.
When parents object to leftwing inclusions and omissions, claiming they should have something to say about what their own children are being taught and how their taxpayers’ money is spent, they are usually vilified as “book burners” and belittled as uneducated primitives who ought to allow the “experts” to make all curriculum decisions. The self-identified “experts” are alumni of liberal teachers colleges and/or members of a leftwing teachers union.