Taking Back Our Stolen History
Business Plan

Business Plan

With the invention of the internet, there was an explosion of free thought and an explosion of free thought movements began to tear down the lies and official narratives in mainstream news, health, science, etc. People were able to get information ignored and censored by the controlled outlets so the dark side of the controlled government entities and organizations moved to censor these dissenting voices. Thousands of conservative YouTube vloggers have been buried in search results, had their videos deleted, channels deplatformed and de-monetized, or shadow banned; thousands of websites are algorithmed out of Google’s search engine; thousands of Twitter users have had their tweets deleted or shadow banned or their account suspended. The fact that these are almost all conservative, Christian, and truth-seeking researchers who are the victims, can there be any doubt that this is the work of the same enemy whose secret societies hate God and all things good?

Certainly, the cable networks are biased, censor content, and cater to thier owners and advertisers. It’s also becoming nearly impossible to find true history or unspun news on the internet with the censorship by Google, Wikipedia, and almost every other website of significance. If a website is not echoing the official narratives of the day, then google’s algorithm has buried them deep, deep into the search results under the guise of fake news. The Patriot Connection (ThePatriotConnection.com) is a solution to the google censorship with a chronological history of events that most likely did not happen as we have been taught in our history books.

The official narratives are often meant to divert the public from the truth and alternative media has been under attack by the deep state controlled media deeming anything that contradicts the official narrative as fake news. Not only does the Deep State own and control the propaganda put out by mainstream media, History Channel, Discovery, etc., but they have also leveraged themselves, along with other corrupt organizations with hired censors, as the senior editors of Wikipedia. CIA funded and controlled Google has modified their algorithms to eliminate alternative news media and alternative history from the first several pages of searches on Google. YouTube (also Google owned) has also modified their search algorithms to censor alternative news, alternative health, and history research and demonetized alternative and conservative videos from media ad revenue for numerous accounts that have not violated any terms of use. Censorship has been occurring in the media for many years and the establishment has been able to maintain the illusion of a free press in spite of whistleblowers who cannot get their stories out except via alternative media or books they must often self-publish.

Social media such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube were once great methods of getting information out and making money for alternative news, health, and other now censored sources, but not any longer. This Ministry of Truth is not interested in TRUTH, as fake news and propaganda are continuously fed to us to mislead and deceive us. These organizations are so far left that Christian sites are even censored and deplatformed (including Vimeo and Patreon) and conservative voices speaking out against abortion, the LGBTQ agenda, and other moral principles.

ThePatriotConnection is designed as a solution to give these censored voices their voices back again with an opportunity to monetize their content once again with a platform designed specifically for them. In addition, a chronological history of events related to the war on liberty provides researchers quick, easy access to uncensored accounts of these historical events. This chronology is divided into topics and most show that the destruction and corruption of American values is not organic, rather a deliberate effort by a group of secret societies that are also shown to be evil in nature. Another goal of ThePatriotConnection is to show, with our organized chronological histories, that we are in the midst of a spiritual battle of good vs. evil that it has been going on for a very long time and we may be in the culminating era of it. Knowledge is power and the powerful elite have tried to monopolize it, so my intent is to put it back into the hands of the people.

The more lies and pseudoscience we believe, the more knowledge they can keep for themselves and use to entice intellectuals into their secret societies. Also, the less Christian morals and values that are taught and obeyed, then the more corruptible the population and easily deceived towards becoming ruled by them. Satan has a counterfeit for all of God’s true principles. Today we worship the false God’s of riches, power, and materialism. Knowledge is a key to choosing wisely. As we choose wisely, we gain more liberty and freedom, but as we choose unwisely (infidelity, drugs, etc.) then we have less liberty and freedom because we become enslaved to these sins that can control us. Satan wants to take away all of these (knowledge, liberty, and freedom) because that’s what the war in Heaven was all about – our free agency here on earth. Jesus Christ had a plan that allows us to choose for ourselves the path we will take on this earth to see if will choose wisely and return back to Heaven, while Satan chose to try to destroy our agency – Perhaps a plan to force us all to follow him, but he would get all of the glory for himself.

How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction? It’s very difficult! It is important to know and understand our enemy, Satan, and those whom he enlists here on the earth to do his evil work and build his counterfeit kingdom. As with any good general, coach, or athlete – we must know our enemy. Sun Tzu said in ‘The Art of War’: ”

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

We are in a battle every day against this powerful enemy and we must study the many tactics he uses to attack us mentally, spiritually, and physically. If we know and understand true history, we can and will see that the conspirators are doing exactly what they said they were going to do as far back as a couple of hundred years ago and beyond. We’ll see through their lies and deception and be able to resist tyranny with truth and liberty. Because much of our history has been written by our social engineers to manipulate our viewpoint, the uncensored history pages of The Patriot Connection may be the closest thing we have today to a true accounting of our modern history.