The Rothschild’s “Waterloo” of British Finance
The Napoleonic era was marked by political upheaval, military campaigns, and economic turbulence. In the midst of this era, the Rothschild family emerged as a …
President James Madison’s Thanksgiving Proclamation – March 4, 1815
“The senate and House of Representatives of the United States have by a joint resolution signified their desire that a day may be recommended to …
President James Madison’s Thanksgiving Proclamation – November 16, 1814
“The two Houses of the National Legislature having by a joint resolution expressed their desire that in the present time of public calamity and war …
President James Madison 2nd Proclamation on Day of Public Humiliation and Prayer During the War of 1812
President James Madison, known as the “Chief Architect of the Constitution,” declared a National Day of Prayer on July 9, 1812, and again a year …
Meyer Rothschild Dies
No other name has become more synonymous with the Illuminati than the Rothschilds. It is believed that the Rothschild family used the Illuminati as a means to …
James Madison Proclamation of a Day of Humiliation and Prayer
President James Madison, known as the “Chief Architect of the Constitution,” declared a couple of National Days of Prayer – one in 1812 and another …
Peak of the Luddite Rebellion
New research marking the bicentenary of Luddism – a workers’ uprising which swept through parts of England in 1812 – has thrown into question whether …
Thomas Jefferson: “I have given up newspapers in exchange for Tacitus and Thucydides, for Newton and Euclid; and I find myself much the happier.”
Thomas Jefferson said the following in a Letter to John Adams, dated January 21, 1812: “I have given up newspapers in exchange for Tacitus and …
British Parliament Members Notified that they would be kicked out of government if they went Bankrupt
In 1811, British members of the Parliament were kicked out the government if they went bankrupt, in other words, could not get credit from the …