Report: Orphans Used In Secret CIA-Backed Medical Experiments
During experiments meant to reveal psychopathic traits and map out the link between schizophrenia and heredity, innocent orphans who survived World War II had electrodes attached to their small bodies and had to listen to loud, shrill noises. According to experts, this violates the Allies Nuremberg Code of 1947 that introduced ethical restrictions for experiments on humans. Several hundred Danish orphans have been unknowingly used in ...

FDA Panel Backs Pfizer Shot For Kids Age 5-11 Despite Expert Warnings
An FDA vaccine advisory panel on Tuesday voted unanimously 17-0 in favor shooting up kids aged 5-11 with Pfizer’s experimental mRNA injection with panelist Dr Eric Rubin stating, “we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it.” FDA Committee has approved the Pfizer vaccine Emergency Use Authorization for kids aged 5-11. In making this decision, the FDA conceded it ...

Video: Colorado Mother Shames School Board For Pushing “Nightmare” Critical Race Theory
A mother slammed a Colorado school board for pushing critical race theory into the school’s curriculum under the guise of “equity.” Deborah Flora, a radio host and member of Parents United America, lambasted the Douglas County School District (DCSD) school board for promoting “collectivism” through identity politics. “First of all, the term equity — it sounds great, but it’s exactly the opposite of equal opportunity,” Flora ...

PBS Attorney Who Said Gov’t Must Seize Kids From GOP Parents Quits. Nailed in Sting Video by Project Veritas
The unhinged house attorney at PBS who said the government must seize the children of Republicans if Joe Biden became president “no longer works” for the taxpayer-subsidized network. In yet another undercover sting operation, Project Veritas caught Michael Beller unaware. And like the outright communist staffers of failed socialist candidate Bernie Sanders, he spilled the beans. He disclosed exactly what the leftist ruling-class elites who run the federal bureaucracy and ...

Study: CDC Illegally Inflated COVID Fatality Number by at least 1,600 percent Ahead of 2020 Election
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stands accused of violating federal law by inflating Coronavirus fatality numbers, according to stunning information obtained by NATIONAL FILE. CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number by at least 1,600 percent as the 2020 presidential election played out, according to a study published by the Public Health Initiative of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge. The study, ...

Heartbroken Dad Of Trans Teen Breaks Gag To Beg For End Of ‘State-Sponsored Child Abuse’
For the past 11 months, Robert Hoogland, a father in Surrey, British Columbia, has been forced to watch as his 14 year-old daughter was “destroyed and sterilized” by court-ordered testosterone injections. After losing his legal appeal to stop the process in January, Rob (previously anonymized as “Clark” or “CD”) is making a desperate attempt to bring his case into the courts of public opinion, even though it breaks ...

WikiHow Posts Article Teaching Children How to “Get Vaccinated in Secret” defying“Anti-Vaxxer” Parents
The WikiHow website, a hub for how-to information, has joined the other evil tech giants by going all-in with vaccine propaganda that poses a very real danger to the health and safety of children. The site now features a dangerous article that teaches children how to scheme against their own parents and stage fake cover stories to get vaccinated with toxic vaccines that even the U.S ...

Finland: Parents Lose Custody of 15-Yr-Old Daughter for Refusing to Allow Sex Change
The parents of a 15-year-old Finnish girl lost custody of their daughter after refusing to allow her to undergo a sex change. According to a report by Svenska Yle, the parents prevented the girl from starting hormone treatments to “correct her gender.” The names of the individuals involved were changed and the EU country in which the events happened were removed from the article to protect ...

Border Patrol Commissioner Testifies: 5800 Fake Families Found at Border – Children Brought Across Border to Feed Sex Trafficking Networks
(HealthImpactNews) Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Mark Morgan testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee this week (July 30, 2019). In questioning by Committee Chairman Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin, Mark Morgan, who was also the top official at Customs and Border Protection during the Obama administration, revealed that a new pilot program began using DNA tests at the border to determine if ...

Family Law Attorney Connie Reguli, who exposes CPS Corruption, Arrested Illegally After Assisting Parent to Secure Due Process
Attorney Connie Reguli of Brentwood, Tennessee, is known for being an outspoken warrior who fights legally on behalf of families who are dealing with Child Protective Services. Now, she is being arrested after trying to help a parent secure due process. On the morning of Tuesday, July 16, 2019, Connie Reguli received a phone call notifying her that there is a warrant out for her arrest ...