Essay on Patriotism and Globalism by Chilean-born Sven von Storch – National Sovereignty: Make Latin America Great
The Great Reset and Great Recession The world is currently facing two major challenges: First, the fight for a possible New World Order. The global leadership of the United States has turned into a struggle between the USA and China for world domination. And secondly, the international financial and currency system is facing a historic collapse. These two factors pose a grave threat to the order, stability ...

The Vaccine Death Report: Evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events from Covid Vax
P U R P O S E The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide. F A C T S Our aim is to only present scientific facts, ...

A million Chileans march in Santiago to protest inequality
As many as a million Chileans protested peacefully late into the evening on Friday in the capital Santiago in the biggest rallies yet since violence broke out a week ago over entrenched inequality in the South American nation. Protesters waving national flags, dancing, banging pots with wooden spoons and bearing placards urging political and social change streamed through the streets, walking for miles (km) from around ...

Survey finds ‘sextortion’ rife in Latin America, women worst hit
One in five people in Latin America and the Caribbean has either direct or indirect experience of officials using their positions of power to demand sexual favours, usually from women, according to a survey published on Monday. "Sextortion" - abuse of power to obtain sexual favours - is prevalent in Latin America partly due to inequality between men and women in politics and pay though few ...

Ship Seized In Record $1.3 Billion Cocaine Bust Belongs To JPMorgan
A record $1.3 billion, or 18,000 kilos worth) of cocaine (15,500 kilos) was seized from a container ship at a Philadelphia port after having stopped in Colombia, Chile, Peru, Panama and the Bahamas. The vessel, the MSC Gayane, is owned by JP Morgan, and was seized by US authorities according to the Wall Street Journal. The Gayane is the world's second-largest container ship - operated by ...

Chile investigating 158 in Catholic Church over Sex Abuse
Chile is now investigating 158 members of the country's embattled Catholic Church - both clergymen and lay people - for perpetrating or concealing the sexual abuse of children and adults, prosecutors said on Monday (July 23). The cases relate to incidents dating back as far as 1960 and involving 266 victims, including 178 children and adolescents, according to public prosecutor Luis Torres. The prosecutor's statement offered ...

Pope Francis Elevated a Chilean Priest to Bishop that was Accused of Child Sex Abuse Cover-up and Homosexuality, and the Pope Lied to Cover it Up
Politicians and some church leaders in Chile have demanded the resignation of Juan Barros, Pope Francis’s tapped appointment as bishop of Osorno on January 10th, 2015 (took effect on March 21st) in southern Chile, following allegations that he helped cover up – and at times participated in – abuse against minors by his longtime mentor, a priest called Fernando Karadima. This, in spite of the fact ...

‘Inside the Company: CIA Diary’ is Published by CIA Defector, Phillip Agee, to Inform the Public About what the CIA was Secretly Doing on Behalf of the American People
Philip Agee worked as a case officer for the United States Central Intelligence Agency from 1957 to 1968. In 1975 he published a book about covert operations in Latin America entitled Inside the Company: CIA Diary in order to inform the public about what the U.S. government was secretly doing on behalf of the American people. "When I was writing my first book, I concluded in ...
The CIA-Backed Pinochet Coup in Chile (Sponsored by Pepsi Cola, ITT, & Chase Bank) Overthrowing (Killing) Democratically-Elected President Salvador Allende
The Pinochet Coup in Chile where a democratically-elected Chilean government under President Salvador Allende was overthrown in a brutal coup organized by the Chilean military with the backing of the CIA. General Pinochet soon emerged as the leader of the military junta which immediately engaged in gross repression against supporters of the previous government and other suspected opposition figures, while all political activity was banned. At ...

The Antarctic Treaty System was Opened for Signature
The main treaty was opened for signature on December 1, 1959, and officially entered into force on June 23, 1961. The original signatories were the 12 countries active in Antarctica during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957–58. The twelve countries that had significant interests in Antarctica at the time were: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, the Soviet Union, the ...