Communism is generally understood, at the very least, to be a system of economics in which government controls all aspects of a society’s production. This is purported to ensure equality and fairness among the masses. Communist regimes have historically claimed that a utopian, egalitarian paradise awaited the masses if they would simply surrender their rights and let government have the necessary power. Others believe communism to be a system of absolute atheism, where the belief in a God other than the state was absolutely forbidden, as people who worshipped a God would not offer total subservience to the governing powers. While these descriptions may give someone a basic understanding of what communism is, they are not totally accurate. Communism was actually created for the very purpose of destroying religion and being the anti-thesis to western capitalism. Communism itself is a Hegelian dialectic created to cause conflict between two world views, religion and anti religion, which would eventually see the rise of what many people recognize as the New World Order.
The Illuminati created Communism to be used as an adversary against [individual] liberty. An indication of that fact came from a statement by Dr. Bella Dodd, who was a member of the National Committee of the U.S. Communist Party. She indicated that when their Board could not reach a decision, one of their members would go to the Waldorf Towers in New York City to consult with Arthur Goldsmith. Goldsmith’s decision would later be confirmed by Communist officials in Russia. Goldsmith was not a Communist, but was a wealthy ‘capitalist’. The Communist movement was created out of the roots of Socialism, in fact, President Hoover said: “Socialism is the forerunner of communism.”