It is essential for mankind to understand the truth about the Creation—the creation of the earth, the universe, of man, and of all forms of life. This understanding is essential to salvation. Unless and until we gain a true view of the creation of all things we cannot hope to gain that fullness of eternal reward which otherwise would be ours. For those who understand that we are indeed the product of intelligent design and not some unscientific random explosion, we desire to understand more about our creator and the earth on which we dwell. For Christians, the creation is the first of the three pillars of eternity – the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement. The creation of all things, the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ in Gethsemane and on the Cross at Calvary are the three most important events that ever have or ever will occur on Earth. These events intertwine to form the very fiber of our being – who we are; why we’re here, for what purpose we were created, and where we are going, if anywhere, beyond earth life. If the atonement of Jesus Christ, which can alleviate the effects of both sin and death, is the central event to one’s salvation, then is not this event made possible only by the fall, and the fall made possible by the creation? How, why, and by whom were we created are questions that must surely stir in the heart of almost every individual at some point during their lifetime.
Evolution Lie Flat, Stationary Earth NASA UFO’s & AliensCreation
New microbial research at the University of Copenhagen suggests that 'survival of the friendliest' outweighs 'survival of the fittest' for groups of bacteria. Bacteria make space for one another and sacrifice properties if it benefits the bacterial community as a whole. The discovery is a major step towards understanding complex bacteria interactions and the development of new treatment models for a wide range of human diseases and new green technologies. New microbial research at the Department of Biology reveals that bacteria would rather unite against external threats, such as antibiotics, rather than fight against each other. The report has ...
A new scientific study that stunningly suggests the human race sprang from a single adult couple, as the Bible records, also suggests animals appeared at the same time, also as the Bible suggests. It was a major shock to evolutionary science when a sweeping survey of the genetic code showed the human race sprang from a single adult couple, such as an Adam and Eve. The research was led by the Rockefeller University and the University of Basel, Switzerland, and shocked all involved. “This conclusion is very surprising,” said David Thaler, research associate from the University of Basel who ...
A recent1 review paper proposed a controversial claim—that the vast majority of animal species arose contemporary with modern humans. Not surprisingly, this claim was met with backlash from the evolutionary community. On what basis did the authors make this wide-reaching claim? Is their assertion true? Furthermore, what ramifications do their data have for the creationist explanation of the origin of species from the originally created min or “kinds”? The main focus of Stoeckle and Thaler’s paper is genetics. Specifically, they focus on a subset of DNA in human and animal cells, termed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Their analysis of mtDNA is clear, straightforward, and carefully justified—so much ...
Abstract The advent of modern genetics has seen the evolutionary community redouble its efforts to argue for human-primate common ancestry and against the traditional Christian understanding of the origin of the human race. As has been argued in previous chapters, a careful reading of Genesis 1–11 indicates that God created Adam and Eve supernaturally and without prior ancestry, and that all of humanity traces their ancestry back to this original couple — and not to a group of primates or proto-humans. Combined with a careful reading of the rest of Scripture, this narrative places the creation date of Adam and Eve approximately 6,000 ...
Inquiries concerning the shape of the Earth have been a recurring theme in human history. Based on a series of natural phenomena that contradict accepted academic teaching on the matter, Brazilian scientists at Dakila Pesquisas decided to investigate these inconsistencies. In seven years of studies, scientific experiments were conducted at different points in the world, with the involvement of government institutions and professional researchers from a variety of fields. The results will be presented in the feature-length Convex Earth: The Documentary. The preview, by invitation, will take place on March 26, at 7:30 pm, at the Shopping Eldorado in ...
Those who believe the Earth is flat vary in the exact theories, but whether they believe in science or religious literature as the basis for their claims, a new YouGov study reveals that 2% of Americans resolutely say the earth is flat. 8215 US adults were questioned on Feb 6, 2018. Results are weighted to be representative of the US population. While an overwhelming majority of Americans (84%) believe that the Earth is round, at least 5% of the public say they used to believe that but now have their doubts. Flat earthers find traction in their beliefs among ...
A year ago, I showed this amazing picture on air and online. The story has been one of the most viewed stories on our website, ever. Most clicked because of its rarity, and also because there are skyline skeptics that say my explanation is a cover-up. A cover-up to their belief that this picture is proof the earth is flat. Joshua Nowicki captured it through a lens. He’s an amateur turned semi-pro photographer “I moved to southwest Michigan about 4 years ago and fell in love living along the lake and photography just kinda took off from there," Nowicki said. Some photos he takes for ...
While geocentricism and the flat earth had its proponents prior to 2014, including Eric Dubay, there was no movement until this book hit the shelves and Eric Dubay published a flat earth documentary on his YouTube channel in 2015. Since late 2014 Google Analytics has shown a drastic exponential rise in people searching the term “Flat Earth.” The number of pages referencing flat Earth have also jumped from a meager few thousand results to the current figure of over 21 million all in the space of a year and a half! So who is responsible for this rapid resurgence ...
Earth is not only oblate — wider at the equator than pole-to-pole, but pear shaped — slightly wider just south of the equator. from NASA Website So why do our childrens text books still show Earth is a perfect sphere ? You might argue the cost to reprint text books isn't feasible for a single image change-- but even the online version of Earth Space Science Text shows earth is a 360 degree perfect sphere with no mention of a pear shaped earth or an oblete spheroid. It wouldn't cost that much to upload new images would it? The ...
( A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The finding could help explain where Earth’s seas came from. The water is hidden inside a blue rock called ringwoodite that lies 700 kilometres underground in the mantle, the layer of hot rock between Earth’s surface and its core. The huge size of the reservoir throws new light on the origin of Earth’s water. Some geologists think water arrived in comets as they struck the planet, but the new discovery supports an alternative idea that the oceans gradually ...