The Spanish replaced the Indians with slaves from Africa. When the gold mines were exhausted the Spanish used slaves to produce cash crops, especially sugar and tobacco. There were several slave revolts in Cuba but they were defeated by the descendants of the original Spanish settlers who became known as Creoles. The Creoles were forced to sell their produce for low prices to Spain. They objected to this system and became involved in a war to obtain their independence. By 1898 the Cubans were on the verge of defeating the Spanish when troops from the United States arrived to quell the revolt.
The United States had originally tried to buy the island from Spain in 1853 for $130 million. After putting down the Cuban revolt, the United States was in a position to force Cuba to sell their sugar and tobacco to them instead of to Spain. As the Spanish had done previously, the United States forced the Cubans to sell raw materials for low prices. They also made sure that Cuba bought their manufactured goods, and by 1914 an estimated 74 per cent of all imports came from the United States. Much of Cuban industry was now owned by United States companies including the railways, telephones and tobacco plantations, as was two-thirds of all arable land. The United States also took control of Guantanamo Bay. As well as providing an important base for the US Navy, Guantanamo also had two airstrips and a Marine Garrison.
The Cubans were also forced to sign what became known as the Platt Agreement. This agreement gave the United States the right to send troops to the island if they disagreed with the way that the country was being run. This meant that no Cuban government could be elected unless they were willing to implement policies favourable to the United States. In return for their cooperation, government ministers in Cuba received payments from United States businessmen. Elections in Cuba were usually rigged and the victors were rarely popular with the Cuban people.
Just ninety miles off the Florida coast, Cuba became a holiday island for rich Americans. It was a place where they could enjoy pleasures that were illegal in many states in North America. These included drinking, gambling and prostitution. Large profits could be made from these activities and it was not long before they were under the control of the Mafia.
In the 1950’s, Illuminati bankers David Rockefeller and Eugene Meyer organized a Cuban partnership, called the Moa Bay Mining Co. As his apparatchiks, Rockefeller hired the three stooges of the Caribbean, namely Fidel Castro, E. Howard Hunt and George H.W. Bush. Rockefeller’s Citi-Bank provided the financial support that Fidel Castro needed for his ouster of Batista, and that Rockefeller had profited immensely from Castro’s fictitious “expropriation” of Moa Bay mining fields.
Castro received his training in the arts of economic terrorism and guerrilla warfare from US Army Special Forces, Col. William A. Morgan of Ohio. Rockefeller maintained actual physical control of all of “Castro’s” oil and mining operations. Meanwhile he collected extravagant profits from endless “Pentagon bailouts” by the U.S. taxpayer. Castro was a Meyer-Rockefeller-Dulles lackey. With Zapata Oil as cover, he soon became Bush’s favorite candyman. Castro was doubtless per-briefed on the impending April 1961 invasion, by a clutch of clueless Miami Cubans, who were lead straight to their slaughter in a perfect military gauntlet, a crossfire in a long and narrow bay of water at the “heel” of a unique Cuban landmass, in fact a marine swampland drenched in oil, known as the Zapata. Air cover would have made no difference at all.
The successful humiliation of JFK in the Bay of Pigs operation led straight to rumors of Castro’s absolute invincibility. Castro the Maximum was trained and armed by the Pentagon and financed by the CIA and Citibank. The person who delivered his paychecks was a Ukrainian country girl, who lived in a small cottage in Greenwich Connecticut. As cover, she sold homemade soaps.
The CIA even put out rumors that hundreds of assassination attempts on Castro had all failed. If they were real at all, they were coordinated through Castro’s business partners at Moa Bay Mining and Zapata Oil. With rumors like that, the comic-book status of Castro as “The Invincible One” was assured. The assassination of an American President soon followed.
Castro replaced Gen. Fulgencio Batista, (1901-1973) left. In Castro’s propaganda, Batista was characterized as a “racially impure” Cuban nationalist. Following the collapse in the Cuban economy in the 1930’s, Batista crushed Marxist agitators, and established a constitution in 1940 based on the sovereignty of the Cuban people.
Cuba’s new constitution was therefore contrary to Teddy Roosevelt’s intrusive Platt Amendment of 1901, which attempts to ensconce an army of Zionist know-it-alls and Marine smarty-pants in “Gitmo,” with the authority “to take any action necessary to protect Wall Street-Zionist interests in the Caribbean.” (See Gen. Smedley Butler.) Batista’s 1940 Constitution asserted Cuban sovereignty over national currency for circulation. Batista chartered a Cuban National Bank, and an Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank, to finance internal economic development, intending to build up a stable middle class of inventors, intellectuals and professionals.
(See 1950s CIA training manual by Special Operations Research Office, “Task Revolt” editor Norman La Charite, Case Study in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare — Cuba.)
Under Batista, Cuba’s natural agricultural productivity and machine tool inventiveness finally had support of a local government. Had Batista’s nationalist policies been applied without Marxist-Zionist banker intervention, it would have revived the Cuban economy. But the Marxist-Zionist pirate-bankers who always work through their monopolistic control of foreign trade. Castro’s endless Cuban “trade deficits” were orchestrated to prevent any emergence of internal economic sovereignty, especially for agriculture (for food and health, not sugar and money) and for development of Cuba’s immense mineral wealth.
Batista also made provisions to dissolve the extreme concentration of economic power in the hands of a few Zionist-owned sugar companies — who by use of fancy lawyers, including Fidel Castro, and by compromised judges, had accumulated ownership of 70% of Cuba’s arable land, thereby unleashing unstable (i.e. “Marxist-ready”) populations of wandering tenant farmers, penniless wage-workers and peasants living by subsistence.
To prevent a Marxist-Zionist takeover of Cuba, by an internal insurgency using a “liquefied” and “Marxist-ready” population, Batista proposed educational reforms for the formation of a creative middle class, and for redistribution of the vast barren and unused lands of the “U.S.-owned” sugar plantations to Cuban family farmers.
In short, if the Batista model of Cuba were to succeed, it would have set a dangerous example for the economic potential of constitutional sovereignty, in Cuba, in the United States, and throughout the Caribbean and South and Central America. Batista’s concept of Cuban national sovereignty had to be destroyed.
Quoting from the above mentioned CIA training manual, by Norm La Charite, “Castro was a rebel by and in reality long before Batista’s second period of power. As president of the Law School student body, he became involved in campus politics, which many times reached violent proportions at the University of Havana. He was also one of the founders of Unión Insurreccional Revolucionaria (UIR), a terroristic organization [later to emerge as model for Al Qieda], which allegedly dealt in political assassination. Castro was arrested several times in connection with murder, but was never convicted. In 1947 he took part in an abortive plot to overthrow Rafael Trujillo, then dictator of the Dominican Republic. The Cayo Confites expedition, as it is called, was stopped before it got underway.
Many researchers propose that Castro was involved in the 1948 assassination of a popular Columbian politician, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán (1903 – 1948). It is widely speculated that Gaitán would likely have been elected President had he not been assassinated on April 9, 1948. Castro had attempted to recruit Gaitán earlier to his cause, but Gaitán had repeatedly declined and was assassinated because he was too politically influential and would have countered the Cold War objectives of the USSR in the Caribbean.
Gaitán was a Bogatá attorney who gained national popularity by successfully defending striking workers at the United Fruit Company. UFC was represented by Sullivan & Cromwell, a N.Y. City law firm of which John Foster Dulles was partner. (Dulles was also Sec. of State; his brother Allen was Director of the CIA; and John Moors Cabot, past president of UFC, was Asst. Sec. of State for Inter-American Affairs.) In his speeches, Gaitán distinguished between the “political country,” which was controlled by an oligarchy through use of fictitious internal struggles, orchestrated between “Liberal” and “Conservative” factions, and the “national country,” which responds to the real political and economic needs of a nation of people.
In 1999, during President Clinton’s administration, the FBI was investigating a case where the Cuban government was directly involved in drug trafficking. It definitely was, and the ring leader was Cuban General Ramiro Valdes Menendez, a “Hero of the Cuban Revolution,” a loyal ally of Fidel Castro since 1953 when he was a member of Castro’s insurgents who attacked the Cuban Army’s Moncada Barracks. That loyalty has endured over 60 years, and the Castro brothers have rewarded Valdes with many high-level positions in the Cuban government, to include Minister of Interior, the powerful overlord of the Cuban internal security services. He’s been a member of the Cuban Communist Party’s Politburo since 1965.
In 2000, a highly credible FBI cooperating witness (CW), a foreign national (name and nationality are known, but omitted) thoroughly vetted by the FBI, was an eyewitness to a one-on-one meeting between Valdes and Colombian Cali Cartel chief Miguel Rodriguez Abadia in Havana, Cuba and the CW provided convincing reporting on the Cuban government’s complicity in international drug trafficking. Valdes was in the uniform pictured above during the meeting. After the CW watched Valdes and Rodriguez meet in a public setting (exact place and date known, but omitted), Rodriguez returned to the CW’s table and later that day offered the following information tied to the Cali Cartel’s drug shipments through Cuba. Here are some details. (There’s a simple explanation of WHY Rodriguez gave this information to the CW. He fully trusted the CW as a confidant because they both were planning a multi-ton shipment of cocaine to the U.S. through Mexico. The name of the Mexican organization and some of the Mexicans involved are known, but omitted.)
Cali drug shipments were originally sent to Cuba via fishing vessels, but now most of the shipments were flown into Cuba by DC-3 cargo aircraft departing air strips in Venezuela. Valdes dictated these terms to Rodriguez Abadia.
Valdes is paid 20% of the value of each shipment on a strict cash-only basis (note: type of currency not reported, but presumably dollars for the cash-strapped, heavily indebted Castro regime). This expense covered securing and offloading the drug shipment upon arrival, transporting it to the port of departure, usually Havana or Matanzas, and onloading the drugs on departing ships. Destination ports were chiefly in Europe, with the Netherlands and Spain topping the list. No drugs transiting Cuba were shipped to the U.S.
No drugs would remain on the island or sold in Cuba.
Valdes controlled the quantity of drugs flown into Cuba, which Rodriguez said was 1,000 to 1,700 kilos of cocaine per shipment, normally sent to Cuba every 10-15 days. Using the least frequent figures provided by Rodriguez to the CW – 1,000 kilos every 15 days – would mean that a minimum of 24 metric tons of Cali Cartel cocaine were moving through Cuba annually. At an $18,000/kilo wholesale price, Valdes’s demand for 20% of the value of the drug shipments for handling charges would generate a minimum of over $86 million in cash of untraceable annual revenue to the Cuban government.
Because of the potential nature of this case (the CW’s direct access to the leader of the Cali Cartel, with conclusive evidence such as phone conversations between the two taped by the FBI), its progress was briefed to FBI Director Louis Freeh and Clinton’s Attorney General, Janet Reno. It is highly likely that this particular portion of the case, the eyewitness account of the meeting between Valdes and Rodriguez, was brought to the attention of President Clinton because of the possible broad political impact on foreign policy between the U.S. and Cuba.
A few words about Cali Cartel chief William Rodriguez Abadia, pictured here.
Pretty nerdy looking guy, eh? He’s a well-educated lawyer, and, although he claims he never murdered anyone or ordered any murders, it is probably not true. Who admits to murder in a media interview, which is when he made this claim? But his father, Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela, murdered and his uncle, Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela, did also. Plus Jose Santacruz Londono. Those three men were the founders of the Cali Cartel, the world’s most powerful and wealthy criminal organization in the 1980s and 1990s. After his father, uncle, and Santacruz were wrapped up by the Colombian National Police, William took the reins in 1995. In his own words to a U.S. reporter, “I wanted the power.”
He got just that. And more. A year later, in May 1996, he was the target of a vicious hit job during a luncheon in Cali that killed 6 people, but William survived his critical wounds. 5 years later, in 2001, he went into hiding, which coincides with his last contact with the CW (exact date known, but omitted). 5 years after that, in 2006, he surrendered to U.S. authorities, pleaded guilty to certain charges, and cooperated to reduce his sentence to 5 years instead of 20.
Something important happened shortly BEFORE that meeting in Havana between General Valdes and Miguel Rodriguez in 2000. A young Cuban child named Elian Gonzalez arrived in the U.S. in 1999 after his mother and 13 other Cubans tried to flee Cuba. Storms sank the boat they were in, Elian’s mother drowned, but Elian and one other survived, were rescued and brought to the U.S. Via court order, Elian Gonzalez was returned to the Cuban government on June 28, 2000. Who can forget this frightening picture when Elian was forcibly taken at gunpoint from his relatives in Florida and later flown to Cuba?
If the meeting between Valdes and Rodriguez had taken place BEFORE the Gonzalez case was decided, one can imagine that MAYBE Clinton and Reno would have taken a completely different legal path on the Elian Gonzalez case. But even more importantly, both Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright might have moved to a much more hardline approach to relations with Cuba. Might have. Both of them knew, from intelligence information and much publicly available information, that the Cuban government was dead broke and the Cuban economy was in shambles. It would make sense that a desperate Castro would turn to drug trafficking to raise much needed money. And Castro did just that, through his trusted friend and loyal ally, Ramiro Valdes.
Unfortunately, Clinton did nothing for several possible reasons. In the presidential campaign season of the summer of 2000, his second administration was coming to an end in a few months, and he had more important political business to attend, helping Vice President Al Gore get elected. Then there is the fact that in 1999 he eased travel restrictions to Cuba for “cultural exchanges” and approved a 2-game exhibition in Cuba between the Baltimore Orioles and Cuba’s national baseball team. A pivot to a harder line policy on Cuba would have amounted to a rebuke of his own and the Democrat Party’s longstanding efforts to improve relations with Cuba, which started with President Carter’s establishment of mutual “interest sections” in Havana and Washington DC in 1977 and ended with President Obama’s approval of formal diplomatic relations with Cuba in 2015.
Post 9/11, there is additional reporting that this case was transferred from the lead FBI field office in the southern US (specific field office is known, but omitted) to the FBI’s field office in Manhattan. Later, the Southern District of New York, which includes Manhattan, issued an indictment for William Rodriguez Abadia on November 12, 2002. The Cuban aspect of the case was explosive, and the best way to ignore or bury the Cuban angle was to send the case to an FBI office swamped with 9/11 terrorist investigations and turn it over to friendly prosecutors who would focus on leads solely based on U.S – Cali Cartel ties. As noted above, the Cuban government was helping to send the cocaine to Europe, not the U.S. Smart move by the Cubans. No U.S. laws were broken.
At the time of the case transfer, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York was either Mary Jo White (appointed by President Clinton in 1993 and served until January 2, 2002) or James Comey (appointed by President Bush and served January 7, 2002 to December 15, 2003). Comey was the U.S. Attorney when William Rodriguez was indicted. He was Director of the FBI and responsible for the highly controversial decision on the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton. Mary Jo White was chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Both were appointees of President Obama.
Today we are left with an international outlaw regime in Cuba, recognized as legitimate by the U.S. government, that has undermined our allies in Europe by helping to send huge shipments of drugs to their countries. Some very important people in our government knew this and said nothing. That is not how a friend treats friends.