Taking Back Our Stolen History


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is an agency of the US Dept. of Defense that was formed in 1958 (as ARPA), the scientific vanguard of the Deep State, and the world’s pioneer of advanced technology, bringing science fiction to life. With an on-the-record annual budget of close to the $3 billion, their role in our world seems to be to absorb any and all human innovation and re-direct it toward the art of killing and controlling people. A simple internet search of ‘DARPA’ reveals an endless array of incredibly cool and creepy science projects, and public science competitions designed to discover and recruit the greatest upcoming scientific minds the human race produces. (source)

One of the best ways to describe the U.S. Department of Defense and DARPA is to use the Star Wars moniker “Evil Empire” to describe its international, secretive agenda to take over the world and turn all of us into neo-feudal slaves who have no choice but to give allegiance to the controllers of the universe—Darth Vader and the Sith Lords. Read more…

Lawsuit Exposes COVID Jabs As Unsafe Transhumanist Gene Therapies

Lawsuit Exposes COVID Jabs As Unsafe Transhumanist Gene Therapies

New discoveries filed in the U.S. District Court of Middle Florida against COVID-19 vaccine makers, advertisers, and distributors by a Harvard-trained public health expert, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, reveal an enterprise secreting critical information about the actual activities of Harvard’s indicted nano-chemistry professor, Charles Lieber, his connections to the alleged “plandemic,” and the “conspiracy theory” embraced by a consensus of best-informed most-honorable scientists. Among this growing ...
DARPA Launches Project CHARIOT in Bid to Protect Big Tech Profits / Give Backdoor Access to IOT

DARPA Launches Project CHARIOT in Bid to Protect Big Tech Profits / Give Backdoor Access to IOT

ARPA announces a new type of cryptography to protect the Big Tech firm profits from the dawn of quantum computers and allow backdoor access into 3 trillion internet-connected devices. by Raul Diego The U.S. Military-Industrial complex is sprinting on a chariot to shore up the encryption space before the next era of computation upends the entire digital edifice built on semiconductors and transistors. But, the core ...
Peruvian Doctor claims Recent Advancements in Brain Chip Technology Could be due to “Secret, Forced, and Illicit Human Experimentation” by Big Tech & Rogue Government

Peruvian Doctor claims Recent Advancements in Brain Chip Technology Could be due to “Secret, Forced, and Illicit Human Experimentation” by Big Tech & Rogue Government

A doctor from Peru claims that recent advancements in brain chip technology could be due to “secret, forced, and illicit human experimentation” by a consortium of transnational tech companies and governments operating outside of the law. A 2016 paper published in the Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine warned that “secret, forced, and illicit human experimentation” could be happening in Latin America, where poverty stricken masses are ...
Big Tech & Big Brother meet at Facebook HQ to discuss how to ‘secure’ US elections

Big Tech & Big Brother meet at Facebook HQ to discuss how to ‘secure’ US elections

Security teams for Facebook, Google, Twitter and Microsoft met with the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence’s office to coordinate a strategy to secure the 2020 elections. The tech platforms met with government officials at Facebook’s Menlo Park headquarters on Wednesday, the company has confirmed, boasting that Big Tech and Big Brother have developed a “comprehensive strategy” to get control ...
Scathing Report Accuses the Pentagon of Developing an Agricultural Bioweapon

Scathing Report Accuses the Pentagon of Developing an Agricultural Bioweapon

A new technology in which insects are used to genetically modify crops could be converted into a dangerous, and possibly illegal, bioweapon, alleges a Science Policy Forum report released today. Naturally, the organization leading the research says it’s doing nothing of the sort. The report is a response to a ongoing research program funded by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Dubbed “Insect Allies,” ...
Whistleblower: DARPA, CIA Scientist and Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan Speaks at The Bases Project Conference, Exposes Mind Control Techniques

Whistleblower: DARPA, CIA Scientist and Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan Speaks at The Bases Project Conference, Exposes Mind Control Techniques

I will begin by saying, we are living in a time where the dangers of Military technology is now beyond our control. We live as guinea pigs in a world where those with the power, knowledge and technology keep us from our true freedom. To live with free will in this beautiful world. They manipulate us, direct us and destroy everything that was truly divine and ...
Orwellian Windows 10 Released by Microsoft with Built-in Spy Tools

Orwellian Windows 10 Released by Microsoft with Built-in Spy Tools

Microsoft launched Windows 10 on September 30, 2014, promoting the event as the largest software update ever. Unlike previous releases, the new version has been offered by Microsoft to all domestic users as a free upgrade. Over 14 million users are reported to have downloaded and installed it within the first 24 hours of its release. Most probably never bothered reading the 34-page privacy policy and user ...
Whistleblower Reveals Secret DARPA Mind Control Project At Major University

Whistleblower Reveals Secret DARPA Mind Control Project At Major University

What if the government could change people’s moral beliefs or stop political dissent through remote control of people’s brains? Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, a leaked document reveals that the US government, through DARPA research, is very close to accomplishing this. Activist Post was recently contacted by an anonymous whistleblower who worked on a secret ongoing mind-control project for DARPA. The aim of the program ...
C.I.A. DARPA Mind Control Program for Social Media to maniplate political "narratives"

C.I.A. DARPA Mind Control Program for Social Media to maniplate political “narratives”

An anonymous whistleblower revealed a secret C.I.A. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) a C.I.A. mind control program conducted by The Center for Strategic Comminications based at the University of Arizona. The head of the project, Steve Corman, has worked extensively in the area of strategic communication as it applies to terrorism and "extremism"—or what could be called that targeted Christianity and Islam. The secret government ...
U.S. Army Sponsored Artificial Intelligence Surveillance System Attempts to Predict The Future - 'Minority Report' Style

U.S. Army Sponsored Artificial Intelligence Surveillance System Attempts to Predict The Future – ‘Minority Report’ Style

In something that looks straight out of the CBS show "Person of Interest", the science website Phsy.org is reporting on a potentially important breakthrough from researchers at Carnegie Mellon. In research sponsored by the United States Army Research Laboratory, the Carnegie Mellon researchers presented an artificial intelligence system that can watch and predict what a person will 'likely' do in the future using specially programmed software designed to ...