Peter Dale Scott and Noam Chomsky began to use the term deep state to refer to the ‘shadow government, or the relatively small number of Washington and Wall Street player who actually control America. The term was actually coined in Turkey, and is said to be a system composed of high-level elements within the intelligence services, military, security, judiciary, and organized crime. According to Mike Lofgren, a former GOP congressional staff member and author of ‘The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government’, the deep state / shadow government is this:
“A hybrid of corporate America and the national security state, which is an ‘out of control’ and ‘unconstrained’ group of elected and unelected figures who collude to protect and serve powerful vested interests” “It’s heart lies in Washington, DC, but its tentacles reach out to Wall Street, Silicon Valley and over 400,000 contractors, private citizens who have top-secret security clearances. Like any other bureaucracy, it’s groupthink that drives the Deep State.”
Secret societies adherent to the Luciferian doctrine with the aim of destroying religions, families, and governments in order to establish a Satanic new world order are at the heart of this deep state.
Deep State Components
Chronological History of Deep State Related Events:

Washington Examiner Report: FBI worked secretly with hospitals to strip US citizens’ gun rights

Marxist Medical Boards Strip Top Dr. Peter McCullough’s Medical Credentials for Speaking the Truth About COVID Vaccine

Up to 50 Trump Supporters Have Homes Raided by DOJ-FBI Across the US

Arizona LD 3 Republicans Declare National Days Of Prayer

Biden’s DOJ Opens Investigation Into President Trump

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) Letter to AG Garland and FBI Director Wray on Hunter Biden Cover Up

Unknown CTCL (Zuckerbucks NGO) Board Member Pulls Out Miraculous Republican Primary SoS Race Win in Colorado

Fashion Designer Named In Sex Trafficking Lawsuit Against Epstein’s Brother Dies Day Before Ghislaine Maxwell Trial

German Doctor Dies 3 Days After Discovering Graphene in Covid Jab is Razor-like Graphene Hydroxide