Taking Back Our Stolen History
Dr. Judy Mikovits, Arrested, Threatened After Scientific Paper Proves Vaccine Contaminants Were Causing Deaths, Diseases
Dr. Judy Mikovits, Arrested, Threatened After Scientific Paper Proves Vaccine Contaminants Were Causing Deaths, Diseases

Dr. Judy Mikovits, Arrested, Threatened After Scientific Paper Proves Vaccine Contaminants Were Causing Deaths, Diseases

The CDC, NIH and even the EPA have long histories of threatening scientists with being harmed or killed if they don’t fall in line with the prevailing lies of the establishment. In some cases, they’ve even imprisoned scientists for fraud after those individuals refused to retract their papers. This has been especially common in research areas such as HIV / AIDS, pandemics and vaccines. Any scientist who finds fault with the establishment is destroyed, imprisoned or murdered.

In 2011, Dr. Judy Mikovits made a horrifying discovery that was contaminating all vaccinations. When supervising government authorities were presented with this scientific information they told her to destroy all her data and placed a gag order on her for four years, threatening jail if she spoke out.

Dr Judy Mikovits has a PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry. She is a PhD biochemist, molecular biologist with over 30 years of experience. She has directed programs on HIV, cancer, epigenetics and neuroimmune disease with a focus on development of novel drug and diagnostic technologies.

In 2011 when she made a horrifying discovery that was contaminating all vaccinations, she presented her data to government officials and was threatened and told to destroy all her data. When she did not, she was jailed, her career systematically destroyed, and a gag order put in place for four years threatening that if she spoke out she would be thrown back in jail.

Dr. Mikovits has written a revolutionary book called “Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases.” The book details the discovery and consequences of retroviruses in vaccines and their effects on current health issues.

Dr. Mikovits is interviewed by film maker Mikki Willis in the heavily big tech censored video “Plandemic” where she is finally able to tell her story (See Below):

Thanks to Banned.video for providing the platform for this important video above.

This video (below) interview is with The Truth About Vaccines and delves into the cancer-causing viruses that Dr. Mikovits discovered.

Dr. Judy Mikovits is a modern-day Rosalind Franklin, a brilliant researcher shaking up the old boys’ club of science with her ground-breaking discoveries.  And like many women who have trespassed into the world of men, she uncovered decades old secrets that many would prefer to stay buried. From her doctoral thesis, which changed the treatment of HIV-AIDS, saving the lives of millions, including basketball great, Magic Johnson, to her spectacular discovery of a new family of human retroviruses, and her latest research which points to a new golden age of health, Dr. Mikovits has always been on the leading edge of science.

Check out her new book, Plague of Corruption

Source: https://healthfreedomidaho.org/dr-judy-mikovits-made-a-horrifying-discovery-is-contaminating-all-vaccinations/