Traditional Athenian law code allegedly introduced by Draco c. 621 BCE. Aristotle, the chief source for knowledge of Draco, claims that his were the first written Athenian laws and that Draco established a constitution enfranchising hoplites, the lower class soldiers. The Draconian laws were most noteworthy for their harshness; they were said to be written in blood, rather than ink. Death was prescribed for almost all criminal offenses. Solon, who was the archon (magistrate) in 594 BCE, later repealed Draco’s code and published new laws, retaining only Draco’s homicide statutes. Modern scholarship tends to be skeptical of the Draconian tradition. The hoplite constitution was certainly a later invention. Little is known of the laws, but even the homicide laws probably underwent change by the 4th century BCE. (Britannica)
Chronological History of Events Related to Draconian laws / tactics

Australian Military Summoned to Relocate COVID-19 Positive and “Close Contacts” to Quarantine Camps

Fisherman Publicly Executed In North Korea For Listening To Foreign Radio Broadcast

Germany Bans Gatherings Of More Than TWO People

Since Feeding the Homeless is Illegal in Dallas, Activists Carry AR-15s to Give Out Food, Supplies

Federal Judge Bans Healthy Children from School for Being Unvaccinated

Italian Law Relaxing Vaccination Requirements for Public Schools Expires and Unvaccinated Children are Banned from School

India Orders ‘Staggering’ Eviction of 1 Million Indigenous People. Some Environmentalists are Cheering.

Illegal Beheads Baby in Germany, so Police Raid Man who Revealed Crime

President Putin Signs the Draconian “Yarovaya Law”