Taking Back Our Stolen History


Compared to 34 other modernized countries, the United States currently ranks 20th in literacy, 30th in math, 23rd in science out of 34 industrialized nations according to the recent report put out by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). (Source) The United States has fallen to rank 49th in life expectancy of 120 countries while maintaining the dubious rank of being number one in incarcerations, military spending, childhood obesity, hours of television watched, student debt and the highest national debt any country has ever incurred in history.

These continual poor performance rankings persist despite spending more on education than any other country with the exception of Switzerland, who ranks in the top five in education. Currently, only 64% of students who begin college graduate within six years. Those who do graduate have collectively amassed over one trillion dollars in long term student debt. It is of no surprise that over 72% of students who have finished college in the past three years have moved back in with their parents. Additionally, young adults between the ages of 18-26 also have the highest unemployment rate in this country putting further strain on middle class families.

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Dumbing Down  Indoctrination  Godless Education  Public Schools  Sex Education  University / College

Chronological History of the Education Takeover

Maine Education Commissioner Dr. Augustus Thomas: "If There are Those who Think we are to Jump Immediately into a New World Order... They are Doomed to Disappointment."

Maine Education Commissioner Dr. Augustus Thomas: “If There are Those who Think we are to Jump Immediately into a New World Order… They are Doomed to Disappointment.”

THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR OF AUGUST 8, 1927 quoted from an address to the World Federation of Education Associations (WFEA) at their Toronto, Canada conference delivered by Dr. Augustus Thomas, commissioner of education for the state of Maine. Excerpts from Dr. Thomas’s revealing address follow: If there are those who think we are to jump immediately into a new world order, actuated by complete understanding and ...
Tennessee vs. John Thomas Scopes, or the SCOPES “MONKEY TRIAL,” Took Place in Dayton, Tennessee. Should the Theory of Evolution be Taught in Schools?

Tennessee vs. John Thomas Scopes, or the SCOPES “MONKEY TRIAL,” Took Place in Dayton, Tennessee. Should the Theory of Evolution be Taught in Schools?

This trial was an important educational milestone regarding the teaching of the theory of evolution in public schools. Scopes, who was conned into being the accused teacher (claims he never even taught the theory), pitted two famous barristers of the day—William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow—against each other. The basic argument of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the evolutionists’ was that evolutionary theory should ...
The US Supreme Court Ruled in Pierce v. Society of Sisters that States could not Compel Children to Attend Public Schools. "The Child is Not the Mere Creature of the State"

The US Supreme Court Ruled in Pierce v. Society of Sisters that States could not Compel Children to Attend Public Schools. “The Child is Not the Mere Creature of the State”

Pierce v. Society of Sisters, the U.S. Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a 1922 Oregon law that compelled children aged eight to sixteen to attend not just a school, but the public schools. The Oregon compulsory public education law was sponsored by the Ku Klux Klan, Federated Patriotic Societies, the Masons, and smaller groups that appealed to white supremacist, anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic, and nativist beliefs. Drawing on popular ...
The Frankfurt School, an Illuminati Think-tank, is Formed by Marxist Philosophers

The Frankfurt School, an Illuminati Think-tank, is Formed by Marxist Philosophers

Western civilization at the present day is passing through a crisis which is essentially different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies in the past have changed their social institutions or their religious beliefs under the influence of external forces or the slow development of internal growth. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the ...
Rockefeller Foundation Contributed $357 Million to Medical Schools Around the World in 1921

Rockefeller Foundation Contributed $357 Million to Medical Schools Around the World in 1921

According to the Rockefeller Foundation annual report, the Rockefeller Foundation Contributed $357 million to Medical Schools Around the World in 1921. This was the continued plan to spread the drug-based approach to the most prominent schools around the world while continuing to label homeopathy as outdated and its practitioners as 'quacks' ...
"The General Education Board" was Established by "Mr. Rockefeller... to Gain Control of the Educational Institutions of the Country"

“The General Education Board” was Established by “Mr. Rockefeller… to Gain Control of the Educational Institutions of the Country”

Dr. W. J. Spillman, former chief of the Federal Farm Management Bureau of the Department of Agriculture, stated in a letter to the New York Globe: "Nine years ago I was approached by an agent of Mr. Rockefeller with the statement that his object in establishing the General Education Board was to gain control of the educational institutions of the country so that all men employed ...
Senator Poindexter: "The Cult of Rockefeller, Carnegie…to be guarded against in the educational system of this country!"

Senator Poindexter: “The Cult of Rockefeller, Carnegie…to be guarded against in the educational system of this country!”

During the crucial years of the school changeover from academic institution to behavioral modification instrument, the radical nature of the metamorphosis caught the attention of a few national politicians who spoke out, but could never muster enough strength for effective opposition. In the Congressional Record of January 26, 1917, for instance, Senator Chamberlain of Oregon entered these words: They are moving with military precision all along ...
NEA Annual Mtg: "the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations... control the policies,... menace true academic freedom and defeat the primary purpose of democracy..."

NEA Annual Mtg: “the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations… control the policies,… menace true academic freedom and defeat the primary purpose of democracy…”

The philanthropic agenda of the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations was made explicit in 1914 when the National Education Association passed a resolution at its annual meeting from July 4-11 in St. Paul, Minnesota. An excerpt follows: We view with alarm the activity of the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations—agencies not in any way responsible to the people—in their efforts to control the policies of our State educational ...
Walsh Committee Created: Findings Later Concluded that "Colleges had Surrendered their Religious Identifications... to Comply with Foundation Requirements to Receive Grants..."

Walsh Committee Created: Findings Later Concluded that “Colleges had Surrendered their Religious Identifications… to Comply with Foundation Requirements to Receive Grants…”

The Walsh Committee was created to review industrial relations and scrutinize US labor laws. The commission studied work conditions throughout the industrial United States between 1913 and 1915. The final report of the Commission, published in eleven volumes in 1916, contain tens of thousands of pages of testimony from a wide range of witnesses, including scores of ordinary workers, and the titans of capitalism, including Daniel Guggenheim, George ...
'The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion' Excerpts Were First Published in Serialized Form, in a St. Petersburg Newspaper. Were They Authentic?

‘The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion’ Excerpts Were First Published in Serialized Form, in a St. Petersburg Newspaper. Were They Authentic?

The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion, a document detailing the 1800's minutes of meetings where Jewish leaders discussed their goal of global Jewish domination by subverting the morals of Gentiles and by controlling the press and the world's economies, is first published in serialized form with excerpts for the general public to freely read on August 28, 1903. In 1884, the daughter of ...