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According to court transcripts, Niebla was allowed to import “multi-ton quantities of cocaine” into the U.S. as a result of his working relationship with the FBI, Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Administration.
But the notion that Fast and Furious was solely an effort to isolate the Los Zetas cartel isn’t consistent with the fact that one of the gang’s kingpins told Mexican federal police that the group purchased its weapons directly from U.S. government officials inside America. “They are bought in the U.S. The buyers (on the U.S. side of the border) have said in the past that sometimes they would acquire them from the U.S. Government itself,” Rejón Aguilar told police.
Michael A. Walsh explained this in an article in the New York Post…. He said that:
…the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives apparently ordered one of its own agents to purchase firearms with taxpayer money, and sell them directly to a Mexican drug cartel.
As Infowars reported years ago, former DEA agent Cele Castillo has blown the whistle on how the US government controls the Los Zetas drug smuggling gang and uses it as the front group for their narco-empire.
With the gang having first been trained at the infamous School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia, Castillo affirms that Los Zetas are still working for the US government in protecting drug routes to keep the wheels of Wall Street well-oiled. Castillo has gone on the record to state that the commandos are working directly for the US government drug cartel in carrying out hits on rival drug smugglers who aren’t paying their cut.
Lt. Col. Matt Smith-Meck, an expert researcher investigating Fast and Furious on behalf of slain border patrol agent Brian Terry’s family, says, “Not only is it guns and rifles, but also grenades, grenade launchers, military grade night vision goggles, black special forces tactical uniforms,” adding that the number of military items relinquished is “more in the magnitude of 4,700.” Smith-Meck also believes, as does former military pilot and whistleblower Tosh Plumlee, that Fast and Furious is only part of a much larger international gun running operation with ties to Morocco confirmed. He and Kent Terry (brother of Brian Terry) point out many other important details from their research in the interview below:
Fast and Furious served a dual purpose for the Obama administration. Evidence indicates the program was also a plot on behalf of the administration to discredit the second amendment (as already noted). While the feds were selling guns to Mexican drug gangs, Obama was simultaneously blaming drug violence on the flow of guns from border states to Mexico.
Even after the revelations surrounding the program became public, the ATF cited the trafficking of guns to Mexico as justification for a new regulation that has led to ATF intimidation of both gun sellers and purchasers as well as the clandestine Operation Choke Point where banks and credit card processors were pressured to ‘choke out’ gun sellers and other similar businesses. The new ATF policy arrived months after President Obama told gun control advocate Sarah Brady that his administration was working “under the radar” to sneak attack the second amendment. During a March 30 meeting between Jim and Sarah Brady and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, at which Obama “dropped in,” and the president reportedly told Brady, “I just want you to know that we are working on it (gun control)….We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.” (Source)
Gun Dealer Punished (minimally)
In 2013, Ian Garland, the firearms dealer caught up in the Justice Department’s Fast and Furious scandal won an early release from prison after a federal judge ruled that prosecutors overcharged him in alleging he sold high-powered weapons to smugglers working for a violent drug cartel in Mexico. He was released in December 2013 after a court hearing in Las Cruces, N.M., showed that he was given a longer sentence because the court was misinformed that some of the weapons he sold were fully automatic machine guns, rather than rifles and pistols. He served only half of his five-year sentence.
Garland said agents with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives encouraged him to keep selling the weapons to a group of city officials in Columbus who were under investigation for smuggling the rifles and pistols to the cartels. “I was told to keep selling. They went on and on about that,” Garland said. “They kept coming around and even interviewing me at my house.”
Journalist Jack Cashill, the author of You Lie! — The Evasions, Omissions, Fabrications, Frauds, and Outright Falsehoods of Barack Obama, feels that the gun storeowners “were in no position to blow the whistle on Fast and Furious or support people like original whistleblower John Dodson because they are dependent on the government and are so heavily regulated. The government is able to tie their hands and make their life a living hell like they did with John.”
The entire scheme seems now to have been created to have many guns in the hands of killers, drug lords, et al. and to become a stimulus for Congress to enact stricter gun laws for all Americans. The Trump Department of Justice is planning to reopen an investigation of Fast and Furious and its predecessors. This is long overdue.
- Infowars
- Washington Times
- Newsmax.com
- NY Post
- AxisOfLogic.com
- Forbes
- Investors.com
- Oversight Committee
- CBS News
- Fox News
- USA Today
- Judicial Watch
- Salem News
Recommeded Books:
Seasoned CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson reveals how she has been electronically surveilled while digging deep into the Obama Administration and its scandals, and offers an incisive critique of her industry and the shrinking role of investigative journalism in today’s media.
Americans are at the mercy of powerful figures in business and government who are virtually unaccountable. The Obama Administration in particular has broken new ground in its monitoring of journalists, intimidation and harassment of opposition groups, and surveillance of private citizens.
Sharyl Attkisson has been a journalist for more than thirty years. During that time she has exposed scandals and covered controversies under both Republican and Democratic administrations. She has also seen the opponents of transparency go to ever greater lengths to discourage and obstruct legitimate reporting.
Attkisson herself has been subjected to “opposition research” efforts and spin campaigns. These tactics increased their intensity as she relentlessly pursued stories that the Obama Administration dismissed. Stonewalled is the story of how her news reports were met with a barrage of PR warfare tactics, including online criticism, as well as emails and phone calls up the network chain of command in an effort to intimidate and discourage the next story. In Stonewalled, Attkisson recounts her personal tale, setting it against the larger story of the decline of investigative journalism and unbiased truth telling in America today.
They called it “…the perfect storm of idiocy.” The Gunwalker scandal encompassed the resources of multiple Federal agencies including Eric Holder’s Department of Justice, the DEA, CIA, FBI, DHS and the ATF; it was the most profoundly misguided law enforcement effort in our nation’s history…but it’s only half the story. Before the scandal was finally exposed two Americans lay dead. US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry killed in a fire-fight with a drug cartel rip-crew and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jamie Zapata who died in an ambush deep in Mexican cartel territory. The scandal is they both died in gunfights where the criminals left behind firearms supplied originally by agents of the ATF in Operation Fast and Furious. Worse, it appears the plans had been to intentionally traffick firearms to Mexican narco-terrorists and then blame American gun owners and gun stores in order to leverage onerous anti-rights gun control legislation. The meticulously footnoted research in this book details how the ATF and FBI use a computer program called “e-Trace” to collect private information on law-abiding citizens and then with a digital portal called “Armas Cruzadas” provide that information on American citizens to over thirty foreign governments, many of them with long histories of corruption. Here is the story that has not been told about the much larger and more dangerous source of Mexican cartel firearms—an international culture of crime that includes the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas, their state sponsors of terror in Iran and Syria as well as Central and South American Islamic radicals and incredibly…our own US State Department. Revealed here for the first time, it is an alliance known to Federal law enforcement since at least the 1970’s. It is now largely funded not only by Iran and Syria, but by American Muslims funneling cash for radical Jihad through illegal money-laundering operations back over the same shared Arizona trails used by their drug cartel partners. This exposé includes “Secret” US embassy cables proving Eric Holder lied to the American public about Mexico’s “iron river of guns” and the number of firearms found at Mexican crime scenes; confidential emails between ATF agents looking for data to support President Obama’s gun control agenda; Federal court documents filed by Sinaloa drug cartel officers revealing a deal with the US Government to trade information on competing cartels in exchange for guns in the Operation Fast and Furious venture. Extensive endnotes detail the complete and stunning investigative reports by House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) as well as the infamous Muslim Brotherhood’s Explanatory Memorandum revealing their strategic and violent plan for the takeover of the United States.
A bloody scandal and its shameless cover-up:No scandal is more threatening to the Obama administration than Operation Fast and Furious. While other scandals involve money, Fast and Furious involves lives, including that of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, gunned down with a weapon that the federal government put in the hands of Mexico’s narco-terrorists.As shocking as Operation Fast and Furious was—and this book explains, in chilling detail, just what this operation conducted by the ATF, under the supervision of the Justice Department, entailed—equally appalling is the blatant cover-up of wrongdoing by the Obama administration. No reporter has been more dogged in tracking down the facts about Fast and Furious than Katie Pavlich. In her stunning new book she reveals: (1) The documents that undermine the White House’s claims of ignorance about Fast and Furious, (2) how Eric Holder, President Obama’s attorney general, has, under oath, repeatedly changed his testimony, (3) the still mounting death toll from Fast and Furious, (4) the retaliation against Fast and Furious whistleblowers, (5) why Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano might be charged with perjury, (6) the Obama administration’s continuing assault on Second Amendment rights, (7) why Fast and Furious could be a bigger scandal than Watergate, (8) unraveling the mystery of what Fast and Furious was all about, Katie Pavlich delivers a stunning indictment of a radical administration willing to trample the Constitution and risk lives to achieve its ideological goals.
A hard-hitting inside account of the Fast and Furious scandal—the government-sponsored program intended to “win the drug war” by providing and tracking gun sales across the border to Mexico—from whistle-blower and ATF agent John Dodson.
After the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, John Dodson pulled bodies out of the wreckage at the Pentagon. In 2007, following the shooting massacre at Virginia Tech, John Dodson walked through the classrooms, heartbroken, to cover up the bodies of the victims.
Then came Arizona. The American border.
Ten days before Christmas, 2010, ATF agent John Dodson awoke to the news he had dreaded every day as a member of the elite team called the Group VII Strike Force: a U.S. border patrol agent named Brian Terry had been shot dead by bandits armed with guns that had been supplied to them by ATF. Was this an inevitable consequence of the Obama administration’s Project Gunrunner, set in place one year earlier ostensibly to track Mexican drug cartels?
Brian Terry’s murder would not only change John Dodson’s life forever; it would reveal a scandal so unthinkably unpatriotic that it forced President Barack Obama to claim executive privilege and caused Attorney General Eric Holder to be held in contempt of Congress.
Federal Agent John Dodson, an ex-military man, took an oath to defend the world’s greatest country, and proudly considered himself a walking patriotic example of the American Dream. Brian Terry, ex-military like Dodson, was only forty years old, a family man who served his country by working for the government.
Dodson was terrified when the next phone call came, one with the potential to destroy his career, his family, and his life. CBS investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson asked Dodson to go public with what he knew about Fast and Furious. To Agent Dodson, this meant blowing the whistle. But to the family of Agent Terry, it was a chance to save lives and right a wrong. As he took a fight from the border towns of Arizona to a showdown in the halls of Congress, John Dodson clung to the hope that truth would prevail, that he would be redeemed, and that Brian Terry’s death would not be in vain.
Like whistle-blowers before him, John would not be welcome back on the job. But he found strength in his conscience, in the support of the American public, and in Senators Darryl Issa and Chuck Grassley. When his first-amendment rights to publicly tell his story were threatened, the ACLU took up his case. For her report revealing John Dodson as the key whistle-blower in Fast and Furious, Sharyl Attkisson received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism.
Ultimately, John Dodson was cleared by the Inspector General’s office, publicly heralded as a hero, and returned to Arizona.
Perhaps a lesson gleaned from John Dodson’s powerful account is well stated by former Speaker of the House of Representatives Sam Rayburn: “If you always tell the truth, you don’t have to remember what you said.”