Taking Back Our Stolen History


Taxpayer-Funded Organization Promotes ‘Trans Identity’ to Two-Year-Olds

Taxpayer-Funded Organization Promotes ‘Trans Identity’ to Two-Year-Olds

A taxpayer-funded organization called Zero to Three is promoting transgender identity on two-year-olds, a report from the Washington Free Beacon has found. The top early childhood development organization in the country argues that children as young as two years old can exhibit signs of “transgender identity” and urges teachers to “use tenets of Critical Race Theory” when working with newborns. Zero to Three has received more than $230 ...
Italy Elects Conservative Giorgia Meloni as New Prime Minister

Italy Elects Conservative Giorgia Meloni as New Prime Minister

The globalists who run the European Union, the banks, and the media are all melting down over the election of Italy’s first female Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. On Sunday night, the coalition led by Meloni’s Brothers of Italy (FdI) party won Italy’s election, meaning the country’s first national-conservative government is set to take power. Additionally, the victory is set to make Meloni the first female prime minister in ...
Merriam-Webster Changes its Definition of “Female” to Include Those Who Identify as “the Opposite of Male”

Merriam-Webster Changes its Definition of “Female” to Include Those Who Identify as “the Opposite of Male”

It’s official. The radicals have changed the dictionary definition of what it is to be female. Merriam-Webster has updated their records to reflect the newly-approved Orwellian progressive terminology for defining what a woman actually is. Thanks to Merriam-Webster, Ketanji Jackson doesn’t have to worry about not being a biologist. According to Merriam-Webster, the term ‘female‘ now describes anyone who has “a gender identity that is the opposite of male.” ...
Another Children’s LGBTQ Drag Queen Advocate Charged With Child Pornography

Another Children’s LGBTQ Drag Queen Advocate Charged With Child Pornography

One of Pennsylvania’s popular drag queens, an LGBTQ+ youth adviser, has been charged with 25 counts of child pornography; he allegedly obtained dozens of photos and videos of nude underaged boys performing sex acts. According to the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office, Brice Williams, the drag queen Anastasia Diamond is reported to have downloaded dozens of photos and videos of underaged boys performing sex acts between May and ...
Study: Transgender-Identifying Youth Nearly Doubled in U.S.

Study: Transgender-Identifying Youth Nearly Doubled in U.S.

The number of America’s young people identifying as transgender has almost doubled recently, with citizens ages 13 to 25 accounting for a disproportionate number of that population, according to a new study. The University of California, Los Angeles, law school’s Williams Institute conducted a study based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data showing a massive generational shift in those identifying as the opposite gender to ...
Female Athletes Speak Out at ‘Our Bodies, Our Sports’ Rally on Title IX Anniversary

Female Athletes Speak Out at ‘Our Bodies, Our Sports’ Rally on Title IX Anniversary

Several female athletes are set to speak at an “Our Bodies, Our Sports” rally in D.C. on the 50th anniversary of Title IX going into effect. Competitive swimmer Riley Gaines Barker is one of many who will speak on preserving women-only sports teams on the same day fifty years ago that the Title IX law went into effect to prevent sex-based discrimination in schools. The NCAA deprived ...
Fox News Advocates For Sex Change In Minor Children, Highlighting Parents Who Sexually Reassigned Their 5 Year Old

Fox News Advocates For Sex Change In Minor Children, Highlighting Parents Who Sexually Reassigned Their 5 Year Old

On Friday, the traditionally conservative Fox News aired a story as part of their Pride Month series, which featured a California family who decided to gender transition their, then five-year-old daughter to become a boy. Fox News’ Bryan Lenas reported the story. It featured the now 14-year-old Ryland Whittington and his family from Southern California. The story was part of the “America Together: LGBTQ+ Pride Month” ...
Children Invited on Stage to Perform with Drag Queens in 21+ Gay Bar in Dallas

Children Invited on Stage to Perform with Drag Queens in 21+ Gay Bar in Dallas

Drag queens danced for little children this weekend at Mr. Misster, a gay bar in Dallas, Texas. Mr. Misster put on a children’s drag show for gay pride month. Parents brought their children to the 21+ gay bar on Saturday and cheered them on as they threw money at the queens. Children were also invited to ‘walk the catwalk’ and perform with the drag queens. Videos ...
Pizza Hut features 'drag kids' book for children as young as kindergarten

Pizza Hut features ‘drag kids’ book for children as young as kindergarten

Pizza Hut is featuring a book about "drag kids" as one of the books promoted by its "Book It!" reading incentive program aimed at children in pre-kindergarten through 6th grade. The "Book It!" website features a book titled "Big Wig," and states that the reading is geared toward children in pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade. "Big Wig" is a picture book that "celebrates drag kids," according to ...
So-Called ‘Christian’ Church Hosts Drag Show for 12+ Year-olds

So-Called ‘Christian’ Church Hosts Drag Show for 12+ Year-olds

On May 21st, United Church of Christ (UCC) in Naples, Florida hosted a “Youth Pride Conference,” a free event for kids as young as 12 and featured a “drag show.” Several things are very wrong here. First, in these days of blatant apostasy, we now must clarify and define what a “church” is and what it means to be Christian. It is well known to discerning Bible-believers and ...