Global warming is a theory with four components: (1) The Earth’s surface temperature is rising because of human activity, particularly industrial production and personal consumption; (2) Weather extremes we now experience are more destructive than in the past because of this warming effect; (3) If this trend is not stopped, the planet will soon be unable to sustain human life as we have known it; and (4) The solution is government management of all human activity, including the elimination of private property and personal freedom. The theory is based on junk science and fraud. In other words, it does not exist. The driving force behind this theory comes from politicians, bureaucrats, and those employed by institutions that depend on government funding. All of these benefit from the alleged solution to the alleged problem. The proposed solution requires crushing taxation, confiscation of private property, and denial of freedom-of-choice. The threat of global warming is the bedrock foundation of almost all programs on behalf of totalitarian government based on collectivism. Read more…
Chronological History of the Global Warming Hoax

US Jeep Factory Announces Workers to Be Laid Off Due to Cost to Switch to Electric Vehicles Made in Mexico

EU Passes Resolution to Use Video Games for Propaganda, Cite Ability to ‘Raise Awareness’ of ‘Climate Issues’

Engineered Hurricane Nicole makes Landfall

Engineered Hurricane Ian makes Landfall

Surface Station Report shows 96% of U.S. Climate Data is Corrupted

2-week (Oct 31 thru Nov 12) UN Climate Change (COP26) Summit Ends

New Study Finds that Global Carbon Emissions Have Been Flat for a Decade Despite the Leftist Hysteria

UK PM Boris Johnson: We must ‘build back better’ in a ‘greener…more feminine way’

Fake Fact-Checkers label Washington Times Article on Importance of CO2 as False and Misleading