Taking Back Our Stolen History
Common Terms
Common Terms

Big Brother

  a fictional character and symbol in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. He is ostensibly the leader of Oceania, a totalitarian state wherein the ruling …

Streisand Effect

the phenomenon whereby attempts to carry out internet censorship are counterproductive – resulting in drawing more attention to the information. In 2003, Streisand sued photographer …


(alternately called a left-winger or leftist) is someone who advocates an increase in government spending, power, and control, such as ObamaCare. Liberals often support the …

Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize is a set of six annual international awards bestowed in several categories by Swedish and Norwegian institutions in recognition of academic, cultural, …

Tin Foil Hat

Propoganda designed to cover up a massive government conspiracy beginning in the late 1970’s when the United States government tried to cover up its radio-wave …