Taking Back Our Stolen History
Common Terms
Common Terms


translates as “struggle.” Strictly speaking, jihad does not mean “holy war” as Muslim apologists often point out. However, the question remains as to what sort …


Freedom is defined in Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary as “a state of exemption from the power or control of another.” It is the power and …


The quality or state of being profane. God created our mouth to be “a well of life” (Prov. 10:11). Our language should be uncorrupt and …

Gun Safety

For those who own a gun or are considering owning a gun, following gun safety rules is a necessity. The 4 universal rules of gun …

Sons of Liberty

A secret group of politically dissident colonists formed in the Thirteen American Colonies during the early days of the American Revolution dedicated to fighting against …

Limited Hangout

A propaganda technique of displaying a subset of the available information. It misdirects an incautious audience, because information needs a context for correct interpretation. Subtly …


A form of psychological manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them …


A term originally coined by the Muslim Brotherhood as part of a campaign to advance its totalitarian cause by stigmatizing and silencing those who oppose …

MS-13 Gang

MS-13 was started by Central American immigrants, mainly from El Salvador, in Los Angeles in the 1980s. It has expanded since to include Hondurans, Guatemalans, …