Taking Back Our Stolen History


The state of being poorly endowed in material possessions. Poverty is understood to encompass many different aspects including inadequate consumption, inadequate income and asset base, and inadequate access to …

Fiat Money

an object that has no intrinsic value and is still used as a medium of exchange. The term “fiat” derives from the Latin “fieri” meaning …

Minimum Wage

A globalist psyop to create market barriers to entry for undesired competition. Research by Dr. Joseph J. Sabia has found no link between higher minimum …

Grace Commission

Industrialist Peter Grace and syndicated columnist Jack Anderson formed the commission in 1982 in response to President Reagan’s “Private Sector Survey on Cost Control.” Two …

Peak Oil

A research geologist for Shell Oil Company and later the US Geological Service, King Hubbert, is credited with developing a quantitative technique (Logistic Growth Curve) …

Precious Metal

A rare, naturally occurring metallic chemical element of high economic value. The four primary ones are gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. The Deep State’s manipulation …