Taking Back Our Stolen History
Ideology / Religion
Ideology / Religion


A movement by the elite that aims to transform the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellect …


In the 18th century, the word ‘Jew’ was first introduced in new translations of the King James bible (the 1611 and subsequent editions did not …


Devil worship is a huge element of the Illuminati conspiracy, with Satanic concepts being at the very heart of the rituals and secrecy carried out …


Theosophy, literally “god-wisdom” (Greek: θεοσοφία theosophia), designates several bodies of ideas. The 6th century neo-platonist Pseudo-Dionysius seems to have been the first philosopher the term …


Generally understood, at the very least, to be a system of economics in which government controls all aspects of a society’s production. This is purported …


The religion of secret societies, most of them anyway, is the Luciferian doctrine. The Luciferian conspiracy began with the war in Heaven resulting in Lucifer …