Taking Back Our Stolen History

Rock the Vote

Founded in 1990 by Virgin Records America Co-Chairman Jeff Ayeroff, co Chair Jordan Harris, and Virgin Executive Beverly Lund ostensibly to encourage young people to …

Fox News

(aka Faux News for satirical purposes) is a U.S. cable and satellite news channel that masqurades as a conservative news channel but its cloak is …

Cohen Group

a globalist organization that is dedicated to selling America out to China. It was founded by former Defense Secretary William Cohen, the Biden deal maker …

Tides Foundation

A  San Francisco-based organization which uses a veneer of philanthropy to cloak its real purpose: laundering money to left-wing causes. The Tides Foundation has reportedly received …

Onward Together

A U.S. 501(c)(4) “social welfare” nonprofit corporation in Washingdon DC, founded by none other than Hillary Clinton with her close mate Huma Abedin on her Board. …